Exposing hypocrites and disbelievers
41:26 And those who disbelieve said, "Do not listen to this Qur’an, and make noise therein, so that you may overcome."
3:72 And a group of (the) People (of) the Book said, "Believe in that which was revealed on those who believe (at the) beginning (of) the day, and reject (at) its end, perhaps they may return.
2:204 And of the people (is the one) whose speech pleases you in the life (of) the world, and he calls Allah to witness on what (is) in his heart, and he (is) the most quarrelsome (of) opponents.
5:41 O Messenger, let not grieve you those who hasten into disbelief of those who said, "We believe" with their mouths, and their hearts believe not, and from those who are Jews. They are listeners of falsehood, (and) listeners for other people (who have) not come to you. They distort the words from their context, saying, "If you are given this, take it; but if you are not given it, then beware." And for whom Allah intends his trial, then never will you have power (to do) anything for him against Allah. Those are the ones (for whom) Allah will never intend to purify their hearts. For them in the world is disgrace and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment. 5:42 Listeners of falsehood, devourers of the forbidden. So if they come to you, then judge between them or turn away from them. And if you turn away from them, then they will never harm you in anything. And if you judge, then judge between them with justice. Indeed, Allah loves those who are just.
3:178 And let not think those who disbelieved that We give respite to them is good for themselves. We only give respite to them so that they may increase in sins, and for them is a humiliating punishment.
2:14 And when they meet those who believe, they say, "We believe." But when they are alone with their evil ones, they say, "Indeed, we are with you, we are only mockers." 2:15 Allah mocks at them, and prolongs them in their transgression, they wander blindly.
29:11 And Allah will surely make evident those who believe, And He will surely make evident the hypocrites.
9:49 And among them is he who says, "Permit me and do not put me to trial." Surely, into trial they have fallen. And indeed, Hell will surely surround the disbelievers.
49:17 They consider (it) a favor to you that they have accepted Islam. Say, "Do not consider your Islam a favor to me. Nay, Allah has conferred a favor upon you that He has guided you to the faith, if you are truthful.
17:41 And verily, We have explained in this Qur’an, that they may take heed, but it does not increase them except in aversion.
40:5 The people of Noah denied before them and the factions after them, and every nation plotted against their Messenger to seize him, and they disputed by falsehood to refute thereby the truth. So I seized them. Then how was My penalty?
10:39 Nay, they denied that which they could not encompass in knowledge thereof and whose interpretation has not come to them. Thus denied those before them, then see how was the end of the wrongdoers.
52:33 Or do they say, "He has made it up" Nay, they do not believe.
74:31 And We have not made the keepers of the Fire except Angels. And We have not made their number except (as) a trial for those who disbelieve – that those who were given the Scripture may be certain, and those who believe may increase in faith, and those who were given the Scripture and the believers may not doubt, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the disbelievers may say "What does Allah intend by this example?" Thus Allah lets go astray whom He wills and guides whom He wills. And none knows the hosts of your Lord except Him. And it is not but a reminder to (the) human beings.
9:68 Allah has promised the hypocrite men, and the hypocrite women and the disbelievers, the Fire of Hell, they (will) abide forever in it. It is sufficient for them. And Allah has cursed them, and for them is an enduring punishment.
61:8 They intend to put out the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His Light although the disbelievers dislike it.
9:124 And whenever a Surah is revealed, among them are some who say, "Which of you has increased in faith by it?" As for those who believe, then it has increased them in faith and they rejoice. 9:125 But as for those in whose hearts is a disease, it increases them in evil to their evil. And they die while they are disbelievers.
5:103 Allah has not made Bahirah, Saibah, Wasilah, and Hami. But those who disbelieved, they invent a lie against Allah, and most of them do not use reason.
16:105 They only invent falsehood who do not believe in the Verses of Allah, and they are the liars.
6:112 And thus We made for every Prophet an enemy - devils from mankind and jinn, inspiring one another with decorative speech in deception. But if your Lord had willed, they would not have done it, so leave them and what they invent.
52:42 Or do they intend a plot? But those who disbelieve are themselves the plot.
32:13 And if We had willed, surely We would have given every soul its guidance, but the Word from Me will come true, "I will fill Hell with jinn and men all together.
10:65 And let not their speech grieve you. Indeed, all honor to Allah. He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.
19:83 Do you not see that We have sent the devils upon the disbelievers, inciting them with incitement.
6:21 And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His Signs? Indeed, the wrongdoers will not be successful.
4:167 Indeed, those who disbelieve and hinder from the way of Allah, surely they have strayed, straying far away.
2:26 Indeed, Allah is not ashamed to set forth an example even of a mosquito and something above it. Then as for those who believed, they will know that it is the truth from their Lord. And those who disbelieved will say, “what did Allah intend by this example? He lets go astray many by it and He guides many by it. And He does not let go astray by it except the defiantly disobedient.
9:64 The hypocrites fear lest a Surah be revealed about them, informing them of what is in their hearts. Say, "Mock, indeed, Allah (will) bring forth what you fear."
22:53 That He may make that which Satan throws a trial for those in whose hearts is a disease, and those whose hearts are hardened. And indeed, the wrongdoers are surely in a schism far.
3:99 Say, "O People of the Book, why do you hinder those who believe from the way of Allah, seeking to make it (seem) crooked, while you are witnesses? And Allah is not unaware of what you do.
49:15 The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then do not doubt but strive with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah. Those are the truthful (ones)."
5:68 Say, "O People of the Book, you are not on anything until you stand firmly by the Torah and the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord. And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in rebellion and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people.
16:106 Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief, except (one) who is forced while his heart is content with faith. But those who open (their) breast to disbelief, then upon them is wrath of Allah, and for them is a punishment great.
3:86 How (shall) Allah guide a people (who) disbelieved after their belief and (had) witnessed that the Messenger is true, and clear proofs came to them? And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. 3:87 Those - their recompense is that on them is the curse of Allah and the Angels and the people, all together.
63:1 When the hypocrites come to you, they say, "We testify that you are surely the Messenger of Allah." And Allah knows that you are surely His Messenger, and Allah testifies that the hypocrites are surely liars. 63:2 They take their oaths (as) a cover, so they turn away from the Way of Allah. Indeed, evil is what they used to do. 63:3 That is because they believed, then they disbelieved; so their hearts were sealed, so they do not understand.
63:4 And when you see them, their bodies please you, and if they speak, you listen to their speech, as if they were pieces of wood propped up. They think that every shout is against them. They are the enemy, so beware of them. May Allah destroy them, how are they deluded? 63:5 And when it is said to them, "Come, the Messenger of Allah will ask forgiveness for you." They turn aside their heads and you see them turning away while they are arrogant. 63:6 It is same for them whether you ask forgiveness for them or do not you ask forgiveness for them. Allah will never forgive them. Indeed, Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people. 63:7 They are those who say, "Do not spend on those who are with the Messenger of Allah until they disband." And for Allah (are the) treasures of the heavens and the earth, but the hypocrites do not understand.
63:8 They say, "If we return to Al-Madinah, surely, the more honorable will expel the more humble therefrom." But for Allah is the honor and for His Messenger and for the believers, but the hypocrites do not know.
6:109 And they swear by Allah their strongest oaths that if a sign came to them, they would surely believe in it. Say, "The signs are only with Allah." And what will make you perceive that when it comes, they will not believe.
40:29 O my people, the kingdom is for you today, dominant in the land, but who will help us from the punishment of Allah if it came to us." Pharaoh said, "I do not show you except what I see and I do not guide you except to the right path."
2:170 And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they said, "Nay, we follow what we found our forefathers (following)". Even though their forefathers did not understand anything, nor were they guided?
5:104 And when it is said to them, "Come to what Allah has revealed and to the Messenger," they said, "Sufficient for us is that upon which we found our forefathers." Even though their forefathers knew nothing, nor were they guided?
5:72 They certainly disbelieve who say, "Indeed Allah - He is the Messiah, the son of Mary." While the Messiah said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates partners with Allah, then surely Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and his abode will be the Fire. And there will be no helpers for the wrongdoers.
5:17 They have certainly disbelieved who said, "Indeed, Allah, He is the Messiah, the son of Mary." Say, "Then who has the power against Allah in anything if He intends to destroy the Messiah, the son of Mary, and his mother and everyone on the earth?" And for Allah is the dominion of the heavens and the earth and what is between both of them. He creates what He wills, and Allah is on everything All-Powerful. 5:18 And the Jews and the Christians said "We are the children of Allah and His beloved." Say, "Then why does He punish you for your sins?" Nay, you are human beings from among those He created. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And for Allah is the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the final return.
24:47 And they say, "We have believed in Allah and in the Messenger, and we obey"; then a party of them turns away after that. And those are not believers.
9:127 And whenever a Surah is revealed, some of them look at others, "Does anyone see you?" Then they turn away. Allah has turned away their hearts because they (are) a people (who) do not understand.
22:51 And those who strove against Our Verses, (to) cause failure, those (are the) companions (of) the Hellfire.
6:30 And if you (could) see when they will be made to stand before their Lord. He (will) say, "Is this not the truth?" They will say, "Yes, by our Lord." He (will) say, "So taste the punishment because you used to disbelieve."
6:111 And (even) if We (had) sent down to them the Angels and the dead (had) spoken to them and We (had) gathered everything before them, face to face, they were not to believe unless Allah wills. But most of them (are) ignorant.
4:142 Indeed, the hypocrites (seek to) deceive Allah and (it is) He Who deceives them. And when they stand for prayer, they stand lazily, showing off to the people and they do not remember Allah except a little. 4:143 Wavering between that, neither to these (and) nor to those. And whoever Allah lets go astray - then never will you find a way for him.
9:45 Only those ask your leave/permission who (do) not believe in Allah and the Last Day, and their hearts (are in) doubts, so they waver in their doubts.
18:56 And We did not send the Messengers except as bearers of glad tidings and as warners. And those who disbelieve dispute with falsehood, to refute the truth thereby. And they take My Verses and that of which they are warned in ridicule.
10:96 Indeed, those on whom has become due the Word of your Lord will not believe. 10:97 Even if every Sign comes to them, until they see the punishment - the painful.
22:72 And when Our clear Verses are recited to them, you will recognize denial on (the) faces (of) those who disbelieve. They almost attack those who recite to them Our Verses. Say, "Then shall I inform you of worse than that? The Fire, Allah (has) promised it (for) those who disbelieve, and wretched (is) the destination."
31:6 And of mankind is he who purchases idle tales to mislead from the path of Allah without knowledge, and takes it in ridicule. Those will have a humiliating punishment. 31:7 And when Our Verses are recited to him, he turns away arrogantly as if he (had) not heard them, as if in his ears (is) deafness. So give him tidings of a painful punishment.
27:14 And they rejected them, though they themselves were convinced with them, (out of) injustice and haughtiness. So see how was the end of the corrupters.
3:119 Lo, you are those who love them, but they do not love you and you believe in the Book - all of it. And when they meet you, they say, "We believe." And when they are alone they bite the fingers tips at you in rage. Say, Die in your rage. Indeed. Allah is All-Knowing of what is in the breasts." 3:120 If a good touches you, it grieves them; and if misfortune strikes you, they rejoice at it. And if you are patient and fear, their plot will not harm you in anything. Indeed, Allah, of what they do is All-Encompassing.
47:8 But those who disbelieve, for them (is) destruction, and He will cause their deeds to be lost. 47:9 That (is) because they hate what Allah has revealed, so He has made their deeds worthless.
22:55 And those who disbelieve will not cease (to be) in doubt of it until the Hour comes to them suddenly or comes to them (the) punishment (of) a barren Day.
25:41 And when they see you, they take you not except (in) mockery, "Is this the one whom Allah has sent (as) a Messenger? 25:42 He would have almost [surely] misled us from our gods, [if] [that] had we not been steadfast to them." And soon (they) will know, when they will see the punishment, who (is) more astray (from the) way. 25:43 Have you seen the one who takes as his god his own desire? Then would you be a guardian over him?
30:51 But if We sent a wind and they see it turn yellow, they (would), after it/(that), certainly continue (in) disbelief.
60:2 If they gain dominance over you, they would be you enemies and extend against you their hands and their tongues with evil, and they desire that you would disbelieve.
37:14 And when they see a Sign, they mock, 37:15 And they say, "This (is) not/(nothing) except a clear magic.
40:4 Not/(none) dispute concerning/(in) (the) Verses (of) Allah except those who disbelieve, so (let) not their movement in the cities deceive you.
47:20 And those who believe say, "Why has a Surah/(Chapter) not been revealed?" But when a precise Surah/(Chapter) is revealed and [the] fighting is mentioned in it/(therein), you see those [who] in their/(whose) hearts (is) a disease looking at you (with) a look (of) one fainting from [the] death. But more appropriate for them
59:14 They will not fight you all except in fortified towns or from behind walls. Their violence among themselves (is) severe. You think they (are) united, but their hearts (are) divided. That (is) because they (are) a people they/(who) (do) not reason.
8:36 Indeed, those who disbelieve [they] spend their wealth to hinder (people) from (the) way (of) Allah. So they will spend it, then it will be a regret for them, then they will be overcome. And those who disbelieve, they will be gathered to Hell.
See also: Exposing those who misquote and mistranslate verses of the Qur’an / Some frequently misquoted verses of the Qur’an
See also: Do non-Muslims oppress women?
See also: Which religion is moderate and which is extreme? Who are the radicals? Judaism vs. Christianity vs. Islam vs. atheism
See also: Are Christians hypocrites when they judge “violent” verses in the Qur'an?
See also: Do Muslims have to kill Jews and Christians just because they are not Muslims? Or is it only allowed in self-defense?
See also: Response to Islam haters and their spreading of falsehood
See also: Strategies against Islam. Is it something new?
See also: The Qur’an and Mathematics (Index)
See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)
See also: Are Atheists smarter than Believers?
See also: Can a Muslim ever be considered a terrorist? Who is the terrorist? Who is your enemy?
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