Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Are the seven heavens solid objects? Is the sky a protected roof (21:32)? Is the sky a tent / dome (2:22)? Is the sky a guarded canopy (21:32)? Can the sky fall down on people (52:44, 34:9)? Can the sky be rolled up (21:104)?

Are the seven heavens solid objects? Is the sky a protected roof (21:32)? Is the sky a tent / dome (2:22)? Is the sky a guarded canopy (21:32)? Can the sky fall down on people (52:44, 34:9)? Can the sky be rolled up (21:104)?

21:32 And We made the sky a protected roof. But they turn away from its Signs.

(The Verse does not mention the word “solid”, so some non-Muslims make false assumptions. A protected “roof” does not imply that the sky or heaven is something solid, but ozone molecules)(An interpretation is that, according to the context, the sky / a protected roof in Verse 21:32 refers to the atmosphere: the protective roof of the earth. The ozone layer (in the atmosphere) protects the living things on Earth from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation, and from meteorites and small debris, and maintains the heat balance on Earth)(The atmosphere is meant to protect, whether a meteorite might hit the Earth or not, because meteors burn up when they pass though the Earth’s atmosphere)(And also Van Allen radiation belts, which surround the earth, trap the solar wind, the magnetic field deflects those energetic particles and protects the Earth’s atmosphere from destruction (source: wikipedia))(Allah knows best)

34:9 Then, do they not see what is before them and what is behind them of the heaven and the earth? If We will, We could cause the earth to swallow them or cause to fall upon them fragments from the sky. Indeed, in that, surely, is a Sign for every slave who turns.

(“Fragments” do not refer to the sky itself, but the fragments originated in the clouds (rain), which are in the sky. This interpretation is supported by Verse 30:48, “then He spreads them in the sky how He wills, and He makes them fragments so you see the rain coming forth”)(And that interpretation is also confirmed by Verse 52:44, “a portion from the sky falling” is seen as “clouds”. Cloud is defined in wikipedia as “visible mass of minute liquid droplets”)(Another interpretation is that it refers to the matter contained in space, because “sky” can also means “space”)(Either interpretation is in accordance with science)(Allah knows best)

78:14 And We sent down, from the rain clouds, water pouring abundantly,

52:44 And if they were to see a portion from the sky falling, they will say, "Clouds heaped up."

30:48 Allah is the One Who sends the winds, so they raise the clouds, then He spreads them in the sky how He wills, and He makes them fragments so you see the rain coming forth from their midst. Then when He causes it to fall upon whom He wills of His slaves, behold, they rejoice.

(Fragments from the sky are originated in the clouds which are in the sky. So, fragments do not refer to the sky itself but Verse 30:48 says “rain” in regard to “fragments”)(Allah knows best)

6:6 Did they not see how many [of] generations We destroyed before them (which) We had established [them] in/(upon) the earth what/(as) We (have) not established [for] you? And We sent (rain from) the sky upon them showering abundantly and We made the rivers flow underneath/(beneath) them. Then We destroyed them for their sins and We raised after them other generations.

(“The sky” refers to that which is in the sky: clouds/water/rain (30:48). The Verses of the Qur’an are not mutually exclusive but complement each other)(Allah knows best)

24:43 Do you not see that Allah drives clouds, then joins between them, then makes them (into) a mass, then you see the rain come forth from their midst? And He sends down from the sky, from mountains, within it is hail, and He strikes with it whom He wills and averts it from whom He wills. The flash of its lighting almost takes away the sight.

(Another interpretation of Verse 34:9 is that the fragments are, for example, asteroids or meteors, because an interpretation of Verse 24:43 is that ice is also from mountains / masses (e.g. meteors). The mention of “mountains” does not necessarily make it to be from earth but explicitly mentions “from the sky”, then that “mountain” could have come from the sky (meteors))(But, another interpretation is that Verses 30:48 and 24:43 are similar: “He causes it to fall upon whom He wills” (30:48), and “He strikes with it whom He wills” (24:43). And, in these sentences, “to fall” and “to strike” have both the same root word in Arabic (“asaba” and “yusibu”), so the interpretation is that both verses speak about rain)(On the other hand, an interpretation of Verse 24:43 that supports that they are not meteors but “mountains” is that the mountains could facilitate to make the hail happen, quoting the article “hail” in wikipedia: hail is much more common along mountain ranges because mountains force horizontal winds upwards, thereby intensifying the updrafts within thunderstorms and making hail more likely. The higher elevations also result in there being less time available for hail to melt before reaching the ground)(Either interpretation is in accordance with science)(The root of “mountain” is “Jiim-Ba-Lam”, and it means “Big / think / coarse / rough; much / numerous; any of the mountains of the earth that is big and long; relating to mountain / mountains, etc.”. So, according to the context, “Jiim-Ba-Lam” could not necessarily mean “mountains of the earth”)(Allah knows best)

26:187 Then cause to fall upon us fragments of the sky, if you are of the truthful." 26:188 He said, "My Lord knows best of what you do." 26:189 But they denied him, so the punishment of the day of the shadow seized them. Indeed, it was the punishment of a Great Day.

(“Mina” means “from”. This word does not imply that it is the sky itself. Similarly, in Verse 5:112, “a table spread from (mina) the heaven” does not mean that it was the sky itself, but it was a table spread (with food))(In addition, Verse 26:189 says, “day of the shadow”, which might imply that it was a “cloudy” day)(Allah knows best)

17:92 Or you cause the sky to fall upon us pieces/fragments, as you have claimed, or you bring Allah and the Angels before (us).

(This Verse specifies “pieces”, which is what falls from the sky, not the sky itself)(This Verse is many times translated as “in pieces” which sounds like referring to the sky itself, but the word “in” is not there, in the original Arabic)(Allah knows best)

26:173 And We rained on them a rain, and evil was the rain (on) those who were warned.

7:84 And We showered upon them a rain. So see how was the end of the criminals.

11:82 So when Our Command came, We made its upside, its downside, and We rained upon them stones of baked clay (in) layers.

105:3 And He sent against them birds (in) flocks. 105:4 Striking them with stones of baked clay.

(These Verses confirm that it is not the sky itself)(Allah knows best)

15:74 And We made its highest (part) its lowest, and We rained upon them stones of baked clay.

29:34 Indeed, we (will) bring down on (the) people (of) this town a punishment from (the) sky, because they have been defiantly disobedient." … 29:40 So We seized each of them for his sin. Then of them was he upon whom We sent a violent storm, and of them was he who was seized by the awful cry, and of them was he whom We caused the earth to swallow him, and of them was he whom We drowned. It was not for Allah to wrong them, but they wronged themselves.

(Verse 29:34 is explained by Verse 29:40)(Allah knows best)

46:24 Then when they saw it (as) a cloud approaching their valleys, they said, "This is a cloud bringing us rain." Nay, it is that which you were asking to be hastened, a wind in which is a painful punishment,

(In this case, the punishment is in the wind, so it is not the “heaven” itself)(Allah knows best)

22:15 Whoever thinks that Allah will not help him in the world and the Hereafter, then let him extend a rope (bisababin) to the sky, then let him cut off (l’yaqta), then let him see whether his plan will remove that which enrages.

(The root of the word “sababin” (rope) is “Siin-Ba-Ba”, and it means “way, means, road, use a thing as means for, rope, to find the means of, etc”, so the Verse can also be interpreted as “a way/means to the sky”, so it does not imply that a rope is extended from a solid object)(The root of “l’yaqta” (let him cut off) is “Qaf-Tay-Ayn” and it means “put an end; stop; unable to proceed in; cut; cut short; etc”)(One interpretation of the Verse is that if someone thinks that God will not help him, he could plan and see the result of his own plan, but God is the best of planners (3:54))(Allah knows best)

9:121 Nor do they spend any spending small or big, or cross (yaqta’una) a valley but that is recorded for them, that Allah may reward them the best of what they used to do.

(The word “yaqta’una” (cross) in Verse 9:121, and the word “l’yaqta” (cut off) in Verse 22:15 have the same root (“Qaf-Tay-Ayn”), so Verse 22:15 could also be interpreted as “a way to the sky, then let him cross”, so crossing the sky implies that the sky is not solid)(Allah knows best)

6:35 And if their aversion is difficult for you, then if you are able to seek a tunnel into the earth or a ladder (sullaman) into the sky so that you bring to them a Sign. But if Allah had willed, surely He would have gathered them to guidance. So do not be of the ignorant.

(This Verse is addressed to Prophet Muhammad (it is subjective, because the Verse says “if you are able”, in singular), so his own way to make himself ascend would be a ladder (supported on the ground). The Verse does not imply a solid sky)(But the word “sullaman” might not imply “ladder” or “stairway”, but a escape or security in the sky, because the root of “sullamun” (stairway) is “Siin-Lam-Miim”, and it means, “safety / security, to escape, etc.”)(Allah knows best)

52:38 Or for them/(do they have) a stairway (sullamun) therewith/(by means of which) they listen? Then let their listener bring a clear authority.

13:2 Allah is the One Who raised the heavens without pillars that you see, then He established on the Throne and subjected the sun and the moon, each running for an appointed term, He arranges the matter; He details the Signs, so that you may believe with certainty in the meeting with your Lord. … 31:10 He created the heavens without pillars that you see and has cast firm mountains in the earth lest it (might) shake with you, and He dispersed therein from every creature. And We sent down water from the sky, then We caused to grow therein of every noble kind.

(The heavens are not a heavy solid object that require physical support. Notice that “heavens” is mentioned in plural, so because the heavens are not solid, you can see through it. Verse 55:7 mentions a balance (a balance between the gravitational force of the sphere and the speed at which the gas molecules travel))(Allah knows best)

55:7 And the heaven, He raised it, and He has set up the balance,

(In regard to the raising of the heaven, the heaven was raised because the oxygen is produced on Earth by organisms. So, it goes in a upward direction. So, the earth had no oxygen, then the space without oxygen was raised / separated from earth. On the other hand, oxygen is involved in the production of ozone (Ozone is created by ultraviolet light striking ordinary oxygen molecules))(In regard to the balance, the ozone layer helps the earth to maintain its heat balance, and ozone reduces the amount of harmful UV radiation that reaches the earth’s surface. And also, an atmosphere is more likely to be retained if the gravity it is subject to is high and the temperature of the atmosphere is low)(Source: the article “vertical structure of the atmosphere” by ok-first project)(Allah knows best)

22:65 Do you not see that Allah has subjected to you what is in the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by His Command? And He withholds the sky lest it falls on the earth except by His permission. Indeed, Allah is Full of Kindness, Most Merciful to mankind.

(The “falling of the sky” (22:65) would be an opposite process to “the raising of the heaven” (55:7). The heaven was raised because the oxygen is produced on Earth by organisms. So, it goes in a upward direction. And oxygen molecules are involved in producing ozone. So, the earth had no oxygen, then, with oxygen, the space without oxygen was raised / separated from earth. On the contrary, the sky would fall on the earth if the space without oxygen were to reach the ground. If the sky were to fall, It would be like the moon. According to an article in wikipedia, the moon is considered not to have an atmosphere (roof) because it cannot absorb measurable quantities of radiation, does not appear layered or self-circulating, and requires constant replenishment due to the high rate at which its gases are lost to space. The atmosphere of the moon is a very scant presence of gases surrounding the moon, so the moon is considered to be surrounded by vacuum (emptiness))(Notice that Verse 41:12 says, “We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps”, referring to the stars, so the zone with oxygen is NOT considered “sky / heaven”, because the nearest heaven actually contains stars, so the sky / heaven is above the zone with oxygen, because the zone without oxygen (sky) was raised / separated from earth)(This interpretation might also be confirmed by Verse 21:30, “the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We parted them”)(Allah knows best)

55:33 O company of jinn and mankind, if you are able to pass beyond the regions of the heavens and the earth, then pass. You will not pass except by authority.

(Prediction of mankind passing beyond the regions of the heavens (exploration of space), because there are no solid barriers in there)(Allah knows best)

2:22 The One Who made the earth a resting place for you, and the sky a canopy (binaan), and sent down water from the sky, then brought forth therewith fruits as provision for you. So do not set up rivals to Allah while you know.

(The root of “binaan” (a canopy) is “Ba-Nun-Ya”, and it means “building, becoming large, bringing up, rearing, etc.”. So, the meaning of this word could imply that the sky is lifted, elevated. See the commentary on Verse 55:7 which explain who the sky was raised, and see also the commentary on Verse 21:32, about the word “roof”, which could also be applied to the word “canopy”)(In addition, “becoming large” suggest that the heaven expands, that’s in accordance with the scientific theory of expansion of the universe)(Allah knows best)

21:104 The Day when We will fold the heaven like the folding of a scroll for records. As We began the first creation, We will repeat it, a promise upon Us. Indeed, We are (the) Doers.

(The big crunch theory: the universe could collapse to the state where it began and then initiate another Big Bang, so the universe would pass through phases of expansion (Big Bang) and contraction (Big Crunch))(This doesn’t imply that the sky or heaven is something solid)(Prediction of a future event)(Some Jews and Christians use Verses of the Qur’an against Islam, but the Bible, in Revelation 6:14, mentions something similar, “the sky was rolled up like a scroll”)(Allah knows best)

7:187 They ask you about the Hour, when will be its appointed time? Say, "Its knowledge is only with my Lord. None can reveal its time except Him. It lays heavily (thaqulat) upon the heavens and the earth. It will not come to you but suddenly." They ask you as if you were well informed about it. Say, "Its knowledge is only with Allah, but most of the people do not know."

(This Verse uses the word “thaqulat” (heavily); its root is “Tha-Qaf-Lam” and it means “to be heavy / weighty; iththaqala – incline heavily downwards, etc.”. The term “heavy / weighty” means by gravity. But from General Relativity we know that gravity is curvature of space-time. We also know that wormholes are equivalent to folding space-time like a book. Verse 21:104 suggest making a Big Crunch by folding the heaven like a book. Source: article “big bang crunch” in “miracles-of-quran(dot)com”)(Allah knows best)

16:77 And to Allah (belongs) (the) unseen (of) the heavens and the earth. And (the) matter (of) the Hour (is) not but as a twinkling (of) the eye or it (is) nearer. Indeed, Allah (is) All-Powerful on everything.

(The Big Crunch will begin and end in a fraction of a second and will be by folding space-time like a book. But this is the exact opposite of inflation in the Big Bang. Inflation was repulsive for a fraction of a second while in the Big Crunch is made attractive for a fraction of a second. Both are in a fraction of a second. Source: article “big bang crunch” in “miracles-of-quran(dot)com”)(Allah knows best)

81:11 And when the sky is stripped away (kushitat), 81:12 And when the Hellfire is set ablaze,

(Prediction of a future event)(The Verses of the Qur’an complement each other, so “stripped away / unveiled / removed” might refer to the folding of the heaven, explained above)(The root of “kushitat” is “Kaf-Shiin-Tay”, and it means “to remove, take off (the cover), strip, scrape, skin (a camel), discover, unveil, be laid bare”)(Allah knows best)

39:67 And they have not appraised Allah with true appraisal, while the earth entirely (will be) in His Grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens (will be) folded in His Right Hand. Glory be to Him, and High is He above what they associate.

28:88 And do not invoke with Allah another deity. There is no deity except Him. Everything (will be) destroyed except His Face. His is the judgment, and to Him you will be returned.

(Prediction of a future event)(Allah knows best)

37:6 Indeed, We adorned the nearest sky with an adornment of the stars. 37:7 And to guard against every rebellious devil, 37:8 they may not listen to the exalted assembly, (and) are pelted from every side, 37:9 Repelled; and for them is a perpetual punishment, 37:10 Except (him) who snatches by theft, but follows him a piercing burning flame.

(An interpretation is that the missiles are radiation (particles of the sun) from the stars. The devils are pelted from every side. Similarly space radiation may harm astronauts in outer space. And the missiles fill the heaven (72:8); similarly, the outer space contains radiation in abundance. And they follow the devils, they do not follow an orbit, and are described as “piercing burning flame”; similarly, the radiation emitted by stars can penetrate/pierce materials and can travel through space. And Verse 72:9 says, “will find a flaming fire in wait“; similarly, radiation can ‘wait’/be trapped in radiation belts (The Van Allen radiation belt surrounds the Earth). So, the missiles are particles of the sun (aka radiation))(The sky is not solid, because radiation travels through space and from any star in the sky. So, there is a non-solid space in the sky to travel therein)(Allah knows best)

72:9 And that we used to sit there in positions for hearing, but (he) who listens now will find a flaming fire in wait for him.

86:3 It is the star, the piercing,

(Verse 86:3 confirms that “piercing” in verse 37:10 refers to a star)(Allah knows best)

21:33 And He is the One Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in an orbit.

(Verse 37:6 says that the stars are in the sky, and Verse 25:61 says that the sun (lamp) and the moon are in the sky. Verse 21:33 says that the sun and the moon are each floating in an orbit. So, they move through space. This is because the sky is not solid)(Allah knows best)

6:77 When he saw the moon rising, he said, "This is my Lord." But when it set, he said, "If my Lord does not guide me, I will surely be among the people who went astray." 6:78 When he saw the sun rising, he said, "This is my Lord, this is greater." But when it set, he said, "O my people, indeed, I am free of what you associate."

(Although the sun’s diameter is about 400 times larger than that of the moon – the sun is also about 400 times farther away, so the sun and the moon appear nearly the same size as seen from Earth. Verses 6:77-78 say that the sun is greater than the moon, while both are seen from the earth with the same or similar size, so the Verse would implicitly say that the sun is farther than the moon. So, there is space or distance between them, instead of a solid roof)(Allah knows best)

36:40 It is not permitted for the sun to overtake the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day, but all are floating in an orbit.

(As seen in Verses 6:77-78, the sun and the moon are at different distances from the Earth. Verse 36:40 says that it is not permitted for the sun to overtake the moon, so if it was permitted, the moon would change his orbit around the earth, and could directly orbit around the sun, or the sun would swallow the moon. Either way, because the sky is not solid, the moon could change its orbit, if it were permitted)(Allah knows best)

15:13 They do not believe in it, and verily have passed the ways of the former (people). 15:14 And if We opened to them a gate (baban) from the heaven, and they were to continue ascending therein, 15:15 They would surely say "Our eyes have only been dazzled. Nay, we are a people bewitched." 15:16 And verily We have placed in the heavens constellations, and We have beautified it for the observers.

(The verse does not specifically say that the heaven is solid. One interpretation is that the Verse says “continue ascending therein”, so they ascend to the gate, and then after the gate, they “continue ascending” (15:14), so it is like a barrier which needs a gate. This is in accordance with those who say that the flight to the moon and other missions would be impossible because of the heated layers of atmosphere around the earth (the Van Allen belts), which would prevent those missions. Besides the atmosphere, Van Allen radiation belts are a barrier which surrounds the earth and is located farther than the atmosphere, and it is said that it is a nearly impenetrable barrier in space that can harm astronauts, and blocks / traps the so-called “killer electrons” which can fry satellites and degrade space systems during intense solar storms (source: sci-news), so, if it is an “impenetrable barrier”, then a gate is needed)(According to the article “is the universe a closed or an open system” by “researchgate”, the Apollo mission to the moon solved the issue of the Van Allen belt and its radioactivity by skirting the most dangerous parts of the belt, and making sure the astronauts got through it as quickly as humanly possible; such solution also implies a gate, that is, the safer parts of the belt)(Another interpretation of Verse 15:14 is that “gate” is said in a figurative sense, because “gate” is indeterminate or indefinite in Arabic, and the Verse also says “if”)(In regard to the sentence, “Our eyes have only been dazzled” (15:15), the root of “sukkirat” (dazzled) is “Siin-Kaf-Ra”, and it means “intoxicated, drunken, abolish, do away with, be dim, dazzled, obstruction, etc.”. And the root of “mashuruna” (bewitched) is “Siin-Ha-Ra”, and it means “to turn it/him from his course, way, or manner of being. Turn anyone from; deprive of understanding; bewitch, etc.”. So, according to some of the meanings, Verses 15:14-15 could refer to losing vision in space, which is a fact; so, it implicitly suggest that the sky is not solid, because people can travel there. According to the article “Space could leave you blind” in “sciencealert(dot)com”, “Earlier this year, NASA reported that something in space has been missing with its astronauts’ perfect eyesight, causing long-term impairment to their quality of vision. Astronaut Scott Kelly, whose exceptional vision was part of the reason he was selected to be America’s first astronaut to spend a full year in space, says he’s been forced to wear reading glasses since coming home. John Phillips, who spent time on the International Space Station (ISS) in 2005, brought his sudden bouts of blurry vision home with him, and during his post-flight physical, NASA confirmed that his vision had gone from 20/20 to 20/100 in just six months”)(Allah knows best)

7:40 Indeed, those who denied Our Verses and (were) arrogant towards them, the doors of heaven (will) not be opened for them, and (wa) not will they enter Paradise until the camel passes through the eye of the needle. And thus We recompense the criminals.

(Verse 7:40 is in the context of going to Paradise, so it is a prediction of a future event, in the Hereafter)(This Verse may also confirm that heaven is not solid, because it may suggest that people can fly through space, but the disbelievers won’t be allowed, because non-physical doors are not opened for them)(Another interpretation is that if they are not allowed to fly, they cannot go to Paradise, as if Paradise were to be entered by flying through space, but, the sentence uses the word “wa”, which is non-chronological, so the sentence “the doors of heaven (will) not be opened for them” might not explain the sentence “and not will they enter Paradise”)(Allah knows best)

77:7 Indeed, what you are promised will surely occur. 77:8 So when the stars are obliterated, 77:9 And when the heaven is cleft asunder (furijat),

(Verse 77:9 is a prediction of a future event)(According to the context, the previous Verse mentions the stars, so “heaven” refers to “space”, not to the atmosphere. And according to Verse 50:6, which uses the same root word, “cleft asunder” refers to the structure of the sky/space)(A scientific theory says that space expands from zero in a Big Bang but then reaches a maximum and starts to contract back to zero in a Big Crunch)(So the Big Bang theory establishes that the universe is closed (finite) system, so it will eventually be “opened” / cleft asunder)(Note: the root of “furijat” (cleft asunder) is “Fa-Ra-Jiim” and it also means “open”)(Note: “closed universe” is the condition in which there is sufficient matter in the universe to halt the expansion driven by the Big Bang and cause eventual re-collapse)(Allah knows best)

50:6 Then do they not look at the sky above them - how We structured it and adorned it and there are no rifts (furujin) in it?

51:47 And We constructed the heaven with strength, and indeed, We are surely (its) Expanders.

(The universe has been expanding ever since the Big Bang)(Allah knows best)

21:30 Do not see those who disbelieved that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We parted them and We made every living thing from water? Then will they not believe?

(Big Bang: how the universe expanded from a single point. All the matter, energy, and light; were all compacted into a dense point. The universe then expanded)(According to the context, “earth” is “matter”. Another interpretation is that the (seven) heavens were parted, and their content (matter), because the universe is composed of matter)(But another interpretation is that planet earth and the heavens were parted through oxygen. This interpretation might be supported by Verse 55:7, “And the heaven, He raised it, and He has set up the balance,”. The heaven was raised because the oxygen is produced on Earth by organisms. So, it goes in a upward direction. So, the earth had no oxygen, then the space without oxygen was raised / separated from earth, through the oxygen)(Allah knows best)

23:17 And indeed, We have created above you seven paths, and We are not unaware of the creation.

(“Seven paths” refers to “seven heavens”, so the Verse confirms that the sky is not solid, but you can travel through it, because “heavens” is “paths” in itself)(Allah knows best)

38:10 Or for them (is the) dominion (of) the heavens and the earth and whatever (is) between them? Then let them ascend by the means.

73:17 Then how will you guard yourselves, if you disbelieve, a Day (that) will make the children gray-haired? 73:18 The heaven (will) break apart (munfatirun) therefrom, His Promise is to be fulfilled.

(The root of “munfatirun” is “Fa-Tay-Ra”, and it means “to create out of nothing, cleave / split / crack / break, be broken into pieces, cleave asunder, begin to create”)(Because it is the prediction of a future event, the meaning of the Verse could not be fully understood or could be misinterpreted. It does not imply something solid that breaks into pieces, but one interpretation is that the “space or places in space” could be “separated or divided” into what the space is about, which is not solid. The meaning of “Fa-Tay-Ra” also implies that a new creation or creations begin. This is supported by Verse 32:10, “will we certainly be in a new creation”)(Allah knows best)

25:25 And (the) Day the heavens will split open with the clouds, and the Angels (will be) sent down descending.

(Prediction of a future event)(Allah knows best)

41:11 Then He directed towards the heaven while it was smoke, and He said to it and to the earth, "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said, "We come willingly." 41:12 Then He completed them as seven heavens in two periods and He revealed in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and to guard. That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.

(The Heaven represents seven heavens, while the nearest heaven is only one of them; there are other heavens beyond the nearest heaven, so the heaven is not a solid roof, but there are “further” heavens, beyond the nearest heaven, that may be reached)(In regard to “nearest heaven”, all the stars we see belong to the Milky Way galaxy. If we consider the combined light of many billions of stars, then we can see stars from other galaxies too, but still the nearest heaven is adorned with lamps. So one interpretation is that the Milky Way galaxy could be the nearest heaven. Another interpretation is that the nearest heaven is not only the Milky Way galaxy but it is also other stars and galaxies that have been detected in the sky. If so, the multiple heavens (universes) would lie outside and beyond these galaxies)(Allah knows best)

15:16 And verily We have placed in the heavens (l-samai) constellations, and We have beautified it for the observers.

(Note: the word “al sama” is singular, not plural)(Allah knows best)

54:11 So We opened (fafatahna) the gates of heaven with water pouring down

(The root of “fatah” (opened) is “Fa-Ta-Ha”, and it means “to open, explain, grant, disclose, let out, etc.”. And the root of “abwaba” (gates) is “Ba-Waw-Ba”, and it means “door / gate, place of entrance, mode / manner”. So, “gates” doesn’t refer to solid doors, but it could refer to opening a “manner” to pour water. According to Verse 24:43 the rain comes from the clouds. And Verses 56:68 and 56:69 say, “Do you see the water, which you drink? Is it you who send it down from the rain clouds, or are We the Ones to send?”. So, these Verses clarify that the rain is from the clouds. The Verses of the Qur’an are not mutually exclusive but complement each other)(See also the article below,No evaporation in water cycle?”)(Allah knows best)

24:43 Do you not see that Allah drives clouds, then joins between them, then makes them (into) a mass, then you see the rain come forth from their midst? And He sends down from the sky, (from) mountains, within it is hail, and He strikes with it whom He wills and averts it from whom He wills. The flash of its lighting almost takes away the sight.

78:19 And the heaven is opened and becomes gateways,

(The heaven is gateways in itself)(Allah knows best)

51:7 By the heaven full of (dhati) pathways.

(“Dhati” means “possessor / with”, so the heaven contains pathways itself)(One interpretation is that those seven heavens (multiverse) are parallel universes “woven” together)(Source: “miracles-of-quran(dot)com”)(Allah knows best)

84:19 You will surely embark (to) stage from stage.

(The root of “tabaqan / tabaqin” (stage) is used in Verse 67:3 as well, in the context of the seven heavens, “seven heavens one above another (tibaqan)” (67:3). So, Verse 84:19 could be interpreted as a prediction about traveling to those extra dimensions. The superimposed heavens in the Qur’an are interpreted as the extra spatial dimensions in modern physics. Today it is known that we are not living in a “universe” but rather in a “multiverse”)(Source: “miracles-of-quran(dot)com”)(So, embarking stage from stage, referring to the seven heavens, implies that the heaven is not solid, but you can travel through it)(Allah knows best)

29:22 And you cannot escape in the earth or in the heaven. And you have neither a protector nor a helper besides Allah.

(It implicitly predicts flying through the heaven, because you can go through the heaven and the earth, but there is no escape)(Allah knows best)

72:1 Say, "It has been revealed to me that a group of jinn listened, and they said, "Indeed, we heard an amazing Qur’an, ... 72:8 And that we sought to touch (lamasna) the heaven but we found it filled with severe guards, and flaming fires.

(The root of “lamas” (touch) is “Lam-Miim-Siin”, and it means “to touch, feel with the hand, to stretch towards, seek, inquire after, have intercourse”)(The Verse is about Jinn, not man, “seeking to touch” or just “seeking” the heaven. Anyway it is a matter of the unseen, because jinn is involved, and Jinn is made of fire, so it is about a non-physical creature seeking to touch another non-physical or non-solid thing. So, this Verse implicitly suggest that the heaven is non-physical or non-solid)(Allah knows best)

(Other sources used for this article: the article “vertical structure of the atmosphere” by ok-first project; articles “ozone-oxygen cycle”, “ozone layer”, oxygen” and “atmosphere” in wikipedia; the article “Van Allen barrier” in newatlas; the article “nasa van allen belts explainer” in “popularmechanics”, the article “is the universe a closed or an open system” by “researchgate”)(Allah knows best)

40:36 And Pharaoh said, "O Haman, construct for me a tower that I may reach the ways, 40:37 (The) ways (to) the heavens so (that) I may look at (the) God (of) Moses; and indeed, I surely think him (to be) a liar." And thus was made fair-seeming to Pharaoh, (the) evil (of) his deed, and he was averted from the way. And (the) plot (of) Pharaoh (was) not except in ruin.

34:2 He knows what penetrates into the earth and what comes out from it, and what descends from the heaven and what ascends therein (fiha). And He is the Most Merciful, the Oft-Forgiving.

(Verse 34:2 explicitly says “fiha” (in/inside it), so things can travel through space)(Allah knows best)

7:162 But those who wronged among them changed (the) word (to) other than (that) which was said to them. So We sent upon them torment from the sky because they were doing wrong.

91:1 By the sun and its brightness, 91:2 And the moon when it follows it (talaha), 91:3 And the day when it displays it, 91:4 And the night when it covers it,

(As I said before (See above the comment on Verses 6:77-78), the sun is farther than the moon, so, there is space or distance between them. Verses 91:1-4 confirm that light travels through space, so space is not a solid object. The word “talaha” (it follows it)(91:2), in the context of “book”, means “read” or “recite” (e.g. “while you recite (tatluna) the Book” (2:44)). According to the context, the moon follows / reads / recites the sun’s brightness (91:2). It implies that the light of the moon is a reflected light; the moon does not have its own light, because the moon “reads” the light / brightness of the sun (91:1-2))(Note: the root of “tala” is “Ta-Lam-Waw”, and it means “to follow, walk behind, imitate, to read, recite, etc.”)(Allah knows best)

6:125 So whoever Allah wants to guide, He expands his breast to Islam; and whoever He wants to let go astray, He makes his breast tight and constricted as though he were climbing into the sky. Thus Allah places the filth on those who do not believe.

(According to the context, “sky”, in Verse 6:125, is the sky with oxygen, rather than space)(The root of “harajan” (constricted) is “Ha-Ra-Jiim”, and it means “to be contracted (heart), oppressed, become narrow / close / strait, be disquieted and contracted in the bosom, be attended with straitness and difficulty, etc.”. So, harajan” carries the meaning of “narrowness” in the form of hardship and difficulty. As we ascend to the sky it becomes more difficult for us to breath, because the oxygen concentration and air / atmospheric pressure decreases at high altitudes)(In regard to constricted breast, I quote the article “dyspnea” in mdguidelines(dot)com: “Dyspnea is a sensation of difficult or uncomfortable breathing. It manifests as breathlessness or increased respiratory effort. Dyspnea is experienced when the need for oxygen exceeds the actual or perceived capacity of the lungs to respond”. “Sudden onset of dyspnea is most typically associated with narrowing of the airways or airflow obstruction”,“Dyspnea also is experienced by individuals encountering high-altitude sickness. “… poor pumping action of the heart that results in increased pressure and fluid in the lungs...”)(And I quote the articleshortness of breath” in emergencyeducation(dot)net: “dyspnoea compromises of three main common complaints – increased work of breathing, the presence of chest tightness or the feeling of “air hunger” or the sensation of not getting enough oxygen”. So, the Qur’an is in accordance with science)(Note: the root of “dayyiqan” (tight) is “Dad-Ya-Qaf” and it means “became narrow or strait. Became choked, surcharged, or overfilled with something. Treated or behave towards someone with hardness or harshness. Means of living became straitened, property went away, poor., etc.)(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (1) (Astronomy)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an (Index)

See also: “Dark matter” in the Qur’an?

See also: No evaporation in water cycle?

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