Tuesday, October 25, 2016

The Qur’an on “seas’ internal waves”

The Qur’an on “seas’ internal waves”

24:40 Or (is) like (the) darkness[es] in a deep sea, a wave covers it, on it (is) a wave, on it (is) a cloud, darkness[es], some of it on others. When he puts out his hand, he (can) hardly see it. And (for) whom Allah (has) not made a light for him, then (there is) no any light for him.

(According to the article “internal waves” in “miracles-of-quran(dot)com”, “waves topped by waves, topped by clouds” are internal waves, surface waves then clouds. In deep oceans you cannot see your hand because there is no light down there. So in deep oceans those internal waves travel in darkness)(According to the article “Internal wave” in wikipedia, “Internal waves are gravity waves that oscillate within a fluid medium, rather than on its surface”)(According to the article “Remote sensing of ocean internal waves” by Victor Klemas from the University of Delaware, “The internal waves travel more slowly than surface waves of similar amplitude because the difference in density between two water masses is much less than it is between air and water. The internal waves typically have wavelengths from hundreds of meters to tens of kilometers and have periods from several minutes to several hours. Internal waves are trapped in the pycnocline of stratified oceans”)(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (3) (Geology and Meteorology)


See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)


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