How should you live your life?
3:85 And whoever seeks other than Islam as religion - then never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be from the losers.
(“Islam” is an Arabic word meaning “submission (to God)”. That’s the religion preached by all Messengers)(Allah knows best)
41:33 And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteous deeds and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims/those who submit?"
("Muslim" is an Arabic word meaning "one who submits (to God)")(Allah knows best)
2:2 This is the Book, there is no doubt in it, a guidance for those conscious of God – 2:3 Who believe in the unseen, and establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them. 2:4 And who believe in what is sent down to you, and what was sent down before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain. 2:5 Those are upon guidance from their Lord, and those - they are the successful ones. 2:6 Indeed, those who disbelieve, it is same to them whether you warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe.
23:72 Or do you ask them for a payment? But the payment of your Lord is best, and He is the Best of Providers.
62:11 And when they saw a transaction or a sport, they rushed to it and left you standing. Say, "What is with Allah is better than the sport and than transaction. And Allah is the Best of Providers."
64:9 The Day He will assemble you for the Day of the Assembly, that (will be the) Day of mutual loss and gain. And whoever believes in Allah and does righteous deeds, He will remove from him his evil deeds and He will admit him to Gardens underneath which rivers flow, abiding therein forever. That is the success, the great.
3:195 Then their Lord responded to them, "Indeed, I will not let go waste the deeds of the doer among you, whether male or female; you are of one another. So those who emigrated and were driven out from their homes, and were harmed in My way and fought and were killed - I will surely remove from them their evil deeds, and I will surely admit them to Gardens beneath which rivers flow - a reward from Allah. And Allah - with Him is the best reward."
9:11 But if they repent, and establish prayer and give zakah, then (they are) your brothers in religion. And We explain the Verses in detail for a people (who) know.
49:15 The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then do not doubt but strive with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah. Those are the truthful (ones)."
40:60 And your Lord said, "Call upon Me; I will respond to you. Indeed, those who are proud to worship Me will enter Hell in humiliation."
7:200 And if an evil suggestion comes to you from Satan, then seek refuge in Allah. Indeed, He is All-Hearing, All-Knowing. 7:201 Indeed, those who fear when an evil thought from Satan touches them, they remember and then they are those who see.
33:3 And put your trust in Allah. And Allah is sufficient as a Disposer of affairs.
10:41 And if they deny you then say, "For me are my deeds, and for you are your deeds. You are disassociated from what I do, and I am disassociated from what you do."
2:256 There is no compulsion in the religion. Surely the right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in false deities and believes in Allah has grasped the firm handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.
109:6 For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."
17:107 Say, "Believe in it or do not believe. Indeed, those who were given the knowledge before it, when it is recited to them, they fall on their faces in prostration."
42:15 So to that then invite, and stand firm as you are commanded and do not follow their desires, but say, "I believe in what Allah has sent down of the Book, and I am commanded to do justice between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord. For us are our deeds and for you your deeds. There is no argument between us and between you. Allah will assemble us, and to Him is the final return."
28:55 And when they hear vain talk, they turn away from it and say, "For us are our deeds and for you are your deeds. Peace be on you; we do not seek the ignorant."
39:15 So worship what you will besides Him." Say, "Indeed, the losers are those who (will) lose themselves and their families on the Day of Resurrection. Unquestionably, that is the clear loss."
50:45 We know best what they say, and you are not the one to compel them. But remind with the Qur’an whoever fears My threat.
26:227 Except those who believe and do righteous deeds and remember Allah much, and defend themselves after they were wronged. And those who have wronged will come to know to what return they will return.
10:99 And if your Lord had willed, those who are on the earth all of them would surely have believed. Then, will you compel mankind until they become believers? 10:100 And it is not for a soul to believe except by the permission of Allah. And He will place the wrath on those who do not use reason.
81:27 It is not except a reminder to the worlds, 81:28 For whoever wills among you to take a straight way.
33:28 O Prophet, say to your wives, "If you desire the life of the world and its adornment, then come, I will provide for you and release you with a good release.
33:39 Those who convey (the) Messages (of) Allah and fear Him, and (do) not fear anyone except Allah. And sufficient is Allah (as) a Reckoner.
18:29 And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have prepared for the wrongdoers a Fire, its walls will surround them. And if they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like molten brass, which scalds the faces. Wretched is the drink, and evil is the resting place.
17:84 Say, "Each works according to his manner, but your Lord is most knowing of who is best guided in way."
See also: Are there good manners in Islam / the Qur’an?
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See also: Is there freedom of religion in Islam? Is there compulsion in Islam
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See also: What is the purpose of death?
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