Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Is it ok to be a Jew or Christian?

Is it ok to be a Jew or Christian?

2:62 Indeed, those who believed, and those who became Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians - who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteous deeds, so for them is their reward with their Lord; and they will have no fear, nor will they grieve.

(Before the Qur’an was revealed, the Jews and Christians who submitted (3:85) and believed (2:62), for them is their reward (2:62); but, for example, trinitarian Christians are not believers (5:17 and 5:72); and once the Qur’an was revealed, those who deny the Verses of the Qur’an are disbelievers (2:91, 52:33-34, 46:10, 10:95-97, 23:38-39, 40:70))(Allah knows best)

2:112 Yes, whoever submits (aslama) his face to Allah and [he] (is) a good-doer, so/(then) for him (is) his reward with his Lord. And no fear (will be) on them, [and] not/(nor) (will) they grieve.

(Verse 2:112 is similar to Verse 2:62. The Verses of the Qur’an complement each other. So, Verse 2:112 says, “whoever submits”. The root of “submits” (aslama) has the same root than the words “Islam” and “Muslim”. So, the “submitted to God” (aka Muslims) among Christians and Jews are to be saved from hell. This is confirmed by Verse 3:85, “And whoever seeks other than Islam as religion - then never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be from the losers”)(Islam means “Submission (to God)”)(Allah knows best)

2:132 And Abraham enjoined upon his sons and Jacob, "O my sons, indeed, Allah has chosen for you the religion, so do not die except while you are submissive (mus’limuna)."

(Abraham said “do not die except while you are submissive (aka Muslims)(2:132))(Allah knows best)

68:44 So/(then) leave Me and whoever denies this Statement, We will progressively lead them from where they (do) not know.

22:57 And those who disbelieved and denied Our Verses, then for them (will be) a humiliating punishment.

5:17 They have certainly disbelieved who said, "Indeed, Allah, He is the Messiah, the son of Mary." Say, "Then who has the power against Allah in anything if He intends to destroy the Messiah, the son of Mary, and his mother and everyone on the earth?" And for Allah is the dominion of the heavens and the earth and what is between both of them. He creates what He wills, and Allah is on everything All-Powerful.

4:171 O People of the Book, do not commit excess in your religion and do not say about Allah except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allah and His word which He directed to Mary and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, Allah is but one God. Glory be to Him, that He (should) have a son for Him. To Him whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.

5:72 They certainly disbelieve who say, "Indeed Allah - He is the Messiah, the son of Mary." While the Messiah said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates partners with Allah, then surely Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and his abode will be the Fire. And there will be no helpers for the wrongdoers.

3:110 You are the best of people raised for mankind - enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong and believing in Allah. And if the People of the Book had believed, surely it would have been good for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.

3:85 And whoever seeks other than Islam as religion - then never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be from the losers.

(“Islam” is an Arabic word meaning “submission (to God)”. That’s the religion preached by Jesus and all Messengers. According to Luke 22:42, Jesus said “yet not my will, but yours be done”)(Allah knows best)

2:91 And when it is said to them, "Believe in what Allah has revealed," they say, "We believe in what was revealed to us." And they disbelieve in what is besides it, while it is the truth confirming that which is with them. Say, "Then why did you kill the Prophets of Allah before, if you were believers?"

2:111 And they said, "None will enter Paradise except one who is a Jew or a Christian." That is their wishful thinking. Say, "Bring your proof if you are truthful."

2:113 The Jews say, "The Christians have nothing upon." And the Christians say, "The Jews have nothing upon," although they both recite the Book. Thus say those who do not know similar statements. Allah will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in which they were differing.

62:6 Say, "O you who are Jews, if you claim that you are allies of Allah , excluding the people, then wish for death, if you are truthful."

2:94 Say, "If the home of the Hereafter with Allah is exclusively for you, and not for others of mankind, then wish for death, if you are truthful."

2:120 And the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the Guidance of Allah is the Guidance." And if you follow their desires after what has come to you of the knowledge, you will have neither any protector from Allah nor any helper.

(According to this Verse, Jews and Christians do not follow the correct religion anymore, but they follow their desires, instead of obeying God)(Allah knows best)

10:84 And Moses said, "O my people, if you have believed in Allah, then put your trust in Him, if you are Muslims."

("Muslim" is an Arabic word meaning "one who submits (to God)". By definition, if a person calls himself Muslim, but he does not submits to the will of God, he is not a Muslim. On the other hand, if an atheist, or a Jew, or a Christian is a murder or rapist or terrorist, etc., he still is an atheist, Jew or Christian, because an atheist still does not believe in God, a Jew still has a Jewish mother, which makes him a Jew (according to themselves), and a Christian still believes in Jesus as his savior, regardless of his works (according to themselves); so, that makes them to belong to a group in which there are wrongdoers. On the other hand, by definition, Muslims are never criminals (68:35-36), because they obey God. And what God commands is good)(Allah knows best)

3:52 Then when Jesus perceived disbelief from them, he said, "Who (will be) my helpers (of) Allah." The disciples said "We (will be the) helpers (of) Allah, we believe in Allah and bear witness that we are Muslims.

(The early “Christians” declared themselves Muslims/Submitted (to God))(According to Acts 11:26, the disciples were called “Christians” first in Antioch, so the word “Christian” was innovated later because it is not mentioned in any of the four Gospels)(The word “Christian” is also not used in the Qur’an; the literal translation of the Arabic word is “Nazarenes” ((followers) of the Nazarene))(Allah knows best)

2:140 Or do you say that Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the descendants were Jews or Christians?" Say, "Are you more knowing or is Allah?" And who is more unjust than one who conceals a testimony he has from Allah? And Allah is not unaware of what you do.

(In regard to the word “Jew” and “Judaism”, they are derived from the name “Judah”, which was the name of one of Jacob’s twelve sons. Judah was the ancestor of one of the tribes of Israel (tribe of Judah), which was named after him. So, those words were innovated; the Prophets weren’t Jews or Christians. In the Qur’an, the word “Jew” is used in the context of religion, not ethnicity/lineage, because it is mentioned together with other religious groups (Christian and Sabians (2:62)). In that respect, Jacob and the descendants were not Jews (2:140); so “Jews” do not indicate lineage in the Qur’an. So, regardless of the tribe they belong, their religion is named after Judah)(The religion in the sight of God is Islam (3:19, 3:85)(aka “Submission (to God)”), and in that matter, the Prophets were not Jews or Christians (2:140))(The Qur’an also uses the words “Children of Israel” (Bani Israel), but, in this case, “Bani Israel” establish their lineage, so they are referred in the Qur’an as descendants of Israel/Jacob)(Allah knows best)

2:135 And they said, "Be Jews or Christians, then you will be guided." Say, "Nay, the religion of Abraham, the upright; and he was not of those who associated partners."

(Verse 2:135 also confirms that “Jew” is used in the context of religion)(Allah knows best)

2:133 Or were you witnesses when death came to Jacob, when he said to his sons, "What will you worship after me?" They said, "We will worship your God and the God of your fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and IsaacOne God. And we are Muslims/submissive to Him."

(The sons of Jacob declared themselves “Muslims” (submissive to God))(Allah knows best)

61:6 And when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad." But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic."

(The Qur’an is also for Jews and Christians, because Jesus was sent to the children of Israel, and he announced them the coming of Muhammad)(On the other hand, Jesus was not sent to those Christians who are not from the Children of Israel. Christians must follow the Qur’an as well, because Muhammad is a Messenger to all mankind, including Jews and Christians. Verse 7:158 says, “O mankind, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you all”)(See the articles below “For whom is Islam/the Qur'an? To whom was Muhammad sent?”, “To whom was Jesus sent?” and “Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible?”)(Allah knows best)

3:67 Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim, and he was not of the polytheists.

2:170 And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they said, "Nay, we follow what we found our forefathers (following)". Even though their forefathers did not understand anything, nor were they guided?

5:18 And the Jews and the Christians said "We are the children of Allah and His beloved." Say, "Then why does He punish you for your sins?" Nay, you are human beings from among those He created. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And for Allah is the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the final return.

(God creates, He does not beget His creation. So, mankind is not children of God, but God’s creation)(According to Verse 9:30, the concept “son of God” is not from God, but from those who disbelieved before)(Allah knows best)

5:66 And if they had stood firmly by the Torah and the Gospel and what was revealed to them from their Lord, surely they would have eaten from above them and from beneath their feet. Among them is a moderate community, but many of them - evil is what they do.

43:21 Or have We given them a book before it, so they (are) holding fast to it? 43:22 Nay, they say, "Indeed, we [we] found our forefathers upon a religion, and indeed, we (are) guided on/(by) their footsteps."

(Jews and Christians follow people’s innovations, instead of their own Scripture)(See the links below, “Jesus vs. Paul” and “How the Qur’an corrects Judaism?”)(Allah knows best)

29:47 And thus We have revealed to you the Book. So those to whom We gave the Book believe in it. And among these are some who believe in it. And none reject Our Verses except the disbelievers.

3:100 O you who believe, if you obey a group from those who were given the Book they will turn you back, after your belief, (as) disbelievers.

(Verse 3:100 confirms that Jews and Christians are not believers anymore)(Allah knows best)

5:73 They have certainly disbelieved, those who say, "Indeed, Allah is the third of three." And there is no god except the One God. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, a painful punishment will surely afflict those who disbelieved among them. 5:74 So will they not turn to Allah and seek His forgiveness? And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

5:12 And certainly Allah took a Covenant from the Children of Israel and We appointed from among them twelve leaders. And Allah said, "Indeed, I am with you if you establish prayer and give the zakah (charity) and you believe in My Messengers and you assist them and you loan Allah a goodly loan, surely I will remove from you your evil deeds and I will surely admit you to gardens beneath which rivers flow. But whoever of you disbelieved after that, then he certainly strayed from the right way. 5:13 So for their breaking of their covenant We cursed them and We made their hearts hard. They distort words from their places, and forgot a part of what they were reminded of. And you will not cease to discover treachery from them except a few of them. But forgive them and overlook. Indeed, Allah loves the good-doers.

(According to Verse 5:13, the Jews “forgot a part of what they were reminded of”. Jews do not believe in Hell, but all Messengers said that the disbelievers would be punished eternally in the fire)(The Jews did not erase or failed to erase everything about “hell” from the scripture, according to Daniel 12:2 “multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt”, Psalm 145:20 “The Lord preserves all who love him, but all the wicked He will destroy”, Psalm 78:65-66 “then the Lord awoke as from sleep, as a warrior wakes from the stupor of wine. He beat back his enemies; he put them to everlasting shame”)(And Verse 5:12 says that the Children of Israel have to believe in the Messengers. God is with them if they do so (5:12). They do not believe in Jesus and Muhammad, so they do not believe in the Messengers)(See the link below, “How the Qur’an corrects Judaism?”)(Allah knows best)

4:46 Among the Jews are those who distort words from their places and they say, "We hear and disobey" and "Hear but be not heard” and "Raina", twisting their tongues and defaming the religion. And if they had said, "We hear and obey" and "Hear and look at us”, it would surely have been better for them and more suitable. [And] but Allah cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, except for a few.

(According to the Qur’an, Jews or Christians might differ from the true religion in what they concealed of the Book (6:91, 2:143), and in what they forgot (5:13), and in what they were burdened for their wrongdoing (16:124, 4:160), and in what they innovated (57:27), and in following their desires (2:120, 5:48), and in committing excess in their religion (4:171), etc.)(Allah knows best)

5:116 And when Allah said, "O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to the people, "Take me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?" He said, "Glory be to You, it was not for me to say what I had no right. If I had said it, then surely You would have known it. You know what is in myself, and I do not know what is in Yourself. Indeed, You, You are All-Knower of the unseen.

(Catholics are devoted to “virgin Mary” and they ask her for things, so they took Mary as god. Jesus never did it, he only worshiped God)(God does not forgive associating partners with Him (4:116). Those who associate are going to Hell (72:20-23))(Allah knows best)

9:31 They have taken their rabbis and their monks and the Messiah, son of Mary, as Lords besides Allah. And they were not commanded except to worship One God. There is no god except Him. Glory be to Him from what they associate.

(Verses 9:31 explicitly say that Christians and Jews (9:30) “associate” (9:31), by taking people as Lords (e.g. obeying those who oppose the religion))(Allah knows best)

6:121 And (do) not eat of that on which Allah’s name has not been mentioned, and indeed, it (is) grave disobedience. And indeed, the devils inspire [to] their friends so that they dispute with you, and if you obey them, indeed, you (would) be the polytheists.

(According to Verse 6:121, obeying the devils is polytheism. Christians and Jews obey those who oppose the religion (e.g. Paul, corrupted teachings, etc.). See the links below, “Is the Bible corrupted?” and “Jesus vs. Paul”)(Allah knows best)

62:5 The likeness of those who were entrusted with the Torah then they did not bore it, is like the donkey who carries books. Wretched is the example of the people who deny the Signs of Allah. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.

(Men is entrusted with the scripture, but if they do not follow it, they would be like an animal having a book, the animal is not able to understand or read a book, so those who do not follow the Scripture do likewise)(Allah knows best)

22:78 And strive for Allah with the striving which is due to Him. He has chosen you and has not placed upon you any difficulty in the religion. The religion of your father Abraham. He named you Muslims before, and in this, that the Messenger may be a witness over you and you may be witnesses over mankind. So establish prayer and give zakah (charity) and hold fast to Allah. He is your Protector - so an Excellent Protector and an Excellent Helper.

16:124 The Sabbath was only appointed for those who differed in it. And indeed, your Lord will surely judge between them on the Day of Resurrection in that over which they used to differ.

(The law was more severe for those who did wrong. Verse 7:157 says that Muhammad relieves of their burden and the fetters)(See the link below “Does the Qur'an replace the Bible?”)(Allah knows best)

4:160 Then for the wrongdoing of those who were Jews, We made unlawful for them good things which had been lawful for them, and for their hindering many from the way of Allah.

5:82 Surely, you will find the strongest among people in enmity towards those who believe, the Jews and those who are polytheists; and surely you will find nearest of them in affection to those who believe, those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks, and that they are not arrogant. 5:83 And when they listen to what has been revealed to the Messenger, you see their eyes overflowing with tears, for what they recognized of the truth. They say, "Our Lord, we have believed so write us with the witnesses.

(Verse 5:82 refers to some Christian priests and monks who believe/d when they listen/ed to the Qur’an (5:83). So, the Verse does not say that it is ok to be Christian, but, according to the context, it mentions a group of Christians who believe/d in the Qur’an when they listen/ed to it (5:83). So if they believe and follow the Qur’an, in obedience to God, then they become Muslims (aka “Submitted (to God)”))(Allah knows best)

3:70 O People (of) the Book, why do you deny [in] the Signs (of) Allah while you bear witness? 3:71 O People (of) the Book! Why do you mix the truth with the falsehood and conceal the truth while you know?

6:82 Those who believed and did not mix their belief with wrong, those, for them, is the security, and they are rightly guided.

(Jews and Christians mix the truth with falsehood. See the articles below “How the Qur’an corrects Christianity?”. “How the Qur’an corrects Judaism?” and “Is the Bible corrupted?”)(Allah knows best)

45:8 Who hears (the) Verses (of) Allah recited to him, then persists arrogantly as if he (had) not heard them. So give him tidings (of) a painful punishment.

(Those who ignore the Verses of the Qur’an are to be punished (45:8))(Allah knows best)

9:34 O you who believe, indeed, many of the rabbis and the monks surely eat the wealth of the people in falsehood, and hinder from the way of Allah. And those who hoard the gold and silver, and do not spend it in the way of Allah, give them tidings of a painful punishment. 9:35 The Day it will be heated in the Fire of Hell, and their foreheads, and their flanks and their backs will be branded with it, "This is what you hoarded for yourselves, so taste what you used to hoard."

(Verses 9:34-35 explicitly speak about some rabbis and monks being punished in Hell)(Allah knows best)

3:73 And do not believe except those who follow your religion." Say, "Indeed the guidance is the Guidance of Allah – lest someone be given the like of that which was given to you or that they may argue with you near your Lord." Say, "Indeed, the Bounty is in the Hand of Allah. He gives it to whom He wills, and Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing."

57:27 Then We sent Our Messengers on their footsteps and We followed with Jesus, son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel. And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. But the monasticism they innovated - We did not prescribe it for them - only seeking the pleasure of Allah, but they did not observe it with right observance. So We gave those who believed among them their reward, but most of them are defiantly disobediently.

(Only Christians who believed are to be rewarded, according to what they did, despite, in this case, monasticism was not prescribed for them. Verse 57:27 says that most of those Christians are defiantly disobediently)(The Verse does not imply that “those who did not observe monasticism with right observance” are disobedient, because monasticism was not prescribed)(Allah knows best)

91:11 Thamud denied by their transgression,

(Christians think that salvation is obtained by grace through faith alone, without works, or without following the law)(In fact, Christians deny the faith (religion) by their transgression, so Christians do not even have the faith, nor works, when they disobey God)(That is confirmed by the Bible Itself: “Faith without works is dead” (James 2:14-26))(Allah knows best)

54:43 Are your disbelievers better than those, or for you (is) an exemption in the Scriptures?

98:6 Indeed, those who disbelieve, from (the) People (of) the Book and the polytheists, (will be) in (the) Fire (of) Hell abiding eternally therein. Those [they] (are the) worst (of) [the] creatures.

5:41 O Messenger, let not grieve you those who hasten into disbelief of those who said, "We believe" with their mouths, and their hearts believe not, and from those who are Jews. They are listeners of falsehood, (and) listeners for other people (who have) not come to you. They distort the words from their context, saying, "If you are given this, take it; but if you are not given it, then beware." And for whom Allah intends his trial, then never will you have power (to do) anything for him against Allah. Those are the ones (for whom) Allah will never intend to purify their hearts. For them in the world is disgrace and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment. 5:42 Listeners of falsehood, devourers of the forbidden. So if they come to you, then judge between them or turn away from them. And if you turn away from them, then they will never harm you in anything. And if you judge, then judge between them with justice. Indeed, Allah loves those who are just.

(Among those who say “we believe”, and among the Jews, there are listeners of falsehood, they distort the words from their context, they are devourers of the forbidden, so they are to be punished in the Hereafter (5:41-42))(Allah knows best)

72:14 And that among us are Muslims and among us are unjust. And whoever submits, then those have sought the right path.

(Among the Jinn, who are not Muslims, are unjust)(Allah knows best)

3:3 He revealed to you the Book in truth which confirms that which was before it and He revealed the Torah and the Gospel. 3:4 Before (this), as guidance for mankind. And (He) revealed the Criterion. Verily, those who disbelieved in the Verses of Allah, for them is a severe punishment. And Allah is All-Mighty, All-Able of retribution.

3:32 Say, "Obey Allah and the Messenger." Then if they turn away - then indeed, Allah does not love the disbelievers.

6:21 And who is more unjust than he who invents a lie against Allah or rejects His Signs/Verses? Indeed, the wrongdoers will not be successful.

(Those who disobey (3:32) and reject the Verses of the Qur’an (6:21) are disbelievers (3:32) and wrongdoers (6:21))(Allah knows best)

2:83 And when We took the covenant from the Children of Israel, "Do not worship except Allah, and be good to parents, relatives, orphans and the needy, and speak good to people, and establish the prayer and give the zakah. Then you turned away, except a few of you, and you were refusing. 2:84 And when We took your covenant, "Do not shed your blood and nor evict yourselves from your homes," then you ratified while you were witnessing. 2:85 Then you are those who kill yourselves and evict a party of you from their homes, you support one another against them in sin and transgression. And if they come to you as captives, you ransom; while their eviction was forbidden to you. So do you believe in part of the Book and disbelieve in part? Then what should be the recompense for those who do so among you, except disgrace in worldly life; and on the Day of Resurrection they will be sent back to the most severe punishment? And Allah is not unaware of what you do. 2:86 Those (are) the ones who (have) bought the life (of) the/(this) world for the Hereafter; so the punishment will not be lightened for them, [and] not/(nor) will they be helped. 2:87 And indeed We gave Moses the Book and We followed him up with Messengers. And We gave Jesus, (the) son of Mary, clear signs and supported him with the Holy Spirit. Is it not so, that whenever there came to you a Messenger with what yourselves did not desire, you acted arrogantly? So a party you denied and another party you killed. 2:88 And they said, "Our hearts are wrapped." Nay, Allah has cursed them for their disbelief; so little is that which they believe.

(Verses 2:83-88 mention matters which Jews are still committing, they shed blood and evict Palestinians from their homes, they believe in part of the Book and disbelieve in part (2:85). The consequence of these is a “severe punishment” in the Hereafter)(Allah knows best)

17:4 And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Book, "You will surely cause corruption on the earth twice, and you will surely reach great haughtiness."

(The Verse mentions “the Book”. The Verse might implicitly suggest that the two corruptions refer to the Bible (Bible means “Books”, but it is a single Book))(It is interpreted that some the Old Testament might be corrupted and they distort words from their context (e.g. in order to deny Jesus as the Messiah, or inventing that Palestine is for themselves, or disbelieving in Hell, etc.). And the second corruption is the New Testament: Christianity became a Jewish sect, and over time they wrongly made people think that Jesus was God and the son of God, they invented the false concept of trinity, and the false concept of salvation obtained by grace through Faith alone, without works, etc.)(Allah knows best)

23:71 But if the truth (had) followed their desires, surely, the heavens and the earth and whoever (is) therein (would) have been corrupted. Nay, We have brought them their reminder, but they (are) turning away from their reminder.

(Jews and Christians think that they follow the truth, but they follow their own desires (aka corruption) (23:71), but the Qur’an is a Reminder, and a Criterion (25:1), in order to know what is true)(The Qur’an is an evidence in Itself that it is from God. See the links below “The Qur’an and Mathematics” and “Is the Qur'an scientifically correct?”)(There are evidences that the Bible is corrupted. See the link below, “Is the Bible corrupted?”)(Allah knows best)

3:55 When Allah said "O Jesus, indeed, I (will) take you and raise you to Myself, and purify you from those who disbelieve, and I will make those who follow you superior to those who disbelieve on the Day of Resurrection. Then to Me (is) your return and I will judge between you concerning that about which you were differing.

(Jesus’ religion is not “Christianity”. Muslims (and a party of early “Christians”) are the real followers of Jesus)(See the link below, “Is Islam a new religion? Does Muhammad differ from other Prophets?”)(Allah knows best)

6:118 And to those who are Jews We have forbidden that which We related to you before. And We did not wrong them, but they used (to) wrong themselves.

41:33 And who is better in speech than one who invites to Allah and does righteous deeds and says, "Indeed, I am of the Muslims/those who submit?"

5:78 Those who disbelieved from the Children of Israel were cursed by the tongue of David and Jesus, son of Mary, because they disobeyed and they used to transgress. … 5:80 You see many of them taking as allies those who disbelieved. Surely, evil (is) what their souls sent forth for them(selves), that Allah became angry with them, and in the punishment they (will) abide forever.

See also: Is Islam a new religion? Does Muhammad differ from other Prophets?


See also: Were the Prophets Jews or Christians?


See also: Will Jews and Christians enter Paradise or go to Hell? Will Jews and Christians be saved from Hell?


See also: How the Qur’an corrects Christianity?


See also: How the Qur’an corrects Judaism?


See also: How to become a Muslim?


See also: Is the Bible corrupted?


See also: Is Christianity idolatry?


See also: Does the Qur'an replace the Bible?


See also: Is there any difference between “Muslim” and “Believer”?


See also: For whom is Islam/the Qur'an? To whom was Muhammad sent? Who is the intended audience of the Revelation?


See also: To whom was Jesus sent? Was Jesus sent to the gentiles? Was the Gospel for the gentiles?


See also: Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an? (0) (Index)


See also: Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible?


See also: Jesus vs. Paul


See also: The Qur’an and Mathematics (Index)


See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)


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