Wine, good or bad? Is drinking alcohol okay?
5:90 O you who believe, verily, intoxicants and games of chance and (sacrifices at) altars and divining arrows are an abomination from the work of Satan, so avoid it so that you may be successful. 5:91 Satan only intends to cause enmity and hatred between you through intoxicants and gambling, and to hinder you from the remembrance of Allah and from the prayer. So will you be the ones who abstain?
2:219 They ask you about intoxicants and the games of chance Say, "In both of them there is great sin, and benefits for people. But their sin is greater than their benefits.” And they ask you about what they should spend. Say, "The surplus." Thus Allah makes clear the Verses to you, so that you may ponder,
(The Verse says, “there is great sin, and benefits for people. But their sin is greater than their benefits”; so, despite of its benefits, it is forbidden drinking it, because it is a great sin, but it is allowed in Paradise, because, wine is not an intoxicant in there (56:12-19), neither causes bad effects (37:43-47))(So, the point of the prohibition is not the wine per se, but the intoxication or bad effect)(Allah knows best)
56:12 In Gardens of Pleasure, 56:13 A company of the former, 56:14 And a few of the later, 56:15 On decorated thrones, 56:16 Reclining on them facing each other. 56:17 There will circulate among them immortal boys, 56:18 With vessels and jugs and a cup from a flowing stream, 56:19 They will not get headache therefrom, and nor will they get intoxicated.
37:43 In Gardens of Delight 37:44 On thrones facing each other. 37:45 A cup will be circulated among them from a flowing spring, 37:46 White, delicious for the drinkers; 37:47 No bad effect is there in it, and they will not be intoxicated by it.
47:15 The example of Paradise, which is promised to the righteous. Therein are rivers of unpolluted water, and rivers of milk whose taste does not change, and rivers of wine delicious for the drinkers, and rivers of purified honey, and for them therein are all fruits and forgiveness from their Lord. Like those who (will) abide in Fire forever and they will be given to drink boiling water so it cuts their intestines into pieces.
83:22 Indeed, the righteous (will be) surely in bliss, 83:23 On thrones, observing. 83:24 You will recognize in their faces the radiance of bliss. 83:25 They will be given to drink of a pure wine, sealed,
See also: Is vinegar halal?
See also: Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an? (8) (Muslims)
See also: Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an? (0) (Index)
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