Connected Words in the Qur’an
3:59 Indeed, the likeness of Jesus with Allah is like the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust; then He said to him, "Be," and he was.
(The word “Jesus / Isa” occurs 25 times in the Qur’an, in Verses: 2:87, 2:136, 2:253, 3:45, 3:52, 3:55, 3:59, 3:84, 4:157, 4:163, 4:171, 5:46, 5:78, 5:110, 5:112, 5:114, 5:116, 6:85, 19:34, 33:7, 42:13, 43:63, 57:27, 61:6 and 61:14)(And the word “Adam” occurs 25 times in the Qur’an, in Verses: 2:31, 2:33, 2:34, 2:35, 2:37, 3:33, 3:59, 5:27, 7:11, 7:19, 7:26, 7:27, 7:31, 7:35, 7:172, 17:61, 17:70, 18:50, 19:58, 20:115, 20:116, 20:117, 20:120, 20:121 and 36:60)(Adam and Jesus are compared in Verse 3:59, “the likeness of Jesus with Allah is like the likeness of Adam”. Both, Adam and Jesus, had been previously mentioned 6 times; and both are mentioned the seventh time in Verse 3:59; and after that, both are mentioned 18 times more)(The miraculous birth of Jesus does not make him a deity. Adam was created likewise)(Allah knows best)
Verses with the word “Adam”: or (“Alif-Dal-Miim”)
Verses with the word “Jesus / Isa”: or (“Ayn-Ya-Siin”)
39:68 And the trumpet (will) be blown, then whoever is in the heavens and the earth (will) fall dead except whom Allah wills. Then (it will) be blown a second time, and behold, they (will be) standing waiting.
(The root “sad waw ra” occurs 19 times in the Qur’an, 10 times as the noun “sur” (trompet), in Verses 6:73, 18:99, 20:102, 23:101, 27:87, 36:51, 39:68, 50:20, 69:13 and 78:18)(And the root “nun fa kha” (blow, breathe) occurs 20 times in the Qur’an)(A single trumpet is blown two times (39:68); the ratio 1:2 = 0.5 (1 trumpet/2 blows = 0.5) is the same than the ratio 10:20 = 0.5))(Allah knows best)
List of words with the root “sad waw ra”: or (“Sad-Waw-Ra”)
List of words with the root “nun fa kha”: or (“Nun-Fa-Kha”)
34:13 They worked for him what he willed of elevated chambers, and statues, and bowls like reservoirs, and cooking-pots fixed. "Work, O family (of) David! (In) gratitude." But few (waqalilun) of My slaves (are) grateful (l-shakuru).
(The root “shin kaf ra” (grateful / thankful) occurs 75 times in the Qur’an)(And the root “qaf lam lam” occurs 76 times in the Qur’an, 75 times as “little / few”, so excluding “aqallat” (7:57) as it means “to carry”)(Allah knows best)
List of words with the root “shin kaf ra”: or (“Shiin-Kaf-Ra”)
List of words with the root “qaf lam lam”: or (“Qaf-Lam-Lam”)
34:3 But those who disbelieve say, "The Hour (l-sa’atu) will not come to us." Say, "Nay, by my Lord, it will surely come to you. (He is the) Knower (of) the unseen (l-ghaybi)." Not escapes from Him (the) weight (of) an atom in the heavens and not in the earth and neither smaller than that and not greater, but (is) in a Clear Record.
(The root “sin waw ‘ayn” (hour) occurs 49 times in the Qur’an)(And the root “ghayn ya ba” occurs 60 times in the Qur’an, 49 times as the noun “ghayb” (unseen))(Allah knows best)
List of words with the root “sin waw ‘ayn”: or (“Siin-Waw-Ayn”)
List of words with the root “ghayn ya ba”: or (“Ghayn-Ya-Ba”)
2:102 And they followed what the devils recited over the kingdom of Solomon. And it was not Solomon who disbelieved, [and] but the devils disbelieved, teaching people magic (l-sih’ra) and that which was sent down to the two angels in Babylon, Harut and Marut. And they do not teach anyone unless they say, "We are only trial (fit’natun), so do not disbelieve." But they learn from them that by which they cause separation between a man and his wife. And they do not harm anyone with it except by permission of Allah. And they learn what harms them and does not benefit them. And they certainly knew that whoever buys it, would not have in the Hereafter any share. And evil is surely that for which they sold themselves, if they were to know.
(The root “fa ta nun” (trial) occurs 60 times in the Qur’an)(And the root “sin ha ra” occurs 63 times in the Qur’an, 60 times as “magic, bewitch, delude”. The remaining 3 times have a different meaning: “dawn, before dawn” (Verses 3:17, 51:18 and 54:34))(Allah knows best)
List of words with the root “fa ta nun”: or (“Fa-Ta-Nun”)
List of words with the root “sin ha ra”: or (“Siin-Ha-Ra”)
5:44 Indeed, We revealed the Torah wherein was Guidance and light. The Prophets who submitted judged by it for the Jews, as did the Rabbis (wal-rabaniyuna) and the scholars (wal-ahbaru) as they were entrusted with the Book of Allah and they were witnesses to it. So do not fear the people but fear Me, and do not sell My Verses for a little price. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, then those are the disbelievers.
(The root of “ha ba ra” occurs 6 times in the Qur’an, 4 times as the noun “ahbar” (scholars / rabbis), in Verses 5:44, 5:63, 9:31 and 9:34)(And the root of “ra ba ba” occurs 980 times in the Qur’an, 4 times as the noun “rabbaniyyin, ribbiyyun” (scholars / rabbis), in Verses 3:79, 5:44, 5:63 and 3:146)(Allah knows best)
List of words with the root “ha ba ra”: or (“Ha-Ba-Ra”)
List of words with the root “ra ba ba”: or (“Ra-Ba-Ba”)
2:29 He is the One Who created for you all of that which is on the earth. Then He turned to the heaven, and fashioned them seven heavens. And He is Knowing of all things. … 2:164 Indeed, in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and alternation of the night and the day, and the ships which sail in the sea with that which benefits people, and what Allah sent down from the sky of water, giving life thereby to the earth after its death, and dispersing therein of every moving creature, and directing the winds and the clouds controlled between the sky and the earth, surely are Signs for a people who use their intellect.
(The words “seven heavens” occur 7 times in the Qur’an (2:29, 17:44, 23:86, 41:12, 65:12, 67:3 and 71:15))(And “creation of Heavens” (khalqi / khalqa / khalqu) occur 7 times (2:164, 3:190, 3:191, 18:51, 30:22, 40:57 and 42:29), so, i.e. “created the Heavens” is excluded)(Allah knows best)
4:150 Indeed, those who disbelieve in Allah and His Messengers and they wish to differentiate between Allah and His Messengers and they say, "We believe in some and we disbelieve in others." And they wish to take a way (in) between that.
(The root “ra sin lam” (Messenger / send) occurs 513 times. On the other hand, all names mentioned only as “Prophets”, “Messengers”, or both, also occur 513 times in the Qur’an, which implies that all Prophets are Messengers, in order to reach the number 513, while not all Messengers are Prophets, because there are only 21 Prophets)(Note: in the Qur’an, the words that occur the same number of times is because they are similar, or because they oppose, so, in this case, this count of words is implicitly saying that all Prophets are Messengers, because “Messenger / send” occurs 513 times, and the names of Messengers, including those who are only mentioned as Prophets, also occur 513 times. See the articles below, “contrast words in the Qur’an” and “Similar Words in the Qur’an”)(Another point is that “Dhul-Kifl / Possessor of the Fold” (in regard to Ezekiel) and “Dhun-Nun / Owner of the Fish” (in regard to Jonah) are not “proper names”; likewise, “the unlettered Prophet” (7:157), in regard to Muhammad, is not a proper name either, so it is not included in the word count. On the other hand, Adam, Luqman and Saul are not explicitly mentioned as Prophet or Messenger, but they can implicitly be considered Messengers, because, in the case of Luqman, he is given wisdom (31:12), and he instructed (31:13); likewise, Muhammad instructed/advised (34:46, 4:63, 16:125), and also Hud (26:124, 26:136); so instructing to the way of God (16:125) is a Messenger’s duty because they are ordered to do so. And in regard to Saul, he is supported by a Prophet in Verse 2:247, “their Prophet said to them, "Indeed, Allah has surely raised for you Saul as king. ..."; in that regard, Verse 3:81 says “when Allah took the covenant of the Prophets, "Certainly, whatever I have given you of the Book and the wisdom, then there comes to you a Messenger confirming that which is with you, you must believe in him and you must help him.". So, the Verse may implicitly tell that Saul is a Messenger. This interpretation is also confirmed by Verse 2:249, in which Saul is delivering God’s Message to the people, “when Saul set out with the forces, he said, "Indeed, Allah will test you with a river ...”. And Saul was to be obeyed; in that regard, Messengers are to be obeyed (4:59, 5:92, 24:54, 24:56, 47:33); and Verse 4:80 says, “He who obeys the Messenger then he surely obeyed Allah”. In regard to Adam, he was placed as vicegerent by God (2:30); God taught Adam the names (2:31); Adam received words from God (2:37))(In the case of Idris, Isaac, Jacob, Job, David, Solomon, Elisha, Zechariah and John, it is not explicitly said that they are Messengers, but it is implicitly said, in this calculation or count, in order to reach the number 513; and their duties also confirm it, for example, Solomon was to be obeyed, John confirmed “Jesus” (3:39, 3:81), etc.)(Considering all this, the word count of the name of the Messengers is 513: Adam (25) + Idris/Enoch (2) + Nuh/Noah (43) + Hud/Eber (7) + Salih/Salah (9) + Ibrahim/Abraham (69) + Lut/Lot (27) + Ismail/Ishmael (12) + Ishaq/Isaac (17) + Yaqub/Jacob (16) + Yusuf/Joseph (27) + Ayyub/Job (4) + Shuaib/Jethro (11) + Musa/Moses (136) + Harun/Aaron (20) + Dawud/David (16) + Sulayman/Solomon (17) + Ilyas/Elijah (3) + Al-Yasa/Elisha (2) + Yunus/Jonah (4) + Zakariya/Zechariah (7) + Yahya/John (5) + Isa/Jesus (25) + Muhammad/Ahmad (5) + Luqman (2) + Talut/Saul (2) = 513)(Allah knows best)
6:83 And this is Our argument, We gave it to Abraham against his people. We raise by degrees whom We will. Indeed, your Lord is All-Wise, All-Knowing. 6:84 And We bestowed to him Isaac and Jacob, all We guided. And Noah, We guided before; and of his descendants, David and Solomon and Job and Joseph and Moses and Aaron. And thus We reward the good-doers. 6:85 And Zechariah and John and Jesus and Elias - all (were) of the righteous. 6:86 And Ishmael and Elisha and Jonah and Lot, and all We preferred over the worlds. 6:87 And from their fathers and their descendants and their brothers - and We chose them and We guided them to a straight path. 6:88 That is the Guidance of Allah, He guides with it whom He wills of His slaves. But if they (had) associated partners, surely (would be) worthless for them what they used to do. 6:89 Those are the ones whom We gave them the Book and the judgment and the Prophethood. But if they disbelieve in it, then indeed, We have entrusted it to a people who are not disbelievers therein.
(Verses 6:83-86 mention 18 Prophets whom God gave them the Book (“Those are the ones whom We gave them the Book and the judgment and the Prophethood” (6:89)). In addition, Idris is named a Prophet in Verse 19:56, but it is not explicitly said that he was given a Book, but implicitly Verse 19:58 says about Idrees (19:56), “when the Verses of the Most Merciful were recited to them”; and Muhammad is the “last” of the Prophets (33:40), and was given the Qur’an; another point is that the same Book was given to Moses and Aaron (37:117, 21:48); then, they are 20 Prophets, and 19 Scriptures (including Idrees’). The Qur’an is the final Scripture (33:40))(Note: those who are explicitly mentioned as Prophets are: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, Aaron, Zechariah, John, Jesus, Elijah, Ishmael, Elisha, Jonah, Lot, Idris and Muhammad)(Note: Hub, Salih and Shu’aib are mentioned as Messengers in the Qur’an, but not as Prophets)(Adam, Dhul-Kifl and Luqman are not described as Prophets or Messengers, though “Dhul Kifl is mentioned in Chapter 21 called “The Prophets”, so, despite he is not explicitly mentioned as a Prophet, one interpretation is that by mentioning him in Chapter 21, called “the Prophets”, then he is implicitly considered as a Prophet. Another point is that the number 21, in Chapter 21 (“the Prophets”), may also indicate that there are 21 Prophets. If so, then, there are 20 + 1 = 21 Prophets)(It is not explicitly said that Dhul Kifl was given a Book, but he is not explicitly called Prophet either, nevertheless, it is interpreted that one difference between a Messenger and a Prophet is that Prophets are given a Scripture, while Messengers confirm those Scriptures (3:81))(Another conclusion is that, if there are only 21 Prophets, then not all Messengers are Prophets)(Allah knows best)
2:252 These are the Verses of Allah, We recite them to you in truth. And indeed, you are surely of the Messengers.
(Note: those who are explicitly called Messengers in the Qur’an are: Ilyas (37:123), Yusuf (40:34), Harun (20:42-47, 26:16), Yunus (37:139), Jesus (3:49, 2:253, 4:157, 5:75, 61:6, 4:171), Ibrahim (9:70), Ismail (19:54), Muhammad (2:252, 3:144, 7:157-158, 33:40, 48:29), Nuh (7:59-61, 26:107), Musa (19:51, 7:104, 20:47, 26:16), Hud (7:65-67, 26:123-125), Salih (7:77, 26:141-143), Shuaib (26:176-178), Lut (26:160-162, 37:133))(Those who are explicitly or implicitly (in Chapter 21 (The Prophets)) called Prophets in the Qur’an are: (Abraham (19:41, 33:7, 6:83-89), Isaac (19:49, 37:112, 6:83-89), Jacob (19:49, 6:83-89), Noah (33:7, 6:83-89, 21:76), David (6:83-89, 21:78), Solomon (21:78, 21:81, 6:83-89), Job (21:83, 6:83-89), Joseph (6:83-89), Moses (19:51, 33:7, 6:83-89), Aaron (19:53, 6:83-89), Zechariah (21:89, 6:83-89), John (3:39, 6:83-89), Jesus (19:30, 33:7, 6:83-89), Elijah (6:83-89), Ishmael (19:54, 21:85, 6:83-89), Elisha (6:83-89), Jonah (21:87, 6:83-89), Lot (21:74, 6:83-89), Muhammad (7:157, 8:64, 33:40), Idris (19:56, 21:85) and Dhul Kifl (21:85))(Allah knows best)
List of Verses with the name “Adam”(25)(Alif-Dal-Miim); “Abraham” (69)(Alif-Ba-Ra); “Ishmael” (12)(Alif-Siin-Miim); “Ayyub/Job” (4)(Alif-Ya-Ba); “Elijah” (3)(Alif-Lam-Siin / Alif-Lam-Ya-Siin):
List of Verses with the name “Idris” (2)(Dal-Ra-Siin); and “David” (16)(Dal-Waw-Dal):
List of Verses with the name “Noah” (43)(Nun-Waw-Ha):
List of Verses with the name “Hud” (7)(ha-waw/alif-dal, ya-ha(o)-dal); and “Harun/Aaron” (20)(ha-Ra-Nun):
List of Verses with the name “Salih” (9)(Sad-Lam-Ha):
List of Verses with the name “Lot” (27)(Lam-Tay); and “Luqman” (2)(Lam-Qaf-Miim):
List of Verses with the name “Ishaq/Isaac” (17)(Siin-Ha-Qaf); and “Solomon” (17)(Siin-Lam-Miim):
List of Verses with the name “Jacob” (16)(Ya-Ayn-Qaf-Ba); “Yusuf/Joseph” (27)(Ya-Siin-Fa); “Elisha” (2)(Ya-Siin-Ayn); “Yunus/Jonah” (4)(Ya-Waw-Nun):
List of Verses with the name “Shuaib” (11)(Shiin-Ayn-Ba):
List of Verses with the name “Moses” (136)(Miim-Waw-Siin):
List of Verses with the name “Zakariya” (7)(Zay-Kaf-Ra):
List of Verses with the name “Yahya" (5)(Ha-Ya-Ya); and “Muhammad/Ahmad” (5)(Ha-Miim-Dal):
List of Verses with the name “Isa/Jesus” (25)(Ayn-Ya-Siin):
List of Verses with the name “Talut/saul” (2)(Tay-Lam-Ta):
See also: Contrast words in the Qur’an
See also: Similar words in the Qur’an
See also: Words in the Qur’an not similar or no connected to other Words of the Qur’an
See also: The Qur’an and Mathematics. Mathematical miracles in the Qur’an. Word repetitions in the Qur’an (Index)
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