Is Joseph Smith (Mormonism) similar to Muhammad (Islam)? Is Joseph Smith the so-called “American Muhammad”?
16:105 They only invent falsehood who do not believe in the Verses of Allah, and they are the liars.
(Most Christians do not think that Joseph Smith was a Prophet, so they compare him to Muhammad to defame Islam, as if their similarities were to prove that Muhammad is also a false prophet)(Allah knows best)
2:97 Say, "Whoever is an enemy to Gabriel - then indeed he brought it down upon your heart by the permission of Allah, confirming what (was) before it and a guidance and glad tidings for the believers."
(In regard to the alleged similarities between Muhammad and Joseph Smith, some Christians say that both men were visited by an Angel; but, according to the Bible, in Acts 7:30 and Exodus 3:2, an Angel appeared to Moses; and according to Luke 22:43, an Angel appeared to Jesus; and according to Luke 1:11-12, an Angel appeared to Zechariah; and according to Judges 6:12, an Angel appeared to Gideon, etc. So, it is something similar among Prophets in the Bible; so their allegation, in fact, goes against their own religion too, if it were a valid objection. And their objection does not expose Islam, but exposes their little knowledge of the Bible and their strategy of trying to defame Islam)(Allah knows best)
53:10 So he revealed to His slave what he revealed. 53:11 The heart did not lie what it saw.
(In regard to “both men were given visions”, according to Matthew 2:19, an Angel appeared in a dream to Joseph; according to Acts 16:9-10 and 18:9, Paul had a vision; according to Luke 1:21-22, Zechariah had a vision; according to Matthew 17:8-9, the disciples of Jesus had a vision, etc. So, their allegation would also invalidate the Bible)(Allah knows best)
29:46 And do not argue with the People of the Book except by which is best, except those who do wrong among them, and say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and to you. And our God and your God is One, and we submit to Him."
(In regard to “both men were told that religions that existed on the earth were untrue”, actually the Qur’an confirms the Torah and the Gospel, “say, "We believe in that which has been revealed to us and to you. And our God and your God is One, and we submit to Him." (29:46). But the Qur’an doesn’t confirm that which Christians invented against their own Bible. They follow parts of the Gospel, and also Paul’s teachings, which contradict the Gospel, then it is evident that Christianity is a false religion, and Joseph Smith is a Christian who invented falsehood, just like other Christians. So, Mormonism is in line with Christianity, not in line with Islam)(Allah knows best)
16:64 And We have not revealed to you the Book except that you make clear to them that in which they differed, and as a guidance and mercy for a people who believe.
(In regard to “both men were to restore the long lost/forgotten faith as the one true religion”, in fact the Qur’an contains that which contains the Bible, so Christians don’t know or ignore their own religion and the whole of their Scripture. The Qur’an makes clear that in which people of the Book used to differ (16:64), so, for example, many Christians thought that Jesus was not crucified, and others thought he was crucified, etc. (1 Corinthians 1:23).(Notice that “Christ crucified” was preached by Paul). So the Qur’an clarifies it. “And We have not revealed to you the Book except that you make clear to them that in which they differed, and as a guidance and mercy for a people who believe.” (16:64))(Joseph Smith and Mormons believe in crucifixion and believe that Jesus gave his life to save mankind. So, in general, Joseph Smith is the same or similar to other Christian denominations. So, Christian’s allegations against Muhammad by comparing it to Joseph Smith, actually go against their own religion, because, Mormonism has similarities to other Christian denominations, while, for example, the Qur’an denies crucifixion. On the other hand, it was recorded in the Bible that some people at that time also denied crucifixion (1 Corinthians 1:23))(See other examples of that in which Christians differed, in the article below: “How the Qur’an corrects Christianity?”)(And see the article below, “Did Jesus die for the sins of mankind? Was Jesus crucified?”)(Allah knows best)
13:43 And those who disbelieve say, "You are not a Messenger." Say, "Sufficient is Allah as a Witness between me and you, and whoever has knowledge of the Book."
(In regard to “both men wrote a book said to be “inspired by God””. Christians believe that many people were inspired by God, and a party of them were not even prophets (Luke, Matthew, Paul, etc.). If “writing a book said to be inspired by God” is a proof that Islam is wrong, then Christianity and all religions are wrong too. They go against themselves and expose their senseless and lack of arguments. The content of the Qur’an is a proof that the Qur’an is from God, while the Book of Mormon is man-made, and the Bible is obviously corrupted. See the links below “Is the Bible corrupted?”, “The Qur’an and Mathematics“ and “Is the Qur'an scientifically correct?”)(Allah knows best)
2:78 And among them (are) unlettered ones, (who) do not know the book except wishful thinking, and they (do) not except guess.
(In regard to “both men claimed to be illiterate or uneducated and used this as proof their books were inspired”; according to Acts 4:13, Peter and John “used” their “illiteracy” to prove that they had been with Jesus. So, if that was a proof against Islam, then, for example, the Gospel of John is wrong too, according to non-Muslims themselves)(Allah knows best)
2:79 So woe to those who write the book with their hands, then they say, "This is from Allah," to exchange it for a little price. So woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.
(In regard to “both men claimed the original Bible had been altered, lost or corrupted and was therefore unreliable”; the Qur’an doesn’t (explicitly) say so, so Muhammad didn’t say it, but “Muslims” say it, because Muslims don’t have blind faith but use reason. Even an honest Christian can tell that the Bible was altered, because it is a fact. The Qur’an says, for example, that the Qur’an is a Criterion. A Criterion can be used to know what is true in the Bible in that which the Bible contradicts itself, or to not misinterpreting the Bible, etc. See the article below “Is the Bible corrupted?”. That article proves the undeniable fact that the current Bible differs from the oldest Bible sources, and also differs from itself,...)(Allah knows best)
4:82 Then do they not ponder on the Qur’an? If it had been from other than Allah, surely they would have found much contradiction in it.
(In regard to “both men claimed their holy book was the most correct and perfect book on earth”; Muhammad did not claim it, but the Qur’an says that the religion was perfected (5:3). And it is a fact that the Qur’an agrees with science and there are no contradictions, and the Qur’an has been preserved. Similarly, Christians also think so about their Scripture, so they are hypocrites for using such allegation against Islam. See the links below: “Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an?”, “Is the Qur'an scientifically correct?” and “Has the Qur'an been preserved?”)(Allah knows best)
50:4 Certainly, We know what the earth diminishes of them, and with Us (is) a guarded Book. … 56:77 Indeed, it is surely a Noble Qur’an, 56:78 In a Book well-guarded, 56:79 None touch it except the purified. 56:80 A Revelation from the Lord of the worlds.
(In regard to “both men claimed that their holy book was based upon an original stored in heaven”, the Qur’an does not explicitly say “heaven”, but Verse 13:39 says, “with Him is the Mother of the Book”. The Bible, in Revelation 5:1-7, mentions a scroll sealed at the Throne which no one can open or look inside, except somebody. Similarly, the Qur’an says “Indeed, it is surely a Noble Qur’an, In a Book well-guarded, None touch it except the purified.” (56:77-79))(Notice that the Bible says that the scroll is at the Throne, and where is the Throne according to the Bible? It is in heaven! (Revelation 4:2, Acts 7:49, Psalm 11:4, Isaiah 66:1). So, Joseph Smith spoke according to his knowledge of the Bible, rather than being based on the Qur’an. Even if he had been based on the Qur’an, it does not invalidate the Qur’an anyhow)(Allah knows best)
89:3 And the even and the odd,
(In regard to “both men claimed that the version (Qur’an and Book of Mormon) that we have in our hands today are identical to what the prophet revealed and that parts are not altered, lost or corrupted”. Co-existing with other sources doesn’t change the fact that the Qur’an has been preserved. See the article below, “Even and odd numbers in the Qur’an”)(On the other hand, Christians are hypocrites, because they think that the Bible in their hands today was not altered, lost or corrupted. While there are evidences to think otherwise: it is a fact that the oldest Bible sources differ from the current Bible)(Allah knows best)
33:40 Muhammad is not the father of (any) one of your men, but the Messenger of Allah and Seal of the Prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things, Knowing.
(In regard to “both men claimed to be the last and final prophet of God”, Christians are hypocrites because they believe that no one else would come after Jesus. If Christians and Jews distort, corrupt and/or contradict each other, then a new revelation was needed, and if this time the new Revelation was preserved (the Qur’an), then there is no need for a new book)(Verse 33:40 says, “Muhammad is not the father of (any) one of your men, but the Messenger of Allah and Seal of the Prophets”. See the differences between Messenger and Prophet in the link below “Is there any difference between a Messenger and a Prophet?”)(Allah knows best)
85:10 Indeed, those who persecuted the believing men and the believing women, then they did not repent, then for them is the punishment of Hell, and for them is the punishment of the Burning Fire.
(In regard to “both men claimed they were persecuted for their correct and pure faith”. Christians are hypocrites because they know that Jews wanted to kill Jesus; and according to Matthew 14:5, Herod wanted to kill John; Pharaoh wanted to kill Moses; according to Genesis 20:7-11, people wanted to kill Abraham, etc. So, Christians absurdly go against themselves by trying to prove Islam wrong with matters contained in their own Scripture. Their objections would rather prove Islam right)(Allah knows best)
4:3 And if you fear that not you will be able to do justice with the orphans, then marry what seems suitable to you from the women - two, or three, or four. But if you fear that you will not be just, then one or what your right hands possess. That is more appropriate that you may not oppress.
(In regard to “both men were polygamists who collected many wives”. There is polygamy in the Bible (Genesis 4:19, 1 Kings 11:3 (according to the Bible, Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines), etc.))(Christians are hypocrites, because some of them have relations with many people outside marriage, that’s fornication / adultery, while Muslims marry, and Muslim women have rights)(See the article below: “Do non-Muslims oppress women?”)(Allah knows best)
2:163 And your God is one God; there is no god except Him, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
5:72 They certainly disbelieve who say, "Indeed Allah - He is the Messiah, the son of Mary." While the Messiah said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates partners with Allah, then surely Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and his abode will be the Fire. And there will be no helpers for the wrongdoers.
(In regard to “both men borrowed from paganism and polytheism and incorporated it into their religions”. Christianity is the pagan and polytheist one, they wrongly say that God is three, or three are God, while Islam is a monotheist religion)(See the links below “Is the doctrine of the trinity correct?”, “Is Allah the God of the Bible?” and “Is Christianity a pagan religion?”)(Allah knows best)
2:143 And thus We made you a community of the middle way so that you will be witnesses over mankind, and the Messenger will be a witness over you. And We didn’t make the direction of prayer which you were used to except that We make evident (he) who follows the Messenger from (he) who turns back on his heels. And indeed, it was certainly a great (test) except for those whom Allah guided. And Allah will not let go waste your faith. Indeed, Allah is Full of Kindness towards mankind, the Most Merciful.
(In regard to “both received after the fact corrective revelations from God to correct issues with their previous writings”: It is a fact that when we compare the gospels one to another we can see how the stories about Jesus were changed to reflect a higher view of Jesus. The difference is further pronounced as we go from Mark, the first gospel, to John, the last gospel. Later Christians would focus more on the Gospel of John, and less on the Gospel of Mark. It is often the Gospel of John that is quoted as proof of alleged Jesus’s divine sonship. Paul also contributed to changing the religion. In addition, the oldest New Testament sources differ from the current New Testament. Alterations are due to later theological beliefs. See the link below, “Is the Bible corrupted?”)(In regard to the Qur’an, Verse 13:39 says, “Allah eliminates and confirms what He wills, and with Him is the Mother of the Book”. So, it is interpreted that the Mother of the Book remains unchanged. For example, in the case of Verses 2:143-146, the “previous” direction of prayer was made to make evident who follows the Messenger. The “new” direction is in fact the “oldest” one (3:96), and is the standing place of Abraham. Islam is not to correct or change the religion, but in fact that which is revealed in the Qur’an is the religion of Abraham, which is older than Judaism and Christianity, while Jews and Christians differed from it over time (2:135, 3:68, 16:123-124))(Another point is that there is no abrogation in Islam, if a Verse were replaced by a Verse, the previous one disappeared, but an existing Verse doesn’t replace an existing one)(Christians also mention that he “retracted the satanic verses”, but the Qur’an is against Satan. Satanic is the one who opposes God, as Christians / Christianity do, and as Paul did)(See the articles below: “Are there any abrogated verses in the Qur'an?” and “Jesus vs. Paul”)(In regard to the so-called “satanic verses”, the story about the satanic verses is obviously false and only found in Al-Tabari. Whenever a critic or Islamophobe quotes a story from Ibn Ishaq or Al-Tabari, it’s most likely false, and the stories are not even confirmed in the Qur’an or the major hadith collections, then it is to be rejected. In addition, Al-Tabari was born many, many years after the Prophet, just like Joseph Smith)(Allah knows best)
5:68 Say, "O People of the Book, you are not on anything until you stand firmly by the Torah and the Gospel, and what has been revealed to you from your Lord. And that which has been revealed to you from your Lord will surely increase many of them in rebellion and disbelief. So do not grieve over the disbelieving people.
(Christians quote Galatians 1:8 wanting to prove Islam wrong; it says, “but even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse”. Galatians was invented by Paul, the anti-Christ, and he is actually the one who preached a gospel other or different than the one Jesus preached; he is the one who opposed Jesus inventing lies and contradicting him; Paul also killed early Christians who followed the Law, and it is said that he was trinitarian. Trinitarians are disbelievers. God does not guide the wrongdoing people (2:258, 46:10). Paul is rejected by the “Gospel” and the Qur’an)(Allah knows best)
16:123 Then We revealed to you to follow the religion of Abraham, upright; and he was not of those who associate."
(In regard to Christians saying that both men were “founders”, the answer is that Muhammad did not found any new religion, God revealed to him the religion of Abraham; and you can find the same matters in both the Qur’an and the Bible (E.g., do not worship idols, fasting, pig meat is forbidden, giving charity, etc.). Actually Paul is the one who founded a new religion, which Christians follow)(See the articles below: “Is Islam a new religion? Does Muhammad differ from other Prophets?” and “Which religion is older? Judaism, Christianity or Islam?”)(Allah knows best)
See also: Is Islam a new religion? Does Muhammad differ from other Prophets?
See also: Which religion is older? Judaism, Christianity or Islam?
See also: How the Qur’an corrects Christianity?
See also: Did Jesus die for the sins of mankind? Was Jesus crucified?
See also: Is the Bible corrupted?
See also: Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an? (0) (Index)
See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)
See also: Has the Qur'an been preserved?
See also: Even and odd numbers in the Qur’an
See also: Is there any difference between a Messenger and a Prophet?
See also: Do non-Muslims oppress women?
See also: Is the doctrine of the trinity correct?
See also: Is Allah the God of the Bible?
See also: Are there any abrogated verses in the Qur'an? Does God change his Words?
See also: Jesus vs. Paul
See also: Comparative religion. A comparative analysis of world religions from a Muslim perspective
See also: The Qur’an and Mathematics (Index)
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