Monday, December 26, 2016

Did the Qur’an confuse meteors with stars? Are stars missiles shot at devils?

Did the Qur’an confuse meteors with stars? Are stars missiles shot at devils?

67:5 And We have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with lamps, and We have made them as missiles for the devils, and We have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.

(This Verse speaks about stars, not meteors, because, according to Verse 71:16, the star is a lamp; and those “lamps” in the nearest heaven (67:5) are called “stars” in Verse 37:6)(According to the Qur’an, and science, the stars move on their orbit (21:33, 14:33), so one interpretation is that the missiles are radiation (particles of the stars (e.g. particles of the sun)) emitted by the stars)(Allah knows best)

71:16 And made the moon therein a light and made the sun a lamp?

37:6 Indeed, We adorned the nearest sky with an adornment of the stars. 37:7 And to guard against every rebellious devil, 37:8 they may not listen to the exalted assembly, (and) are pelted from every side, 37:9 Repelled; and for them is a perpetual punishment, 37:10 Except (him) who snatches by theft, but follows him a piercing burning flame.

(This Verse confirms that the lamps are stars, because Verse 37:6 and 67:5 are similar, and Verse 37:6 explicitly says “stars”. The Verses of the Qur’an complement each other)(This Verse also confirms that the missiles are radiation (particles of the stars), instead of the stars themselves, because the devils are followed (37:10) and pelted from every side (37:8), while the stars follow an orbit (14:33, 21:33). And the missiles fill the heaven (72:8), likewise outer space contains radiation in abundance. And the “particles” are described as “piercing burning flame” (37:10), so radiation can penetrate/pierce materials and travel through space)(And Verse 72:9 says that the flaming fire is in wait, so radiation can be ‘in wait’/be trapped in radiation belts (Van Allen radiation belt). Some people think that the flight to the moon and other missions would be impossible because of the heated layers of atmosphere around the earth (the Van Allen belts), which would prevent those missions. Van Allen radiation belt is dangerous to humans, it blocks / traps the so-called “killer electrons” which can fry satellites and degrade space systems during intense solar storms)(Allah knows best)

86:3 It is the star, the piercing,

(This Verse confirms that the ‘piercing burning flame’ comes from the stars)(this Verse also confirms that the burning flame is radiation (particles of the sun / stars), because radiation emitted by stars can penetrate/pierce materials, and radiation travels through space)(Allah knows best)

21:33 And He is the One Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon; each floating in an orbit.

(The stars move on their orbit)(Allah knows best)

72:8 And that we sought to touch the heaven but we found it filled with severe guards, and flaming fires. 72:9 And that we used to sit there in positions for hearing, but (he) who listens now will find a flaming fire in wait for him.

(The flaming fires fill the heaven (outer space contains radiation in abundance). And flaming fires ‘wait’ and ‘follow’ devils, while the stars don’t wait, but they move on their orbit)(Radiation can ‘wait’/be trapped in radiation belts (Van Allen radiation belt))(It is interpreted that the “severe guards” refer to Angels. Angels are a matter of the unseen, and it is said that Angels are made of light, so they are very fast. And those who sought to touch the heaven are jinn (Chapter 72 is called “The Jinn”, and it tells about them); Jinn is made of fire, and is a matter of the unseen. Even the name “Jinn” implies that they are not seen. “Jinn” means “hidden / invisible”)(Allah knows best)

14:33 And He subjected the sun and the moon for you, both constantly pursuing their courses, and subjected for you the night and the day.

(The stars don’t ‘wait’, but are constantly pursuing their courses, while radiation can be ‘in wait’/be trapped in radiation belts (Van Allen radiation belt))(Allah knows best)

66:6 O you who believe, protect yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is people and stones, over it are Angels, stern (and) severe; they do not disobey Allah in what He Commands them but they do what they are commanded.

(This Verse may confirm the interpretation that “severe guards” in Verse 72:8 refers to Angels)(Allah knows best)

27:65 Say, "None in the heavens and the earth know the unseen except Allah, nor can they perceive when they will be resurrected."

(In regard to the Angels and devils / Jinn, they are a matter of the unseen)(Allah knows best)

41:12 Then He completed them as seven heavens in two periods and He revealed in each heaven its affair. And We adorned the nearest heaven with lamps and to guard. That is the Decree of the All-Mighty, the All-Knower.

(According to Verse 41:12, “guards” are the stars themselves. Their radiation are the missiles and traveling part of the star)(“Stars guarding” is not in contradiction with “radiation guarding”, because radiation are particles of the stars themselves)(Allah knows best)

15:16 And verily We have placed in the heavens constellations, and We have beautified it for the observers. 15:17 And We have protected it from every accursed devil. 15:18 Except (one) who steals the hearing, then follows him a clear burning flame.

(According to the article “understanding space radiation” by NASA, “outside the protective cocoon of the Earth’s atmosphere is a universe full of radiation – it is all around us”; “space radiation is made up of three kinds of radiation: particles trapped in the Earth’s magnetic field; particles shot into space during solar flares (solar particle events); and galactic cosmic rays, which are high-energy protons and heavy ions from outside our solar system. All of these kinds of space radiation represent ionizing radiation”; “it is very difficult to predict the long-term effects of space radiation on the human body, especially on our astronauts, who may spend many months in space. Because of this uncertainty, NASA is funding research to determine how much radiation is in space and how much damage it may cause”; “researchers are still working to determine what makes one person more susceptible to the effects of space radiation than another person”. According to the article “Cosmic rays: particles from outer space” by CERN, “earth is subject to a constant bombardment of subatomic particles that can reach energies far higher than the largest machines”)(So, even the word “missiles” in the Qur’an is appropriate. In conclusion, the Qur’an is in accordance with science)(Allah knows best)

20:119 And that you will not suffer from thirst therein [and] nor exposed to the sun's heat (tadha)."

(The root of the word “tadha”, translated as “exposed to the sun’s heat”, is “Dad-Ha-Ya or Dad-Ha-Waw”, and it means “to be smitten by sunbeams, sunshine, etc.”. So, Verses of the Qur’an confirm that the rays of sunlight can afflict people, and that’s in accordance with science)(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (1) (Astronomy)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Are the seven heavens solid objects?

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