Some similar words in Hebrew or the Hebrew Bible, and the Arabic Qur’an
3:12 Say to those who disbelieve, "You will be overcome and gathered towards Hell (jahannama), an evil resting place.
(In Hebrew: gehinnom / geyhinnom)(Allah knows best)
2:248 And their Prophet said to them, "Indeed, a sign of his kingship is that the ark (l-tabutu) will come to you in which is tranquility from (min) your Lord and a remnant left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron carried by the Angels. Indeed, in that is a sign for you if you are believers."
(In Hebrew: tevah)(In Hebrew: min)(Allah knows best)
13:23 Gardens of Eden/Eternity (jannatu ‘adnin), they will enter them with whoever were righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their offsprings. And the Angels will enter upon them from every gate,
(In Hebrew: gan ‘eden)(Allah knows best)
2:283 And if you are on a journey and you do not find a scribe, then take pledge in hand. And if one of you entrusts (amina) another, then let the one who is entrusted (u’tumina) discharge his trust (amanatahu), and let him fear Allah, his Lord. And do not conceal the evidence. And whoever conceals it - then indeed his heart is sinful. And Allah is All-Knower of what you do.
(In Hebrew: Amen)(Allah knows best)
46:10 Say, "Do you see if it is from Allah, and you disbelieve in it, and a witness from among the Children of Israel (bani is’raila) testifies to the like thereof, then he believed, while you are arrogant?" Indeed, Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.
(In Hebrew: b’nei yisrael)(Allah knows best)
2:255 Allah (al-lahu) - there is no God (ilaha) except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and the guarding of both of them does not tire Him. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.
(In Hebrew: Elohim, Eloah, El)(Allah knows best)
1:2 All praises and thanks be to Allah (al-hamdu lillahi), the Lord of the worlds (l-’alamina)
(In Hebrew: Hallelujah)(In Hebrew: ‘olam)(Allah knows best)
2:87 And indeed We gave Moses the Book and We followed him up with Messengers. And We gave Jesus, (the) son (ib’na) of Mary, clear signs and supported him with the Holy Spirit (ruhi l-qudusi). Is it not so, that whenever there came to you a Messenger with what yourselves did not desire, you acted arrogantly? So a party you denied and another party you killed.
(In Hebrew: ben)(In Hebrew: ruach hakodesh)(Allah knows best)
3:45 When the Angels said, "O Mary, indeed, Allah gives you glad tidings of a word from Him, his name is Messiah (l-masihu), Jesus, son of Mary, honored in this world and in the Hereafter and among those brought near.
(In Hebrew: masiah)(Allah knows best)
6:75 And thus We showed Abraham the kingdom (malakuta) of the heavens and the earth, so that he would be among those who are certain.
(In Hebrew: malkhut)(Allah knows best)
7:160 And We divided them into twelve tribes (asbatan) as communities. And We inspired to Musa when his people asked him for water, "Strike the stone with your staff." Then gushed forth from it twelve springs. Certainly, every people knew its drinking place. And We shaded them with clouds, and We sent down upon them manna and quails. "Eat of the good things which We have provided you." And they did not wrong Us but they were wronging themselves.
(In Hebrew: sevet)(Allah knows best)
18:74 Then they both set out until they met a boy, then he killed him. He said, "Have you killed a pure soul (nafsan) for other than a soul (nafsin)? Certainly, you have done an evil thing."
(In Hebrew: nephesh)(Allah knows best)
62:5 The likeness of those who were entrusted with the Torah then they did not bore it, is like the donkey who carries books (asfaran). Wretched is the example of the people who deny the Signs of Allah. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.
(In Hebrew: sefer)(Allah knows best)
112:1 Say, "He is Allah, the One (ahadun).
(In Hebrew: ehad)(Allah knows best)
4:12 And for you is half of what your wives leave if they have no child. But if they have a child, then for you is a fourth of what they leave, after any will they have made and of any debt. And for them is fourth of what you leave, if have no child. But if you leave a child, then for them is an eighth (l-thumunu) of what you leave after any will you have made and of any debt. And if a man or woman whose wealth is to be inherited has no parent or child but has a brother or sister, then for each one of them is a sixth. But if they are more than that, then they share a third after any will that may have been made and of any debt without being harmful. An ordinance from Allah. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Forbearing.
(In Hebrew: shemini)(Allah knows best)
1:4 Master of the Day of the Judgment (yawmi l-dini).
(In Hebrew: yom hadin)(Allah knows best)
78:9 And We made your sleep for rest (subatan),
(In Hebrew: shabbat / sabbat)(Allah knows best)
9:103 Take from their wealth a charity (sadaqatan) by which you may purify them and cause them increase, and bless upon them. Indeed, your blessings are a reassurance for them. And Allah (is) All-Hearer (sami’un), All-Knower.
(In Hebrew: Tzedakah / sdaqah)(In Hebrew: sama’)(Allah knows best)
72:3 And that He - Exalted is the Majesty of our Lord - He has not taken a wife or a son (waladan),
(In Hebrew: Yeled)(Note: Arabic “w” turns into Hebrew “y”)(Allah knows best)
66:12 And Mary, the daughter (ib’nata) of 'Imran, who guarded her chastity, so We blew into it of Our Spirit, and she believed in the Words of her Lord and His Books and was of the devoutly obedient.
(In Hebrew: Bat)(Allah knows best)
10:5 He is the One Who made the sun (l-shamsa) a shining light, and the moon a (reflected) light (nuran) and determined for it phases, that you may know the number of years and the count (of time). Allah has not created that except in truth. He explains the Signs for a people who know. … 10:8 Those - their abode (will be) the Fire (l-naru), for what they used to earn.
(In Hebrew: shemsh / semes)(In Hebrew: nur)(Allah knows best)
15:52 When they entered upon him and said, "Peace." (salaman) He said, "Indeed, we are afraid of you."
(In Hebrew: Shalom)(Allah knows best)
7:127 And the chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said, "Will you leave Moses and his people so that they cause corruption in the earth (l-ardi) and forsake you and your gods?" He said, "We will kill their sons and we will let live their women, and indeed, we are subjugators over them."
(In Hebrew: eretz / eres)(Allah knows best)
17:11 And man (l-insanu) prays for evil (as) he prays for good. And man (l-insanu) is ever hasty.
(In Hebrew: ish / is)(Allah knows best)
12:46 Joseph, O truthful one, explain to us about the seven fat (simanin) cows (baqaratin) being eaten by seven lean ones, and seven green ears (of corn) (sunbulatin) and other dry, that I may return to the people so that they may know."
(In Hebrew: samen)(In Hebrew: baqar)(In Hebrew: shibboleth)(Allah knows best)
78:7 And the mountains as pegs (awtadan),
(In Hebrew: yathad)(Allah knows best)
9:34 O you who believe, indeed, many of the rabbis and the monks surely eat the wealth of the people in falsehood, and hinder from the way of Allah. And those who hoard the gold (l-dhahaba) and silver, and do not spend it in the way of Allah, give them tidings of a painful punishment.
(In Hebrew: zahab)(Allah knows best)
63:2 They take their oaths (as) a cover (junnatan), so they turn away from the Way of Allah. Indeed, evil is what (ma) they used to do.
(In Hebrew: magan)(In Hebrew: ma)(Allah knows best)
2:10 In their hearts (qulubi) is a disease, so Allah has increased their disease; and for them is a painful punishment because they used to lie.
(In Hebrew: lev)(Allah knows best)
16:103 And We certainly know that they say, "It is only a human being who teaches him." (The) tongue (lisanu) of the one they refer to is foreign while this is in a clear Arabic language.
(In Hebrew: lashon)(Allah knows best)
5:94 O you who believe, surely Allah will test you through something of the game – (that) your hands (aydikum) and your spears (rimahu) can reach it, that Allah may make evident who fears Him in the unseen. And whoever transgressed after that, then for him (is) a painful punishment.
(In Hebrew: yad)(In Hebrew: romach)(Allah knows best)
43:12 And the One Who created the pairs, all of them, and made for you of the ships and the cattle on which you ride (tarkabuna),
(In Hebrew: merkavah)(Allah knows best)
69:12 That We might make it a reminder for you and a conscious ear (udhunun) would be conscious of it.
(In Hebrew: ozen)(Allah knows best)
19:4 He said, "My Lord, indeed, my bones (l-’azmu) have weakened, and (my) head (l-rasu) flared with white, and I have not been unblessed in (my) supplication to You my Lord.
(In Hebrew: ‘esem)(In Hebrew: ro’sh / ro’s)(Allah knows best)
2:19 Or like a rainstorm from the sky in which is darkness, and thunder, and lightning. They put their fingers (asabi’ahum) in their ears from the thunderclaps in fear of death. And Allah encompasses the disbelievers.
(In Hebrew: etzba / esba’)(Allah knows best)
2:158 Indeed, the Safa and the Marwah are symbols of Allah. So whoever performs Hajj (of) the House (l-bayta) or performs Umrah, so there is no blame on him for walking between them. And whoever does good voluntarily, then indeed, Allah is All-Appreciative, All-Knowing.
(In Hebrew: bayit/beth)(Allah knows best)
7:123 Pharaoh said, "You believed in him before I give you permission. Indeed, this is surely a plot you have plotted it in the city (l-madinati) so that you may drive out its people from it. But soon you will know.
(In Hebrew: medina)(Allah knows best)
60:6 Certainly, there is for you in them a good example, for (he) who is hopeful (in) Allah and the Last (l-akhira) Day. And whoever turns away, then indeed, Allah is Free of need, the Praiseworthy.
(In Hebrew: acharei)(Allah knows best)
12:61 They said, "We will try to get permission for him (from) his father (abahu), and indeed we, surely will do."
(In Hebrew: av, aba)(Allah knows best)
18:65 Then they found a servant (‘abdan) from among Our servants (‘ibadina) to whom We had given mercy from Us, and We had taught him knowledge from Us.
(In Hebrew: aebed)(Allah knows best)
2:221 And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing bondwoman (amatun) is better than a polytheistic woman, even if she pleases you. And do not give in marriage to polytheistic men until they believe, and a believing bondman is better than a polytheistic man, even if he pleases you. They invite to the Fire, and Allah invites to Paradise and forgiveness by His permission. And He makes clear His Verses for people so that they may take heed.
(In Hebrew: amah)(Allah knows best)
9:24 Say, "If your fathers, and your sons, and your brothers, and your spouses, and your relatives, and wealth which you have acquired, and the commerce wherein you fear a decline and the dwellings (in) which you delight are more beloved (ahabba) to you than Allah, and His Messenger and striving in His way, then wait until Allah brings His Command. And Allah does not guide the defiantly disobedient people."
(In Hebrew: ahava)(Allah knows best)
37:97 They said, "Build (ib’nu) a structure (bun’yanan) for him and throw him into the blazing Fire."
(In Hebrew: binyan)(Allah knows best)
7:57 And He is the One Who sends the winds (as) glad tidings before His Mercy, until, when they have carried heavy (thiqalan) clouds, We drive them to a dead land then We send down water (l-maa) therein then We bring forth from it all (kinds) of fruits. Thus We will bring forth the dead so that you may take heed.
(In Hebrew: sheqel)(In Hebrew: mayim)(Allah knows best)
17:95 Say, "If there were Angels (malaikatun) on the earth walking securely, surely We (would) have sent down to them from the heaven an Angel (malakan) (as) a Messenger."
(In Hebrew: malak)(Allah knows best)
2:1 Alif Lam Meem
(In Hebrew: alef)(Allah knows best)
42:7 And thus We have revealed to you an Arabic Qur’an that you may warn (the) Mother (umma) of Cities, and those around it, and warn of the Day (yawma) of Assembly, (there is) no doubt in it. A party will be in Paradise and a party in the Blazing Fire.
(In Hebrew: em)(In Hebrew: yom)(Allah knows best)
4:176 They seek your ruling. Say, "Allah gives you a ruling concerning kalala (one having no descendants or ascendants as heirs).” If a man died, having no child but a sister (ukh’tun), then for her is half of what he left. And he will inherit from her if she has no child. But if there were two females, then for them two thirds of what he left. But if there are brothers and sisters, men and women, then the male will have the share of two females. Allah makes clear to you lest you go astray. And Allah is All-Knower of everything.
(In Hebrew: ahot)(Allah knows best)
20:30 Aaron, my brother (akhi).
(In Hebrew: ah)(Allah knows best)
6:145 Say, "I do not find in what has been revealed to me (anything) forbidden to an eater who eats it except that it be dead or blood (daman) poured forth or the flesh (of) swine (khinzirin) - for indeed, it is filth - or (it be) disobedience, dedicated to other than Allah. But whoever is compelled neither desiring nor transgressing, then indeed, your Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."
(In Hebrew: dam)(In Hebrew: hazir)(Allah knows best)
20:39 "That cast him into the chest then cast it into the river, then let the river cast it onto the bank; he will be taken by an enemy to Me, and an enemy to him." And I cast over you love from Me, and that you may be brought up under My Eye (‘ayni).
(In Hebrew: ‘ayin)(Allah knows best)
21:56 He said, "Nay, your Lord is the Lord of the heavens (l-samawati) and the earth, the One Who created them, and I am (wa-ana), to that, of the witnesses.
(In Hebrew: samayim)(In Hebrew: ani)(Allah knows best)
2:127 And when Abraham was raising the foundations of the House and Ishmael, "Our Lord, accept from us. Indeed, You (anta) (are) the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.
(In Hebrew: attah)(Allah knows best)
9:61 And among them are those who hurt the Prophet and say, "He is (huwa) an ear." Say, "An ear of goodness for you that believes in Allah and believes the believers and is a mercy to those who believe among you." And those who hurt the Messenger of Allah - for them is a painful punishment.
(In Hebrew: hu)(Allah knows best)
2:70 They said, "Pray to your Lord to make clear to us what it/she (hiya) (is). Indeed, [the] cows look alike to us. And indeed, if Allah wills, we will surely be those who are guided."
(In Hebrew: hi)(Allah knows best)
5:18 And the Jews (l-yahudu) and the Christians said "We (nahnu) (are) the children of Allah and His beloved." Say, "Then why does He punish you for your sins?" Nay, you are human beings from among those He created. He forgives whom He wills and punishes whom He wills. And for Allah is the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them, and to Him is the final return.
(In Hebrew: yehudi)(In Hebrew: anahnu)(Allah knows best)
3:10 Indeed, those who disbelieve - never will their wealth and nor their children avail them against Allah at all, and those – they (hum) (are) the fuel for the Fire.
(In Hebrew: hem)(Allah knows best)
3:7 He is the One Who revealed to you the Book, in it are Verses which are absolutely clear – they (hunna) (are) the foundation of the Book, and others are allegorical. Then as for those in whose hearts is perversity - [so] they follow what is allegorical of it, seeking discord and seeking its interpretation. And none except Allah knows its interpretation. And those who are firm in knowledge, they say, "We believe in it. All is from our Lord." And not will take heed except men of understanding.
(In Hebrew: hen (f.))(Allah knows best)
18:33 Each (of) the two gardens brought forth its produce and did not wrong of it (in) anything. And We caused to gush forth within them a river (naharan).
(In Hebrew: nahar)(Allah knows best)
13:12 He (is) the One Who shows you the lightning (l-barqa), a fear and a hope, and brings up the heavy clouds.
(In Hebrew: baraq)(Allah knows best)
3:27 You cause the night (al-layla) to enter the day and You cause the day to enter the night (al-layli), and You bring forth the living from the dead, and You bring forth the dead from the living, and You give provision to whom You will without measure."
(In Hebrew: laylah)(Allah knows best)
7:40 Indeed, those who denied Our Verses and (were) arrogant towards them, the doors of heaven (will) not be opened (tufattahu) for them, and not will they enter Paradise until the camel (l-jamalu) passes through the eye of the needle. And thus We recompense the criminals.
(In Hebrew: patah)(In Hebrew: gamal)(Allah knows best)
12:14 They said, "If the wolf (l-dhi’bu) eats him (akalahu) while we (are) a group, then indeed, we surely (would be) losers."
(In Hebrew: z’ev)(In Hebrew: akhal)(Allah knows best)
22:34 And for every nation We have appointed a rite, that they may mention (the) name (of) Allah over what He (has) provided them of (the) beast (bahimati) (of) cattle. And your God (is) God One, so submit to Him. And give glad tidings (to) the humble ones.
(In Hebrew: bhemah)(Allah knows best)
7:176 And if We willed, surely We could have raised him with these but he adhered to the earth and followed his desires. So his example is like the example (of) the dog (l-kalbi), if you attack him, he lolls out his tongue or if you leave him, he lolls out his tongue. That is the example of the people who denied Our Signs. So relate the story so that they may reflect.
(In Hebrew: kelev)(Allah knows best)
27:18 Until, when they came to the valley (of) the ants (l-namli), an ant (namlatun) said, "O ants (l-namlu), enter your dwellings so that Solomon and his hosts (may) not crush you while they do not perceive."
(In Hebrew: nmalah)(Allah knows best)
22:73 O mankind, an example is set forth, so listen to it. Indeed, those whom you invoke besides Allah will never create a fly (dhubaban), even if they gathered together for it. And if the fly (l-dhubabu) snatched away a thing from them they could not take it back from it. So weak are the seeker and the sought.
(In Hebrew: zvuv)(Allah knows best)
3:103 And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together, and do not be divided. And remember the Favor of Allah on you when you were enemies, then He made friendship between your hearts then by His Favor you became brothers. And you were on the brink (of the) pit (huf’ratin) of the Fire, then He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes clear for you His Verses so that you may be guided.
(In Hebrew: hafar)(Allah knows best)
111:5 In her neck (will be) a rope (hablun) of palm-fiber.
(In Hebrew: hevel)(Allah knows best)
3:118 O you who believe[d], (do) not take (as) intimates other than yourselves, (for) they will not spare you (any) ruin (khabalan). They wish what distresses you. Indeed, the hatred (has become) apparent from their mouths, and what their breasts conceal (is) greater. We certainly made clear for you the Verses, if you were (to use) reason.
(In Hebrew: haval)(Allah knows best)
48:29 Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating, seeking bounty from Allah and pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration. That is their similitude in the Torah. And their similitude in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they become thick and stand upon their stem, delighting the sowers (l-zura’a) - so that Allah may enrage by them the disbelievers. Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.
(In Hebrew: zara’)(Allah knows best)
18:18 And you (would) think them awake, while they (were) asleep. And We turned them to the right and to the left (l-shimali), while their dog stretched his two forelegs (dhira’ayhi) at the entrance. If you had looked at them, surely you (would) have turned back from them (in) flight and surely you would have been filled by them (with) terror.
(In Hebrew: smo’l)(In Hebrew: zroa)(Allah knows best)
55:7 And the heaven, He raised it, and He has set up the balance (l-mizana), 55:8 That you may not transgress in the balance (l-mizani).
(In Hebrew: izzen)(Allah knows best)
19:8 He said, "My Lord, how can I have a boy (ghulamun), while my wife is barren, and indeed, I have reached extreme old age?"
(In Hebrew: ‘elem)(Allah knows best)
2:138 (The) color (sib’ghata) (religion) (of) Allah! And who (is) better than Allah at coloring (ordaining religion)? And we to Him (are) worshipers.
(In Hebrew: seva’)(Allah knows best)
53:11 The heart did not lie what it saw (raa).
(In Hebrew: ra’ah)(Allah knows best)
2:79 So woe to those who write (yaktubuna) the book (l-kitaba) with their hands, then they say, "This is from Allah," to exchange it for a little price. So woe to them for what their hands have written (katabat) and woe to them for what they earn.
(In Hebrew: katav)(Allah knows best)
70:1 A questioner (sailun) asked (sa-ala) about a punishment bound to happen
(In Hebrew: sa’al)(Allah knows best)
84:21 And when the Qur’an (l-qur’anu) is recited (quri-a) to them, they do not prostrate?
(In Hebrew: qara’)(Allah knows best)
18:14 And We made firm their hearts when they stood up (qamu) and said, "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. We will never invoke besides Him any god. Certainly, we would have then said an enormity.
(In Hebrew: qam)(Allah knows best)
7:26 O Children (of) Adam, verily We have sent down to you clothing (libasan), it covers your shame and (as) an adornment. And the clothing (walibasu) (of) [the] righteousness - that (is) best. That (is) from (the) Signs of Allah so that they may remember.
(In Hebrew: lavas)(Allah knows best)
18:86 Until, when he reached the setting place of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found a community near it. We said, "O Dhul-qarnain (“he of the two horns”), either you punish them or take them with goodness."
(In Hebrew: qeren)(Allah knows best)
25:40 And verily, they have come upon the town which was showered (with) a rain (matara) (of) evil. Then, do they not [were] see it? Nay, they are not expecting Resurrection.
(In Hebrew: matar)(Allah knows best)
56:89 Then rest and bounty and a Garden (of) Pleasure (na’imin).
(In Hebrew: na’im)(Allah knows best)
2:71 He said, "Indeed, He says, "Indeed, it is a cow neither trained to plough the earth, nor water the field; sound, with no blemish on it." They said, "Now you have come with the truth." So they slaughtered it (fadhabahuha), and they were near to not doing (it).
(In Hebrew: zavah)(Allah knows best)
2:7 Allah has set a seal (khatama) on their hearts and on their hearing, and on their vision is a veil. And for them is a great punishment.
(In Hebrew: hatam)(Allah knows best)
2:81 Yes, whoever earned evil and his sins (khatiatuhu) surrounded him - those are the companions of the Fire; they (will) abide in it forever.
(In Hebrew: het’)(Allah knows best)
26:89 Except (he) who comes (to) Allah with a sound (salimin) heart."
(In Hebrew: salam)(Allah knows best)
90:9 And a tongue, and two lips (washafatayni)?
(In Hebrew: safah)(Allah knows best)
6:143 Eight pairs - of the sheep (l-dani) two and of the goats two. Say, "(Are) the two males He has forbidden or the two females or that which the wombs of the two females contain? Inform me with knowledge, if you are truthful."
(In Hebrew: so’n (Note: “d” changes to “s” in Hebrew); likewise, “ard” (land) changes to “ares” (land) in Hebrew)(Allah knows best)
24:39 But those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in a lowland, the thirsty one (l-zamanu) thinks it to be water, until when he comes to it, he finds it not to be anything, but he finds Allah before him, He will pay him in full his due. And Allah is swift in account.
(In Hebrew: same)(Allah knows best)
28:24 So he watered for them. Then he turned back to the shade (l-zili) and said, "My Lord! Indeed, I am (in) need of whatever [of] good You send [to] me."
(In Hebrew: sel)(Allah knows best)
5:31 Then Allah sent a crow (ghuraban), it was scratching the earth to show him how to hide the dead body of his brother. He said, "Woe to me, am I unable to be like this crow (l-ghurabi) and hide the dead body of my brother?" Then he became of the regretful.
(In Hebrew: ‘orev)(Allah knows best)
17:24 And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, "My Lord, have mercy upon both of them as they brought me up (when I was) small (saghiran)."
(In Hebrew: sa’ir)(Allah knows best)
71:13 What is with you that you do not attribute to Allah grandeur (waqaran)?
(In Hebrew: yiqqer)(Note: Arabic “w” turns into Hebrew “y”)(Allah knows best)
40:64 Allah is the One Who made for you the earth a place of settlement and the sky a canopy and He formed you (wasawwarakum), then perfected your forms, and provided you of the good things. That is Allah, your Lord. Then blessed is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
(In Hebrew: siyyer)(Note: Arabic “w” turns into Hebrew “y”)(Allah knows best)
16:66 And indeed, for you is a lesson in the cattle. We give you drink from what is in their bellies, from between bowels and blood, pure milk (labanan), palatable to the drinkers.
(In Hebrew: halav)(Allah knows best)
31:12 And verily, We gave Luqman the wisdom (l-hik’mata) that, "Be grateful to Allah." And whoever is grateful, then he is only grateful for himself. And whoever is ungrateful, then indeed, Allah is Free of need, Praiseworthy.
(In Hebrew: hokhmah)(Allah knows best)
6:13 And for Him (is) whatever dwells (sakana) in the night and the day, and He (is) All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
(In Hebrew: sakhan)(Allah knows best)
29:41 The example of those who take protectors besides Allah is like the spider (l-’ankabuti) who takes a house. And indeed, the weakest of houses is surely the house (of) the spider (l-’ankabuti), if they know.
(In Hebrew: ‘akkavis)(Allah knows best)
5:45 And We ordained for them therein that - a life for a life, and an eye for an eye, and a nose (wal-anfa) for a nose (bil-anfi), and an ear for an ear, and a tooth for a tooth, and for the wounds is a retribution. But whoever gives it (up as) charity, then it is an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, then those are the wrongdoers.
(In Hebrew: af)(Allah knows best)
53:7 While he was in the highest horizon (bil-ufuqi).
(In Hebrew: ofeq)(Allah knows best)
2:247 And their Prophet said to them, "Indeed, Allah has surely raised for you Saul as king." They said, How can he have kingship over us, while we are more entitled to kingship than him, and he has not been given abundant wealth?" He said, "Indeed, Allah has chosen him over you and has increased him abundantly in knowledge and physique (wal-jis’mi). And Allah gives His kingdom to whom He wills. And Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing."
(In Hebrew: gasmi)(Allah knows best)
2:5 Those are upon (‘ala) guidance from their Lord, and those - they are the successful ones.
(In Hebrew: al)(Allah knows best)
2:2 This (is) the Book, (there is) no (la) doubt in it, a guidance for those conscious of God -
(In Hebrew: lo)(Allah knows best)
30:32 Of those who divide their religion and become sects, each/all (kullu) party rejoicing in what they have.
(In Hebrew: kol)(Allah knows best)
4:58 Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between (bayna) people to judge with justice. Indeed, Allah excellently advises you with it. Indeed, Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
(In Hebrew: bein, bin)(Allah knows best)
90:14 Or (aw) feeding in a day of severe hunger.
(In Hebrew: o)(Allah knows best)
2:29 He is the One Who created for you all of that which is on the earth. Then He turned to (ila) the heaven, and fashioned them seven heavens. And He is Knowing of all things.
(In Hebrew: le, la)(Allah knows best)
2:146 Those to whom We gave the Book, they recognize it like (kama) they recognize their sons. And indeed, a group of them surely conceal the Truth while they know.
(In Hebrew: kmo)(Allah knows best)
6:71 Say, "Shall we call besides Allah that which neither benefits us nor harms us, and we turn back on our heels after Allah has guided us? Like the one (ka-alladhi) whom Satan has enticed in the earth, confused, he has companions who call him to guidance, 'Come to us.'" Say, "Indeed, the Guidance of Allah, it is the Guidance, and we have been commanded to submit to the Lord of the worlds
(In Hebrew: ke)(Allah knows best)
2:23 And if (wa-in) you are in doubt about what We have revealed to Our slave, then produce a chapter like it, and call your witnesses other than Allah , if (in) you are truthful.
(In Hebrew: im)(Allah knows best)
2:96 And you will surely find them (the) most greedy (of) [the] mankind for life, and (greedier) than those who associate[d] partners. (Each) one of them loves (that) [if] (law) he could be granted a life (of) a thousand year(s). But [that] he should be granted life (will) not remove him from the punishment. And Allah (is) All-Seer of what they do.
(In Hebrew: lu)(Allah knows best)
73:8 And remember (the) name (is’ma) (of) your Lord and devote yourself to Him (with) devotion.
(In Hebrew: shem)(Allah knows best)
2:152 So remember Me, I will remember you. And be grateful to Me (li) and do not be ungrateful to Me.
(In Hebrew: li)(Allah knows best)
3:145 And (it) is not for a soul that he dies except by (the) permission of Allah, (at a) decree determined. And whoever desires reward (of) the world - We will give him (nu’tihi) thereof; and whoever desires reward (of) the Hereafter, We will give him (nu’tihi) thereof. And We will reward the grateful ones.
(In Hebrew: niten)(Allah knows best)
11:72 She said, "Woe to me, shall I bear a child while I am an old woman and this, my husband (ba’li), is an old man? Indeed, this is surely an amazing thing."
(In Hebrew: ba’al)(Allah knows best)
4:91 You will find others (akharina) wishing to be secure from you and to be secure from their people. Every time they are returned to the temptation, they are plunged into it. So if they do not withdraw from you and offer you peace and they restrain their hands, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them. And those - We made for you against them a clear authority.
(In Hebrew: akherim)(Allah knows best)
2:200 Then when you complete your acts of worship, then remember Allah as you remember your forefathers or with greater remembrance. And of the people, who say, "Our Lord, give us in the world." And they will have no share (khalaqin) in the Hereafter.
(In Hebrew: khelek, khalak)(Allah knows best)
27:91 "I am commanded only to worship the Lord of this city, the One Who made it sacred and to Him (belongs) all things. And I am commanded to be of the Muslims/(those who submit) (l-mus’limina)
(In Hebrew: hamuslemim)(Allah knows best)
41:44 And if We had made a Qur’an in a foreign (language), they would have said, "Why are its Verses not explained in detail? Is it a foreign (language) and an Arab (wa’arabiyyun)?" Say, "It is for those who believe, a guidance and a healing." And those who do not believe, there is deafness in their ears, and it is for them blindness. Those are being called from a far place."
(In Hebrew: arvim)(Allah knows best)
20:12 Indeed, I Am your Lord, so remove your shoes (na’layka). Indeed, you are in the sacred valley of Tuwa.
(In Hebrew: na’alayim)(Allah knows best)
33:42 And glorify Him (in the) morning (buk’ratan) and evening.
(In Hebrew: boker)(Allah knows best)
See also: Some English words of Arabic origin or similar to Arabic
See also: Some Spanish words of Arabic origin or similar to Arabic
See also: Is the Qur’an in pure Arabic language? Then why the presence of foreign words?
See also: Does the Qur'an have Syro-Aramaic origins?
See also: Why do Muslims pray in Arabic? Why not in their own language? Requirement to learn in Arabic? What's the universal language?
See also: Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an (Index)
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