Sunday, November 27, 2016

Does the Qur’an support a geocentric view of the universe? Does the Qur’an say that the earth rotates? Does the Qur’an say that the sun revolves around the earth or vice versa?

Does the Qur’an support a geocentric view of the universe? Does the Qur’an say that the earth rotates? Does the Qur’an say that the sun revolves around the earth or vice versa?

27:61 Or Who made the earth (l-arda) a firm abode (qararan) and made (in) its midst rivers and made for it firm mountains and made between the two seas a barrier? Is there any god with Allah? Nay, most of them do not know.

(“Firm abode” is obviously in regard to living things; the Verse even mentions “rivers” and “mountains”, so it is in the context of earth’s surface; so the Verse does not say that “planet earth” is in a fixed position, as some non-Muslims suggest)(The root of “qararan” (a firm abode) is “Qaf-Ra-Ra”, and it means “be firm, be stable, settle, a fixed or secure place, depository, etc.”. So, the Verse refers to the earth in regard to living things)(The root of “arda” (earth) is “Alif-Ra-Dad”, and it means “to rotate, land abundant, fruitful, productive, luxuriant with herbage. Place for alighting or abiding. Earth, as opposed to heaven: and the ground, as meaning the surface of the earth, on which we tread, and sit, and lie, etc.”. So, both, the meaning of the word “earth”, and the context of the Verse, confirm that it refers to the surface)(Notice that “earth” also means “rotate”, so, if it were in the context of planet earth, the word also implies that planet Earth rotates. So, according to the Qur’an, planet earth is not immobile; and some non-Muslims tell lies about the Qur’an)(Allah knows best)

39:5 He created the heavens and the earth in truth. He wraps the night over the day and wraps the day over the night. And He subjected the sun and the moon, each running for a specified term. Unquestionably, He is the All-Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving.

(The mention of night and day is related/connected/involves Earth, in other words, the earth has an orbit (runs) if the night and day has an orbit, so the Earth is not immobile)(This Verse mentions the plural pronoun “each”; in Arabic language – plural is three or more, dual is two, and singular is one, so the Verse explicitly mentions the sun, the moon, and implicitly the Earth (day and night), all of them running, because “each running” in Arabic is “three or more” in this Verse)(In other words, if the Verse mentions more than two objects running, two of them are the sun and the moon, which are explicitly mentioned, then the other one is earth, because earth is implicitly mentioned when day and night are mentioned, because earth is involved in the day and night (earthly days and nights), then the Verse implicitly says that the earth is also running)(Allah knows best)

21:33 And He is the One Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in an orbit.

(This Verse also mentions the plural pronoun and plural verb “each floating”. In Arabic language – plural is three or more, dual is two, and singular is one, so the Verse explicitly mentions the sun, the moon, and implicitly the Earth, all of them floating, because “each floating” in Arabic is “three or more”)(Allah knows best)

91:1 By the sun and its brightness, 91:2 And the moon when it follows it, 91:3 And the day when it displays it, 91:4 And the night when it covers it,

(The sun is immobile in terms of night and day, because it is the day what displays the brightness of the sun (91:3), and it is the night what covers the brightness of the sun (91:4))(When day and night are mentioned in the Qur’an, then Earth is implicitly mentioned, because the mention of night and day is related/connected/involves the Earth. The rotation of the Earth around its own axis causes the day and night. If the sun is immobile in terms of night and day, then the Earth, which is also involved, is the one that is moving, not the sun. So, according to these Verses, the rotation of the Earth displays and covers the sun’s brightness)(Allah knows best)

25:45 Do you not see how your Lord how extends the shadow? And if He willed, surely He could have made it stationary. Then We made the sun an indication (dalilan) of it. 25:46 Then We withdraw it to Us, a gradual withdrawal.

(The sun’s brightness and the earth are involved in the “Shadow”. According to Verse 25:45, the sun is an indication of the shadow, so the sun indicates the orbit of the earth, not the other way round. (The sun’s gravity pulls on the earth))(So, the Earth’s rotation causes the shadow to change length, because the sun is immobile in terms of night and day (91:3-4))(The root of “dalilan” (indication) is “Dal-Lam-Lam”, and it means “indicate, direct, guide, lead, etc.”, so the orbit of the earth is led by the sun)(Allah knows best)

36:38 And the sun runs to a term appointed for it. That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knowing. 36:39 And the moon - We have ordained for it phases, until it returns like the old date stalk. 36:40 It is not permitted for the sun to overtake (tud’rika) the moon, nor can the night outstrip the day, but all are floating in an orbit.

(“tud’rika” also means “grasp”. The sun’s gravitational pull is strong to hold much larger masses than the moon and at much greater distances, but it is not permitted for the sun to grasp the moon, so, the moon keeps revolving around the Earth, instead of directly around the sun. The mention in the Qur’an of “the sun to grasp the moon”, regardless of “it is not permitted”, implies a heliocentric view, instead of geocentric)(Another interpretation is that, because the sun and the earth are both involved in that the day and night may run, then a figurative interpretation of the Verse is that if “the day” were “the sun”, and “the night” were “the earth”, (the verse says “nor can the night outstrip the day”), so this could imply that the earth is gravitationally grasped by the sun, not the other way around. This is a heliocentric view, not geocentric. And the figurative interpretation makes sense, because the sun has its own light (day), while earth is in darkness (night), unless the sun shines)(Another point is that there is a palindrome in Verse 36:40: “kullun fi falakin” (all in an orbit). “Palindrome” is a word or phrase that reads the same backward and forward. The picture of the palindrome suggests “revolving around” (e.g. the earth revolving around the sun, and the moon directly revolving around earth and indirectly around the sun). See the picture in the article below, “Palindromes in the Qur'an”)(Allah knows best)

35:41 Indeed, Allah upholds the heavens and the earth, lest they cease. And if they should cease, no one can uphold them after Him. Indeed, He is Most Forbearing, Oft-Forgiving.

(According to the context, “earth” in Verse 35:41 refers to “matter” in the universe (stars, planets, etc.), because it is mentioned together with the heavens. The heavens contain matter)(Other Verses supporting that “earth” can also mean “matter”: Verse 3:133 says “a Garden - its width (as) the heavens and the earth” (heavens and the earth have the same size because the whole heavens contain matter). Verse 2:255 says, “His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth”)(Allah knows best)

35:13 He causes to enter the night into the day and He causes to enter the day into the night, and He has subjected the sun and the moon, each running for an appointed term. That is Allah, your Lord, for Him is the Dominion. And those whom you invoke besides Him, they do not possess even (as much as) the membrane of a date-seed.

(There is an implicit mention of earth in Verse 35:13, because earth is involved in the day and night. Each / all are running)(Allah knows best)

13:15 And to Allah prostrates whoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and so do their shadows in the mornings and in the afternoons.

(The sun is a lamp (71:16), so the shadows are on earth, and the shadows are the ones who “do” the prostration. So, it implicitly refers to earth (rotation of earth), because the earth is involved in the shadows)(Allah knows best)

2:115 And for Allah (is) the east and the west, so wherever you turn, there is the face of Allah. Indeed, Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing.

(Because the earth is spherical and rotates, people turns to both the Kaaba (its direction), and turns to “everywhere”. According to Verse 2:115, “wherever you turn, there is the face of Allah”)(Allah knows best)

6:79 Indeed, I have turned my face to the One Who created the heavens and the earth as a true monotheist, and I am not of the polytheists.

6:78 When he saw the sun rising, he said, "This is my Lord, this is greater." But when it set, he said, "O my people, indeed, I am free of what you associate."

(This Verse uses subjective words: “he saw” the sun rising; so the sentence does not imply that the sun revolves around the earth)(Allah knows best)

18:17 And you (might) have seen the sun, when it rose, inclining away from their cave to the right, and when it set, passing away from them to the left while they (lay) in the open space thereof. That (was) from (the) Signs (of) Allah. Whoever Allah guides and he (is) the guided one, and whoever He lets go astray then never will you find for him a protector, a guide.

(Verse 18:17 also mentions a subjective point of view. It is a fact that mankind see the sun rising and setting from earth, so if you tell that “you saw” the sun doing that, it is grammatically and scientifically correct. Notice that the Verse uses subjective words “you have seen the sun”, “passing away from them to the left”, “inclining away from their cave to the right”)(See the article below “Setting and rising place of the sun. Does the sun set in a particular place? Can you travel to the place where the sun sets or rises?”)(Allah knows best)

28:71 Say, "Have you seen if Allah made the night continuous for you till the Day of Resurrection, who (is the) god besides Allah who could bring you light? Then will you not hear?" 28:72 Say, "Have you seen if Allah made the day continuous for you till (the) Day (of) the Resurrection, who (is the) god besides Allah who could bring you night (for) you (to) rest in it? Then will you not see?" 28:73 And from His Mercy He made for you the night and the day, that you may rest therein and that you may seek from His Bounty, and so that you may be grateful.

(As we saw in previous Verses, night and day refers to earth, because the sun, which is also involved, is immobile in regard to day and night (91:3-4), so the earth moves. “Night and day” is also mentioned in Verse 28:73, in regard to making the night or the day continuous (e.g. earth stops rotating). Notice that Verses 28:71-73 are also subjective (e.g. “continuous for you”), which indicates that, if the day is made continuous for you, it might not be so for other people, because the Earth is round. So, the Qur’an is scientifically correct)(In regard to Judaism and Christianity, the Bible says in Joshua 10:12-13, “Sun, stand still over Gibeon, and you, moon, over the Valley of Aijalon. So the sun stood still … The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day”. It is an order addressed to the sun and about the sun itself, instead of to the rotation of planet earth, so it is unscientific)(Allah knows best)

2:258 Did you not see the one who argued with Abraham about his Lord, because Allah gave him the kingdom? When Abraham said, "My Lord is the One Who grants life and causes death." He said, "I give life and cause death." Abraham said, "[Then] indeed Allah brings up (yati) the sun from the east, so you bring (fati) it from the west." So the one who disbelieved became dumbfounded, and Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

(The root of “yati” and “ti (brings up / bring)” is “Alif-Taa-Waw”, and it means, “to come, to bring, come to pass, come upon, do, commit, arrive, pursue, put forth, show, increase, reach, happen, overtake, go, meet, undertake, etc.”)(The Verse is scientifically correct, because it is a fact that the sun is shown/brought from the east, from an “earthy” point of view. So, the “earth” is implicitly involved in the sentence, because it refers to the earth’s east (e.g. the sun is brought from the earth’s rotation, in a way that the sun is brought from the east. The man cannot change earth’s rotation in a way that the sun is brought from the west))(Notice that the Verse says that the sun is brought “from the east”, which implies “from the earth’s”)(Allah knows best)

31:29 Do not you see that Allah causes to enter the night into the day, and causes to enter the day into the night and has subjected (wasakhara) the sun and the moon, each (kullun) moving for an appointed term, and that Allah is All-Aware of what you do.

(“kullun” (each) refers to all three (sun, moon and earth (because night and day are mentioned)). It is a fact that the sun does move, through space (galactic movement))(The word “sakhara” (subjected) means “to compel to work, make subservient, press into service, bring under domination or control, subjugate, constrain anyone to forced work, etc.”)(God is the Sustainer of existence (2:255). And each is moving for “an appointed term” because everything (the creation) will be destroyed (28:88))(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (1) (Astronomy)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Setting and rising place of the sun. Does the sun set in a particular place? Can you travel to the place where the sun sets or rises?

See also: Palindromes in the Qur'an

See also: Land/sea ratio in the Qur’an?

See also: Does the Qur’an say the Earth is flat?

See also: Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an (Index)

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