Heavens or Earth? Which was created first?
2:29 He is the One Who created for you all of that which is on the earth. Then (thumma) He turned to the heaven, and fashioned them seven heavens. And He is Knowing of all things.
(An interpretation of Verse 2:29 is that the heaven and earth were created before the seven heavens were completed. This is confirmed by Verses 41:11 and 41:12. So, Verse 2:29 does not say which was created first, heavens or earth, but it says that “He turned to the heaven”; which implies that the heaven was there, before turning to it; and “fashioned them seven heavens” was made after creating all of that which is on the earth, because “thumma” (then) indicates order)(Allah knows best)
79:27 Are you a more difficult creation or is the heaven? He constructed it. 79:28 He raised its ceiling and proportioned it. 79:29 And (wa) He darkened its night and brought out its brightness. 79:30 And after that He spread the earth.
(Earth’s ceiling is the atmosphere. The heaven was raised (55:7) because the oxygen is produced on Earth by organisms. So, it goes in a upward direction. So, the earth had no oxygen, then the space without oxygen was raised / separated from earth. The darkness and light on earth is previous to its spreading (79:29-30). So, this Verse does not say which was created first, heavens or earth)(And the Verse does not say which was created first, the atmosphere or the darkness and light on earth, because Verse 79:29 starts with “and / wa” which does not indicate chronological order or timing in Arabic)(Allah knows best)
41:11 Then He directed (Himself) towards the heaven while it was smoke, and He said to it and to the earth, "Come both of you willingly or unwillingly." They both said, "We come willingly." 41:12 Then (fa) He completed them as seven heavens in two periods and He revealed in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and to guard. That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.
(Both heaven and earth were created before the seven heavens were completed. So, this Verse does not say which was created first, heavens or earth)(In Verse 41:11, heaven (space) and earth (matter) are required to come (to be formed) subsequently. Note: according to the context, “earth” in Verse 41:11 refers to “matter”, not to “planet earth”)(Allah knows best)
21:30 Do not see those who disbelieved that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, then We parted them and We made every living thing from water? Then will they not believe?
(Heavens and earth (matter) are present since the beginning of the universe, in the Big Bang, which is how the universe expanded from a single point. All the matter, energy, and light; were all compacted into a dense point. The universe then expanded)(Allah knows best)
See also: Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an? (3) (Creation)
See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (1) (Astronomy)
See also: Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an? (0) (Index) https://aqtthq.blogspot.com.es/2017/03/refutation-of-so-called-internal.html
See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)
See also: Thumma, Wa, and Fa / Chronology in the Qur’an
See also: Six or eight days of creation? How long did it take to create heaven and earth?
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