Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Who created Allah?

Who created Allah?

112:1 Say, "He is Allah, the One. 112:2 Allah, the Eternal, the Absolute. 112:3 He neither begets nor is begotten. 112:4 And nor is there to Him any equivalent."

16:20 And those whom they invoke besides Allah they create nothing, but are themselves created.

(God is not creation; He is not originated)(Allah knows best)

10:4 To Him, (will be) your return [all]. (The) Promise (of) Allah (is) true. Indeed, He originates the creation, then He repeats it, that He may reward those who believed and did the good deeds, in justice. But those who disbelieved, for them (will be) a drink of boiling fluids and a punishment painful, because they used (to) disbelieve.

6:14 Say, "Is it other than Allah I should take as a protector, Creator of the heavens and the earth, while it is He Who feeds and is not fed?" Say, "Indeed, I have been commanded to be the first who submit and ‘Do not be of the polytheists’."

57:1 Whatever (is) in the heavens and the earth glorify Allah, and He (is) the All-Mighty, the All-Wise. 57:2 To Him (is the) dominion of the heavens and the earth, He gives life and causes death, and He is All-Powerful over all things. 57:3 He is the First and the Last, the Apparent and the Unapparent, and He is, of all things, Knowing.

(The sentence “He is the First and the Last” may imply that God was before His creation, and also after His creation, because everything will be destroyed (28:88) in this world, before the Day of Resurrection. According to the context, Verse 57:2 says, “He gives life and causes death”, so He is First and Last. And the context is that “To Him dominion of the heavens and the earth”, so it is interpreted that He is the First and the Last, for mankind, in this world, then, in the new creation (50:15), people are to abide eternally in Paradise or Hell (39:72-73))(Allah knows best)

6:133 And your Lord is the Self-Sufficient, the Possessor of Mercy. If He wills, He can do away with you and give succession after you to whomever He wills, as He raised you from the descendants of another people.

(The disbelievers who raised the question “who created Allah?”, they are wrongly comparing God to something that was created. It is like asking, “who created the One Who has always been?”)(Allah knows best)

10:34 Say, "Is there of your partners (any) who originates the creation then repeats it?" Say, "Allah originates the creation then repeats it. So how are you deluded?"

13:16 Say, "Who (is) the Lord (of) the heavens and the earth?" Say, "Allah." Say, "Have you then taken besides Him, protectors, they (do) not have power (to) benefit and (do) not harm themselves?" Say, "Is the blind equal and the seeing? Or is the darkness equal and the light? Or (do) they attribute to Allah partners who created like His creation, so that the creation seemed alike to them?" Say, "Allah (is) the Creator of all things, and He (is) the One, the Irresistible."

(The disbelievers are wrongly wondering “who created Allah?”, as if there were a Creator, other than God, while there is no even someone that can create something like God’s creation (10:34, 13:16))(Allah knows best)

76:1 Has there come upon man a period of time when he was not a thing mentioned?

19:9 He said, "Thus, your Lord said, 'It is easy for Me, and certainly I have created you before, while you were nothing.'"

(By definition, “something created” implies that he was nothing before, while Allah is “Ever-Living and Self-Subsisting”)(Anything created or originated is not God, but creation)(So, the disbelievers who ask the question “who created Allah?” are implicitly and wrongly saying that Allah (the Creator) is creation)(Disbelievers cannot prove that chaos, time or nature are able to create, or cannot prove that creation was self-created. If each creation were self-created, then they could not coordinate with each other. For example, it is obvious that mankind was not self-created. Disbelievers are the ones who believe in fairy tales)(Allah knows best)

23:91 Allah has not taken any son, nor is there any god with Him. Then surely each god would have taken away what he created, and surely some of them would have overpowered others. Glory be to Allah above what they attribute. 23:92 Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, exalted is He above what they associate.

20:111 And the faces (will be) humbled before the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting. And verily, (he) will have failed (he) who carried wrongdoing.

5:116 And when Allah said, "O Jesus, son of Mary, did you say to the people, "Take me and my mother as two gods besides Allah?" He said, "Glory be to You, it was not for me to say what I had no right. If I had said it, then surely You would have known it. You know what is in myself, and I do not know what is in Yourself. Indeed, You, You are All-Knower of the unseen.

47:38 Here you are - these, called to spend in the way of Allah - but among you (are some) who withhold, and whoever withholds, then he only withholds from himself. But Allah is Free of need, while you are the needy. And if you turn away, He will replace (you) (with) a people other than you, then they will not be the likes of you.

6:100 And they make the jinn partners with Allah though He has created them, and they falsely attribute sons and daughters to Him without knowledge. Glorified is He and Exalted above what they attribute. 6:101 Originator of the heavens and the earth. How can He have a son while He does not have a companion, and He created everything? And He is All-Knower of everything.

28:88 And do not invoke with Allah another deity. There is no deity except Him. Everything (will be) destroyed except His Face. His is the judgment, and to Him you will be returned.

40:62 That is Allah, your Lord, Creator of all things, there is no god except Him. So how are you deluded?

2:32 They said, "Glory be to You, no knowledge is for us except what You have taught us. Indeed You are the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

16:78 And Allah brought you forth from the wombs (of) your mothers, not knowing anything, and made for you the hearing and the sight and the hearts, so that you may give thanks.

17:111 And say, "All Praise is for Allah, the One Who has not taken a son and Who has no partner in the dominion nor any protector out of weakness. And magnify Him with all magnificence."

25:58 And put your trust in the Ever-Living, the One Who does not die, and glorify with His Praise. And sufficient is He regarding the sins of His slaves, All-Aware,

See also: If God is so powerful, why can’t He become a man or have a son?


See also: Where is God?


See also: Does God get tired or need rest?


See also: Can God be seen?


See also: Is God omniscient?


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