Did the Prophets and Messengers make mistakes in their duties?
7:60 The chiefs of his people said, "Indeed we surely see you in clear error." 7:61 He said, "O my people, there is no error in me, but I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds. 7:62 I convey to you the Messages of my Lord and I advise you, and I know from Allah what you do not know. 7:63 Do you wonder that (there) has come to you a reminder from your Lord on a man (from) among you, that he may warn you and that you may fear, and so that you may receive mercy."
3:161 And not is for a Prophet that he defrauds. And whoever (waman) defrauds will bring what he had defrauded (on the) Day (of) Resurrection. Then every soul is repaid in full what it earned and they (will) not be wronged.
(Verse 7:60 says “Messenger”, and there is no error in him, while Verse 3:161 says “Prophet”, and the Verse tells as if a fraud is likely to happen; but all Prophets are Messengers; so there is no error in any of them as well; so Verse 3:161 might be hypothetical, because the Qur’an only tells good things about the Prophets and Messengers (37:181, 19:30-31, 19:41). On the other hand, the sentence “And whoever defrauds” starts with “wa” (and), so, in Arabic, it is a new sentence which may not be related to the previous sentence, so “and whoever defrauds” refers to “anyone” who defrauds, which does not necessarily refer to prophets. See the difference between a Messenger and a Prophet in the link below, “Is there any difference between a Messenger and a Prophet?”, and see also the link below, “Thumma, Wa, and Fa / Chronology in the Qur’an”)(Allah knows best)
7:66 The chiefs of those who disbelieved among his people said, "Indeed, we surely see you in foolishness, and indeed, we think you are of the liars." 7:67 He said, "O my people, there is no foolishness in me but I am a Messenger from the Lord of the worlds. 7:68 I convey to you the Messages of my Lord and I am a trustworthy adviser to you. 7:69 Do you wonder that a reminder has come to you from your Lord on a man from among you, that he may warn you? And remember when He made you successors after the people of Noah, and increased you in stature extensively. So remember the Bounties of Allah so that you may succeed."
7:188 Say, "I have no power for myself to benefit and nor harm, except what Allah wills. And if I would know of the unseen, surely I could have multiplied of the good and no evil would have touched me. I am not except a warner and a bearer of good tidings to a people who believe."
(According to Verse 7:188, he could be touched by evil, but according to the context, it is because he has no power for himself to benefit or harm, then, the Verse says, “I am not except a warner”, so his duty is to be a warner, so, he did not fail in his duty)(And when they say that he is in error (7:60), or in foolishness (7:66) or a liar (7:66), the answer is that he is not what they say, and his duty is that “I am a Messenger from the Lord of the words” (7:61 and 7:67). So, they say it because they deny (29:18) and disbelieve (52:33))(Allah knows best)
7:203 And when you do not bring them a Sign, they say, "Why have you not devised it?" Say, "I only follow what is revealed to me from my Lord. This is enlightenment from your Lord and guidance and mercy for a people who believe."
69:44 And if he had fabricated against Us some sayings, 69:45 We would certainly have seized him by the right hand; 69:46 Then We would certainly have cut off his aorta.
52:33 Or do they say, "He has made it up" Nay, they do not believe.
29:18 And if you deny – then verily nations before you have denied. And there is not upon the Messenger except the clear notification.
53:2 Your companion has not strayed, nor has he erred, 53:3 And he does not speak from the desire. 53:4 It is not except a revelation revealed,
46:9 Say, "I am not a new (one) among the Messengers and nor do I know what will be done with me and with you. I follow that which is revealed to me, and I am not but a clear warner."
40:81 And He shows you His Signs/Verses. Then which of the Signs/Verses of Allah will you deny?
15:9 Indeed, We have sent down the Reminder, and indeed, We are surely its Guardians.
66:4 If you both turn to Allah, so indeed, your hearts are inclined; but if you backup each other against him, then indeed, Allah is his Protector, and Gabriel, and the righteous believers, and the Angels, after that (are his) assistants.
(The Messenger was supported)(Allah knows best)
57:26 And certainly We sent Noah and Abraham, and We placed in their offspring Prophethood and the Scripture; and among them (is) a guided one, but most of them are defiantly disobediently. 57:27 Then We sent Our Messengers on their footsteps and We followed with Jesus, son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel. And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. But the monasticism they innovated - We did not prescribe it for them - only seeking the pleasure of Allah, but they did not observe it with right observance. So We gave those who believed among them their reward, but most of them are defiantly disobediently.
(The sentence “most of them are defiantly disobediently” (57:26, 57:27) does not refer to the Prophets, but, according to the context, it refers to “among their offspring” (57:26); and it also refers to those who disbelieved (57:27))(Allah knows best)
6:83 And this is Our argument, We gave it to Abraham against his people. We raise by degrees whom We will. Indeed, your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing. 6:84 And We bestowed to him Isaac and Jacob, all We guided. And Noah, We guided before; and of his descendants, David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron. And thus We reward the good-doers. 6:85 And Zechariah and John and Jesus and Elias - all (were) of the righteous. 6:86 And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot, and all We preferred over the worlds. 6:87 And from their fathers and their descendants and their brothers - and We chose them and We guided them to a straight path. 6:88 That is the Guidance of Allah, He guides with it whom He wills of His slaves. But if they (had) associated partners, surely (would be) worthless for them what they used to do. 6:89 Those are the ones whom We gave them the Book and the judgment and the Prophethood. But if they disbelieve in it, then indeed, We have entrusted it to a people who are not disbelievers therein.
(It is interpreted that “if they disbelieve in it” does not refer to the Prophets, but people among “their fathers and their descendants and their brothers” (6:87), who are not prophets, but some of them believed, and others didn’t)(Allah knows best)
26:19 And you did your deed which you did, and you (were) of the ungrateful." 26:20 He said, "I did it when I (was) of those who are astray.
(It is interpreted that Verses 26:19-20 refer to when Moses was not a Messenger yet. Similarly, Verse 42:52 says about Muhammad, “thus We have revealed to you an inspiration by Our Command. You did not know what the Book is nor the faith”)(So, once they were Messengers, there was no mistake in their duties)(Allah knows best)
3:79 It is not for any human to whom Allah has given the Book, and the wisdom, and Prophethood to say to the people, "Be my worshipers besides Allah,” but "Be worshipers of the Lord because you have been teaching the Book and you have been studying." 3:80 And he will not order you to take the Angels, and the Prophets as lords. Would he order you to disbelief after you (have become) Muslims?
87:6 We will make you recite, so you will not forget, 87:7 Except what Allah wills. Indeed, He knows the manifest and what is hidden.
(Verses 87:6-7 might be complemented by Verse 16:101, “And when We substitute a Verse in place of a Verse…”)(So, it is not about a Messenger’s duty, but “a Verse in place of a Verse” is done by God. And, also, abolishing of a sign/verse or causing it to be forgotten is done by God (2:106), in order to bring better than it or similar to it (2:106))(Allah knows best)
See also: Is there any difference between a Messenger and a Prophet?
See also: Are you doing it right?
See also: Is there any difference between “Muslim” and “Believer”?
See also: Was Islam designed to satisfy Muhammad's desires?
See also: How do you know the Qur'an is from God?
See also: Was Muhammad a good man or bad man?
See also: Who is the best Prophet?
See also: Thumma, Wa, and Fa / Chronology in the Qur’an
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