Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Legend of the lost city of Iram?

Legend of the lost city of Iram?

89:6 Did you not see how your Lord dealt with Aad, 89:7 Iram, possessors (of) lofty pillars, 89:8 The likes of which had not been created in the cities,

(Some non-Muslims use the word “legend” which could imply that it is a fairy tale, myth or fable, in order to defame Islam, intending to make people think so. And they have even called it the “Atlantis of the sands”; Atlantis is a fictional island, while Iram is not fictional)(Even if Iram was not found, it would confirm what the Qur’an says: the town was overturned (9:70), and it was made like disintegrated ruins (51:42). So it could not be found, or, if it is found, there are no lofty pillars anymore)(Allah knows best)

51:41 And in Aad, when We sent against them the barren wind. 51:42 It (did) not leave anything it came upon it, but it made it like disintegrated ruins.

(In regard to “Ubar” (in Oman) as a candidate to be “Iram”, it is said that “Juris Zarins”, American-Latvian archaeologist and professor at Missouri State University, said that “what distinguishes this city from other archeological findings is its tall pillars. Therefore, this city is the city of Ad nation, Iram, which is mentioned in the Qur’an”. But according to the article “Iram of the Pillars” in wikipedia, Juris Zarins alleged that “as far as the legend of Ubar was concerned, there was no evidence that the city had perished in a sandstorm. Much of the fortress had collapsed into a sinkhole that hosted the well, perhaps undermined by ground water being taken to irrigate the surrounding oasis”. In conclusion, if Ubar was not destroyed by the wind, then Ubar is not Iram, so Juris Zarins contradicted himself, by stating that it is the city mentioned in the Qur’an, while he thinks that it was not destroyed by the wind)(The word “Ubar” is very similar to “Eber”. It is said that “Eber” in the Bible is “Hud” in the Qur’an. Hud is the Messenger (26:124-125) who was sent to “Aad” (11:50), so Eber and Aad are connected. Nevertheless, it does not necessarily mean that “Ubar” is “Iram”, but it might be a similar name which is not connected to the name “Eber”. Another point is that “Ubar” in English is called “alshasr /الشصرin Arabic, which could indicate that it was named “Ubar” by foreigners, instead of by locals. So, Ubar, in Oman, might not be a strong candidate to be Iram)(Allah knows best)

29:38 And Aad and Thamud, and verily, (it has) become clear to you from their dwellings. And Satan made fair-seeming to them their deeds and averted them from the Way, though they were endowed with insight. 29:39 And Qarun, and Pharaoh and Haman. And certainly, Moses came to them with clear evidences, but they were arrogant in the earth, and they could not outstrip Us. 29:40 So We seized each of them for his sin. Then of them was he upon whom We sent a violent storm, and of them was he who was seized by the awful cry, and of them was he whom We caused the earth to swallow him, and of them was he whom We drowned. It was not for Allah to wrong them, but they wronged themselves.

(Another candidate is Syria. “Eber” is from the root “’abar”. According to the article “Eber” in wikipedia, the Aramaic / Hebrew root “’abar” is connected with “crossing over” and “the beyond”. There is a prevailing view, that the Hebrews had received their name from “Eber”, the name “Hebrew” meant “those who cross”, in reference to those who crossed the Euphrates river with Abram, from Ur (Iraq) to Harran (Note: Harran was part of Syrian kingdom, but now is in Turkey, near Syrian / Turkish border), and then to the land of Canaan, so Hud / Eber was in Syria. On the other hand, the root of the Messenger “Hud” is “ha-waw/alif-dal, ya-ha(o)-dal”, and it means “to become a Jew”. So, it may confirm that Hud is Eber)(And according to the article “Eber” in wikipedia, “Eber” was the great-grandson of Shem; “Aram” is a son of Shem; “Syria” is the Greek name for “Aram”. So, “Eber / Hud / Aad” are connected to Syria)(According to the article “Iram of the Pillars” in wikipedia, Iram “has been identified with the biblical Aram, son of Shem and the biblical region known as Aram” (aka “Syria”))(Note: Eber is descendant of Shelah (father) and Arphaxad (grandfather). “Arphaxad / Arpachshad” and “Aram” were brothers, so there is a connection between “Hud/Aad” (aka Eber) and “Syria” (aka “Aram”))(Allah knows best)

7:65 And to the ‘Aad their brother Hud. He said, "O my people, worship Allah ; you have no deity other than Him. Then will you not fear?"

(“Aram” is not to be confused with “Iram”. According to Genesis 36:43 and 1 Chronicles 1:54, “Iram” was chief of Edom “according to their settlements in the land they occupied”. “Edom” is a territory divided between Israel (Palestine) and Jordan. So, “Iram”, chief of Edom, in the Bible is not “Aram”, son of Shem, in the Bible)(In conclusion, “Syria” is the strongest candidate to think that it is ”Iram”)(Allah knows best)

69:5 So as for Thamud, they were destroyed by the overpowering (blast). 69:6 And as for Aad, they were destroyed by a screaming, violent wind, 69:7 Which He imposed upon them for seven nights and eight days in succession, so you would see the people therein fallen as if they were hollow trunks of date-palms. 69:8 Then do you see any remains of them?

See also: How long did it take to destroy Aad tribe?

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (5) (History)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an (Index)

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