Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Are the sun and the moon in the same orbit?

Are the sun and the moon in the same orbit?

91:1 By the sun and its brightness, 91:2 And the moon when it follows it (talaha), 91:3 And the day when it displays it, 91:4 And the night when it covers it,

(These Verses do not say that the sun and the moon are in the same orbit, but, in Verse 91:2, the word “talaha” (it follows it), in the context of “book”, means “read” or “recite” (e.g. Verse 2:44 says, “while you recite (tatluna) the Book”); according to the context, the moon follows / reads / recites the sun’s brightness (91:2); it implies that the light of the moon is a reflected light, so the moon does not have its own light, because the moon “reads” the light / brightness of the sun (91:1-2). Similarly, people who is in darkness (fig. the moon), they may be enlightened by the enlightening Book (fig. the sun) (14:1, 22:8))(Another point is that, according to Verses 91:3-4, the sun is immobile in terms of night and day, because it is the day what displays the brightness of the sun (91:3), and it is the night what covers the brightness of the sun (91:4); when day and night are mentioned in the Qur’an, then Earth is implicitly mentioned, because the mention of night and day is related, connected or involves the Earth; the rotation of the Earth around its own axis causes the day and night; if the sun is immobile in terms of night and day, then the Earth, which is also involved, is the one that is moving, not the sun. So, according to these Verses, the rotation of the Earth displays and covers the sun’s brightness)(Another point is that the element Hydrogen (hydrujyn in Arabic) is represented in the periodic table by the symbol “H”; “H” in Arabic is “h” (the letter “h” is named “ha”); the sun is mostly composed of hydrogen (75%); Chapter 91 of the Qur’an is called “The Sun”; and all Verses of Chapter “The Sun” end with “ha” (91:1-15))(Allah knows best)

24:44 Allah alternates the night and the day. Indeed, in that is surely a lesson for those who have vision.

25:62 And He is the One Who made the night and the day in succession for whoever desires to remember or desires to be thankful.

14:33 And He subjected the sun and the moon for you, both constantly pursuing their courses (daibayni), and subjected for you the night and the day.

(“Daibayni” (“both constantly pursuing their courses”) is in dual form, so that word indicates two different courses, one is the course of the sun and another is the course of the moon)(Allah knows best)

6:77 When he saw the moon rising, he said, "This is my Lord." But when it set, he said, "If my Lord does not guide me, I will surely be among the people who went astray." 6:78 When he saw the sun rising, he said, "This is my Lord, this is greater." But when it set, he said, "O my people, indeed, I am free of what you associate."

(Although the sun’s diameter is about 400 times larger than that of the moon – the sun is also about 400 times farther away, so the sun and the moon appear nearly the same size as seen from Earth. Verses 6:77-78 say that the sun is greater than the moon, while both are seen from the earth with the same or similar size, so the Verse would implicitly say that the sun is farther than the moon, so it would also implicitly say that the sun and the moon are not in the same orbit, because they are at different distance from Earth)(Allah knows best)

36:40 It is not permitted for the sun to overtake (tud’rika) the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day, but all are floating in an orbit (falakin).

(“Tud’rika” (Dal-Ra-Kaf) also means “grasp / catch”. The sun’s gravitational pull is strong to hold much larger masses than the moon and at much greater distances, but it is not permitted for the sun to grasp the moon, so, the moon keeps revolving around the Earth, instead of directly around the sun)(“In an orbit” does not imply that they float in the “same orbit”, but, according to its definition in Arabic, “in an orbit” implies the place (sky), and the movement (going round in circles). The root of “falakin” (an orbit) is “Fa-Lam-Kaf”, and it means “become round, anything circular, persist/persevere, the place of the revolving of the stars, firmament, surrounding spheres, sky, revolvement, circling, circuit, going to and fro, one who goes round, etc.”)(Allah knows best)

21:33 And He is the One Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in an orbit.

(In Arabic, “each in an orbit” is a palindrome (= a word or phrase that reads the same backward and forward)(The palindrome suggests “revolving around” (e.g. the earth revolving around the sun, and the moon directly revolving around earth and indirectly around the sun))(Allah knows best)

See the palindrome in Arabic letters:


See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (1) (Astronomy)


See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)


See also: Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an (Index)


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