Friday, April 21, 2017

Were horses created as transportation?

Were horses created as transportation?

16:8 And horses and mules and donkeys for you to ride them and (as) adornment. And He creates that which you do not know.

43:12 And the One Who created the pairs, all of them, and made for you of the ships and the cattle on which you ride, 43:13 That you may sit firmly on their backs, then remember the favor of your Lord when you sit firmly upon them and say, "Glory be to the One Who (has) subjected this to us, and we were not capable of it.

(Non-Muslims who mention Verse 16:8 as an error, they say that “ridding the horses” was made by a combination of “time” and “man”. I quote the non-Muslim: “it took thousands of years of domestication and cross-breeding before horses were domesticated approximately 4,000 years ago in East Europe and Central Asia”)(Answer: God made them to be ridden, because God created the horses, and made their ridding possible, be it immediate or after 4,000 years, but it was decreed/intended to happen. “Time” and/or “man” cannot make the horses “able to become” or “possibly be” or “potentially be” domesticated in the future)(Allah knows best)

13:38 And certainly, We sent Messengers before you and We made for them wives and offspring. And it was not for a Messenger to come with a sign except by the leave of Allah. For everything is a time prescribed.

(For every matter there is also a decreed time, whether it happens quickly or slowly)(Allah knows best)

15:4 And We did not destroy any town but (there was) a known decree for it. 15:5 No nation (can) advance its term [and] nor (can) delay it.

28:68 And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses. They do not have the choice. Glory be to Allah and High is He above what they associate.

22:73 O mankind, an example is set forth, so listen to it. Indeed, those whom you invoke besides Allah will never create a fly, even if they gathered together for it. And if the fly snatched away a thing from them they could not take it back from it. So weak are the seeker and the sought.

(Mankind did not create the horses. And Mankind did not “create” horses in order to be “changeable” or modified after a time, but God is the Creator)(Allah knows best)

71:4 He will forgive for you your sins and give you respite for a specified term. Indeed, the term of Allah, when it comes, is not delayed, if you know."

12:36 And two young men entered with him in the prison. One of them said, "Indeed, I see myself pressing wine." And the other said, "Indeed, I see myself carrying bread over my head from which the birds were eating. Inform us of its interpretation; indeed, we see you of the good-doers." ... 12:41 O my two companions of the prison, as for one of you, he will give wine (to) his master; and as for the other, he will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head. The matter has been decreed about which you both inquire."

(This is an example of a matter decreed, but it did not happen yet, because there is also a time decreed)(Allah knows best)

37:96 While Allah created you and that which you do?"

(You and that which you do, are creation, so, domesticating horses does not make man a deity; neither he is able to create horses, nor choose a horse to be that way)(Allah knows best)

36:71 Do they not see that We created for them from what Our hands have made, cattle, then they (are the) owners [for them]? 36:72 And We have tamed them for them, so some of them - they ride them, and some of them they eat.

(Verses 36:71-72 confirm that the cattle was created and tamed by God. Even if men did the action of trying to tame, cattle would never be tamed, unless God tames it. So, it is a matter that only the Creator of cattle can do)(Allah knows best)

26:132 And fear the One Who has aided you with what you know, 26:133 He has aided you with cattle and children,

45:24 And they say, "There is nothing but our worldly life, we die and we live, and nothing destroys us except time." And they have no knowledge of that; they only guess.

(According to this Verse, “time” is unable to do anything)(Allah knows best)

40:68 He is the One Who gives life and causes death. And when He decrees a matter, then He only says to it, "Be," and it is.

40:62 That is Allah , your Lord, Creator of all things, there is no god except Him. So how are you deluded?

29:61 And if you ask them, "Who created the heavens and the earth, and subjected the sun and the moon?" They would surely say "Allah." Then how are they deluded?

20:50 He said, "Our Lord (is) the One Who gave (to) everything its form, then He guided (it)."

16:80 And Allah (has) made for you [from]/(in) your homes a resting place, and made for you tents from the hides (of) the cattle, which you find light (on) the day (of) your travel and the day (of) your encampment; and from their wool, and their fur and their hair (is) furnishing and a provision for a time.

5:4 They ask you what is made lawful for them. Say, "Lawful for you are the good things and what you have taught of hunting animals, ones who train animals to hunt, you teach them of what Allah has taught you. So eat of what they catch for you, and mention the name of Allah on it, and fear Allah. Indeed, Allah is swift in taking account.

(God is the Creator of all things (39:62). Mankind do things (37:96), but mankind did not create/make anything beyond God’s creation (37:96), or beyond God’s knowledge, or beyond God giving you knowledge)(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (4) (Zoology)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

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