Friday, July 15, 2016

Do all religions lead to Paradise / Heaven / Salvation?

Do all religions lead to Paradise / Heaven / Salvation?

2:62 Indeed, those who believed, and those who became Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians - who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteous deeds, so for them is their reward with their Lord; and they will have no fear, nor will they grieve.

(Before the Qur’an was revealed, the Jews and Christians who submitted (3:85) and “believed” (2:62), for them is their reward (2:62); but, for example, trinitarian Christians are not believers (5:17, 5:72))(Allah knows best)

57:27 Then We sent Our Messengers on their footsteps and We followed with Jesus, son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel. And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. But the monasticism they innovated - We did not prescribe it for them - only seeking the pleasure of Allah, but they did not observe it with right observance. So We gave those who believed among them their reward, but most of them are defiantly disobediently.

(Christians innovated monasticism, but they could be rewarded, because they were seeking the pleasure of God (57:27), so, those who “believed” among them would be rewarded (57:27), but the Verse does not include the disbelievers among them (e.g. trinitarian Christians are disbelievers (5:17, 5:72))(Verse 33:5 says, “there is no blame upon you if you made a mistake therein, but what your hearts intended”)(Allah knows best)

6:88 That is the Guidance of Allah, He guides with it whom He wills of His slaves. But if they (had) associated partners, surely (would be) worthless for them what they used to do.

(If Christians or other religious groups associate partners with God, their deeds would be worthless)(Allah knows best)

17:15 Whoever is guided then is only guided for his soul. And whoever goes astray then only goes astray against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And We will not punish until We have sent a Messenger.

(Christians innovated that they would be saved by the grace through faith alone, regardless of their deeds, while Matthew 5:17 says, “do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them”, according to Matthew 23:2-3, “the teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must be careful to do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach.”; according to Acts 15:5 and 15:20, early Christians followed the Law; according to James 2:14-26, “faith without works is dead”)(The concept of Jesus dying for your sins was invented by Paul; it is not supported by the New Testament (Galatians 6:5), nor by the Old testament (Deuteronomy 24:16, II Kings 14:6, Jeremiah 31:30, Ezekiel 18:20, Psalms 49:7, Numbers 35:33); nor by the Qur’an (17:15))(Allah knows best)

41:46 Whoever does righteous deeds, then it is for his soul; and whoever does evil, then it is against it. And your Lord is not unjust to His slaves.

5:47 And let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed in it. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, then those are the defiantly disobedient. 5:48 And We have revealed to you the Book in truth, confirming the Book that came before it and as a guardian over it. So judge between them by what Allah has revealed and do not follow their vain desires when the truth has come to you. For each of you We have made a law and a clear way. And if Allah had willed, He would have made you one community [and] but to test you in what He has given you; so race to good. To Allah you will all return, then He will inform you concerning that over which you used to differ.

(According to Verse 5:47, the people of the Gospel are let judge with the Gospel, but it specifies “by what Allah has revealed in it”, so not by what Allah has not revealed in it. It is said that Jesus did not write the current Gospel but is anonymous, and the language is in Greek, instead of Aramaic (the language of Jesus), and the current Bible has verses which are not in the oldest Bible sources (Papyrus, Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus), so it is not a reliable source. According to the context, Verse 5:48 says, “do not follow their vain desires”, so there are Christians how do not follow the correct religion anymore. Verse 3:4 says that the Qur’an is a “Criterion”, to know what is true. And Verse 5:48 says, “We have revealed to you the Book in truth, confirming the Book that came before it and as a guardian over it”. The root of “muhayminan” (a guardian) is “ha-Miim-Nun”, and it means “to put a thing in a purse or girdle. In charge of treasury / soldiers / granary / craftsmen; etc.”. It could be interpreted that the Qur’an only validates that which the Qur’an Itself contains about the Bible, so the Bible cannot contradict the Qur’an)(Verse 5:48 also says, “for each of you We have made a law and a clear way”; the root of “kullin” (each) is “Kaf-Lam-Lam”, and it means “the parts put together. This is the concrete and it means all or every or each”; so according to the definition, “each of you” refers to the whole (all) mankind, so it is the same law and clear way for everybody. Other communities are disbelievers if they disbelieve in the Verses of the Qur’an (29:47). Ways other than Islam do not lead to Paradise (Islam = Submission (to God)); this is confirmed by Verse 3:85, “and whoever seeks other than Islam as religion – then never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be from the losers”)(See the link below “Is the Bible corrupted?”)(Allah knows best)

3:85 And whoever seeks other than Islam as religion - then never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be from the losers.

(Islam is an Arabic word meaning “submission (to God)”; that’s the religion preached by Jesus and all Messengers. According to Luke 22:42, Jesus said “yet not my will, but yours be done”)(Allah knows best)

61:6 And when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, "O children of Israel, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name is Ahmad." But when he came to them with clear evidences, they said, "This is obvious magic."

(Jesus was only sent to the Children of Israel. This is supported by Matthew 15:24, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel”. Jews are required to follow the Qur’an because he announced them the coming of Muhammad (61:6))(On the other hand, Jesus was not sent to those Christians who are not from the Children of Israel. Christians must follow the Qur’an as well, because Muhammad was sent to the whole mankind (7:158, 34:28, 3:96, 21:107, 6:19, 36:70), including Jews and Christians)(See the link below “Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible?”)(Allah knows best)

5:43 But how can they appoint you a judge while they have with them the Torah, wherein is the Command of Allah , then they turn away after that? And those are not believers. 5:44 Indeed, We revealed the Torah wherein was Guidance and light. The Prophets who submitted judged by it for the Jews, as did the Rabbis and the scholars as they were entrusted with the Book of Allah and they were witnesses to it. So do not fear the people but fear Me, and do not sell My Verses for a little price. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, then those are the disbelievers.

(Verse 5:43 is speaking about disbelievers, who are hypocrites because they don’t believe or follow the Command of Allah in the Torah, then how can they appoint Muhammad a judge, while Muhammad is in fact following the Command of Allah?)(The Prophets who judged by the Torah were Muslims (aka “submitted”)(5:44). People have to judge by the Qur’an; it is not in contradiction with “judging by the Torah”, because the Qur’an confirms and explains that which God revealed in the Torah and the Gospel (10:37), but you have to use the Qur’an in order to know that which is true in it)(Verse 5:44 says, “the Prophets who submitted judged by it”, so the Jews (and Christians) were required to submit (aka “be a Muslim”). The Verse could also be interpreted as an event from the past, so, before the Qur’an was revealed, but once it was revealed, then those who deny the Verses of the Qur’an are disbelievers (84:22, 2:91, 52:33-34, 46:10, 10:95-97, 23:38-39, 40:70), so Jews and Christians are required to follow the Qur’an)(Allah knows best)

7:40 Indeed, those who denied Our Verses and (were) arrogant towards them, the doors of heaven (will) not be opened for them, nor will they enter Paradise until the camel passes through the eye of the needle. And thus We recompense the criminals.

6:157 or you say, "If the Book was revealed to us, surely, we (would) have been better guided than them. So verily there has come to you clear proofs from your Lord and a Guidance and a Mercy. Then who is more unjust than (he) who denies the Verses of Allah, and turns away from them? We will recompense those who turn away from Our Signs with an evil punishment because they used to turn away.

2:135 And they said, "Be Jews or Christians, then you will be guided." Say, "Nay, the religion of Abraham, the upright; and he was not of those who associated partners."

(Those who associate partners with God, are going to Hell (5:72))(Allah knows best)

4:116 Indeed, Allah does not forgive to associate partners with Him, but He forgives other than that for whom He wills. And whoever associates partners with Allah, then surely he lost the way, straying far away.

5:72 They certainly disbelieve who say, "Indeed Allah - He is the Messiah, the son of Mary." While the Messiah said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates partners with Allah, then surely Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and his abode will be the Fire. And there will be no helpers for the wrongdoers.

9:31 They have taken their rabbis and their monks and the Messiah, son of Mary, as Lords besides Allah. And they were not commanded except to worship One God. There is no god except Him. Glory be to Him from what they associate.

(It is forbidden to worship the creation (e.g. it is forbidden to worship Jesus))(Another point is that Jesus did not follow any rabbi or monk)(Allah knows best)

22:34 And for every (walikulli) nation We have appointed a rite, that they may mention (the) name (of) Allah over what He (has) provided them of (the) beast (of) cattle. And your God (is) God One, so submit to Him. And give glad tidings (to) the humble ones.

(Verse 22:34 is not about other nations following other than Islam (aka Submission (to God)), but the context is about a rite with cattle, over which every nation may mention the name of Allah)(Anyway, you have to consider that the Arabic word “kulli”, translated as “every”, also means “all”. So, according to the context, it should be interpreted that it is the same rite for all nations, because Verse 22:34 tells you what is the (same) rite about: “that they may mention (the) name (of) Allah over what He (has) provided them of (the) beast (of) cattle)(Allah knows best)

22:67 For every (likulli) nation We have made rites which they perform. So do not let them dispute with you in the matter, but invite to your Lord. Indeed, you surely are on straight guidance.

(Verse 22:67 might be explained by Verse 22:34. Notice that these Verses do not say “different rites”, but the point is that each/all nations has to make a rite with the cattle. Verses 21:92 and 23:52 confirm that the Prophets’ religion is one religion, “And indeed this, your religion, is one religion”. And Verse 3:85 says, “whoever seeks other than Islam as religion - then never will it be accepted from him”)(Allah knows best)

13:7 And those who disbelieved say, "Why has a sign not been sent down to him from his Lord?" You (are) only a warner, and for every (walikulli) people (is) a guide.

21:92 Indeed, this is your religion – one religion, and I Am your Lord, so worship Me.

23:52 And indeed this, your religion, is one religion. And I Am your Lord, so fear Me. 23:53 But they cut off their affair between them into sects, each faction rejoices in what they have.

3:103 And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together, and do not be divided. And remember the Favor of Allah on you when you were enemies, then He made friendship between your hearts then by His Favor you became brothers. And you were on the brink of the pit of the Fire, then He saved you from it. Thus Allah makes clear for you His Verses so that you may be guided. … 3:105 And do not be like those who became divided and differed after the clear proofs came to them. And they will have a great punishment.

6:121 And (do) not eat of that on which Allah’s name has not been mentioned, and indeed, it (is) grave disobedience. And indeed, the devils inspire [to] their friends so that they dispute with you, and if you obey them, indeed, you (would) be the polytheists.

(According to Verse 6:121, obeying the devils is polytheism)(Allah knows best)

30:31 Turning to Him, and fear Him and establish the prayer and (do) not be of the polytheists 30:32 Of those who divide their religion and become sects, each party rejoicing in what they have.

(You cannot become a sect. If you differ from the religion, it implies polytheism (aka obeying people/Satan instead of obeying God))(You cannot follow that which opposes Islam. There are evidences that Islam is the true religion. See the links below, “The Qur’an and Mathematics” and “Is the Qur'an scientifically correct?”)(Allah knows best)

3:83 So is (it) other than the religion of Allah they seek? While to Him (have) submitted whatever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, and to Him they will be returned.

(Islam was not a new religion at the time of Muhammad, but Muslims follow the religion of Abraham. See the link below, “Which religion is older? Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism or Islam? Is there a proof that Islam existed before Muhammad?” and “Is Islam a new religion? Does Muhammad differ from other Prophets?”)(Allah knows best)

See also: Comparative religion. A comparative analysis of world religions from a Muslim perspective (Index)

See also: Does the Qur'an replace the Bible?

See also: Is shirk forgivable? (shirk = idolatry or polytheism)

See also: Is Jesus God or the son of God?

See also: Is the Bible corrupted?

See also: Is Muhammad mentioned in the Bible?

See also: Is Islam a new religion? Does Muhammad differ from other Prophets?

See also: What is the true religion? / What is Islam?

See also: Is Muhammad a Prophet? / Did Islam just copy from Judaism and Christianity?

See also: The Qur’an and Mathematics (Index)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Which religion is older? Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism or Islam? Is there a proof that Islam existed before Muhammad?

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