Saturday, December 31, 2016

Is the embryo initially formed from semen?

Is the embryo initially formed from semen?

23:12 And indeed, We created humankind from an essence of clay. 23:13 Then (thumma) We placed him as a drop (nut’fatan) in a firm (makinin) resting place (qararin). 23:14 Then (thumma) We created the drop into a clinging substance, then (fa) We created the clinging substance into an embryonic lump, then (fa) We created the embryonic lump into bones, then (fa) We clothed the bones with flesh; then (thumma) We produce it as another creation. So blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators.

(The “drop” (nut’fatan) in Arabic is “male’s and female’s secretion”. Some translations of the Qur’an are correct calling it “fertilized ovum/egg” or “male and female gamete” or “zygote” (sperm and ovum fused), or “drop”. But other translations are wrong interpreting it as “sperm” or “semen”. So, the Qur’an doesn’t say that the embryo was initially formed in semen)(So, the Verse says that the drop/zygote (sperm and ovum fused) is placed in a firm resting place (uterus or womb)(23:13), then (“thumma”) the drop/zygote becomes a clinging substance (blastocyst)(23:14), then (“fa”) the clinging substance is implanted/embedded in the uterine wall, and it develops into an embryonic lump (23:14). So, the Qur’an is in accordance with science)(Note: the root of “nut’fatan” (drop) is “Nun-Tay-Fa”, and it means “to flow gently, extrude, ooze, exude, drop, pour, trickle”. Notice that semen or sperm is not specified, but it is about something that oozes. The sperm and ovum fused, and flowing, was not known by the 7th century Arabs, so it was misinterpreted as semen, but we know now, according to the context and the definition of “Nun-Tay-Fa”, that that word always refers to the sperm and ovum fused, which form a unique “drop”. So, after fertilization, the zygote (sperm and ovum fused) flows gently/travels to the uterus; and that is in accordance with the definition of “Nun-Tay-Fa” (something that flows gently))(Note: “Thumma” and “fa” indicate chronology)(Allah knows best)

76:2 Indeed, We created man from a drop (nut’fatin), a mixture, We test him; so We made (for) him hearing and sight.

(This Verse confirms that the drop (nut’fatin) is a mixture (of sperm and ovum))(Allah knows best)

80:18 From what thing did He create him? 80:19 From a drop (nut’fatin) He created him, then (fa) He proportioned him,

(The Arabic word “nut’fat” (drop) is both male’s and female’s secretion; so, the sperm and ovum firstly fused, before the human was proportioned (80:19). “Fa” (then) is chronological)(Allah knows best)

32:7 The One Who made everything He created good, and He began the creation of man from clay. 32:8 Then He made his progeny from an extract of water despised.

(“Water” also means “liquid”. “Semen” is mostly water, but it does not mean that the Verse refers to “semen”, because the sperm and ovum fused are cells; cells are liquids that behave like solids. So, the use of the word “liquid / water” is appropriate)(On another subject, there is a distinction between the creation of the “first man” and his progeny. One is “from clay”, and the progeny from clay and “from an extract of water despised”, so the first one did not imply sexual reproduction, that is the case of Adam and Jesus)(Allah knows best)

77:20 Did We not create you from a despicable water? 77:21 Then We placed it in a safe (makinin) abode (qararin) 77:22 For a known period. … 77:25 Have We not made the earth a receptacle 77:26 For the living and the dead,

(Verse 77:21 is similar to Verse 23:13, because both Verses use the same words “qararin makinin” (safe abode), but Verse 23:13 uses the word “drop”, while Verse 77:20 uses the word “water / liquid”, so, it implicitly says that “water / liquid” refers to both male’s and female’s secretion, not to “sperm”)(The sperm and ovum fused are cells. Cells are liquids that behave like solids. So, the use of the word “liquid” is appropriate)(“It” in Verse 77:21 refers to “water / liquid” because both are masculine words in Arabic)(Allah knows best)

53:45 And that He created the pairs, the male and the female 53:46 From a drop (nut’fatin) when it is emitted (tum’na).

(Verse 53:46 says “when” the two secretions are emitted (male’s and female’s). The word “tum’na” (emitted) is used because its root is “Miim-Nun-Ya”, and it means “to destine/to write a destiny, to wish or desire”; so, the gender of a baby is not known until a sperm carrying an X or Y chromosome fertilizes the egg (If the sperm carrying an x chromosome fertilizes the egg, a girl will be conceived. If the sperm carrying a Y chromosome fertilizes the egg, a boy will be conceived); so, when the drop (male’s and female’s secretions) is emitted/destined, then it will be boy or girl. In other words, it is not known until the precise moment in which the male’s and female’s secretions mix, that is, when the (fused) drop is destined (“a drop when it is emitted” (53:46)))(Notice that Verse number 46 is the same number of chromosomes humans have (23 pairs = 46))(Sexually reproducing species have somatic cells (body cells), which are diploid (2n) having two sets of chromosomes (23 pairs in humans with one set of 23 chromosomes from each parent), one set from the mother and one from the father. So, Verse 53:46 in the Qur’an is implicitly confirming and making clear that the “drop” refers to sperm and ovum fused)(In conclusion, in Verse 53:46, the word “emitted” (“tum’na) is an interpretation, not a literal translation, because some translators think that it refers to sperm, but, according to the root dictionary, “nut’fatin” (drop) is not sperm. And “tum’na” is not “emitted”, but “destine / wish / write / desire”. And the context is that “He created the pairs, the male and the female” (53:45). The gender of a baby is not known until a sperm fertilizes the egg. From that fertilization, is when the gender of a baby is “written/destined”)(Allah knows best)

75:36 Does man think that he will be left neglected? 75:37 Was he not a drop (nut’fatan) of emission emitted (maniyyin yum’na)? 75:38 Then (thumma) he was a clinging substance, then He created and proportioned. 75:39 Then (fa) made of him/it two kinds, the male and the female.

(Verse 75:39 uses the word “fa” (then) which is a chronological word, and some non-Muslims interpreted it as if the determination of the gender were after he was a clinging substance (blastocyst). First of all, “nut’fatan” (drop) and “’alaqatan” (clinging substance) are feminine words in Arabic, while “maniyyin yum’na” (emission emitted) and “min’hu” (of it) are masculine. So, “made of it” in Verse 75:39 refers to the “emission emitted” (both masculine), not to “clinging substance” (blastocyst)(feminine). Then, even using “fa” in Verse 75:39 which indicates order, “it” in verse 75:39 is chronologically relocated at the time of Verse 75:37, because “it” refers to the “emission emitted”. As in Verse 53:46, when the drop (male’s and female’s secretions) is emitted / destined, then it will be boy or girl. In other words, it is not known until the precise moment in which the male’s and female’s secretions mix. So, the determination of the gender of a baby take place before he was a clinging substance. So, the Qur’an is in accordance with science)(Another interpretation is that Verse 75:39 might also refer to the stage of creation in which it is composed or takes the shape of a male or a female, after he was a clinging substance, because the Verse uses the verb “made” (e.g. to make a shape), not “determined”)(Nevertheless, the two interpretations could not be mutually exclusive, and both interpretations are scientifically correct)(Notice that “drop” (75:37) is in the context of “man” (mankind) mentioned in the previous Verse (75:36). “Man was a drop” implies that “drop” is the sperm and ovum fused)(Allah knows best)

39:6 He created you from a single soul. Then He made from it its mate. And He sent down for you of the cattle eight kinds. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in three darkness[es]. That is Allah your Lord; for Him is the dominion. There is no god except Him. Then how are you turning away?

(Mankind is created inside the wombs of their mothers (39:6), so after the sperm and ovum fused)(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (2) (Biology)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Thumma, Wa, and Fa / Chronology in the Qur’an

See also: Root Dictionary of the Holy Qur’an (Index)

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