Monday, October 23, 2017

Atoms, matter and antimatter in the Qur’an?

Atoms, matter and antimatter in the Qur’an?

10:61 And you are not in any situation, and you do not recite of it from the Qur’an and you do not do any deed except that We are witnesses over you when you are engaged in it. And not escapes from your Lord of the weight of an atom in the earth and in the heavens or smaller than that or greater but is in a clear Record.

(The Qur’an says that there is something smaller than an atom (10:61). It was thought that the atom was the smallest indivisible component of matter. According to the article “Atom” in wikipedia, “though the word atom originally denoted a particle that cannot be cut into smaller particles, in modern scientific usage the atom is composed of various subatomic particles. The constituent particles of an atom are the electron, the proton and the neutron”)(Allah knows best)

4:49 Do you not see those who claim purity for themselves? Nay, Allah, He purifies whom He wills, and they will not be wronged (even as much as) a hair on a date-seed (fatilan).

(String theory says the smallest particles are not like points but like strings. A point has no dimensions, but a string, like a line, has one dimension. Strings are so much smaller than the smallest subatomic particle that look like points)(Verse 4:49 of the Qur’an is in accordance with string theory by mentioning a wick as the smallest thing (a wick is a string). The root of “fatilan” (a hair on a date-seed) is “Fa-Ta-Lam”, and it means “to twist (a rope or thread); fatilan – whit, wick, etc.”)(Allah knows best)

4:124 And whoever does righteous deeds, from male or female, and he is a believer, then those will enter Paradise and they will not be wronged the speck on a date-seed (naqiran).

(The root of “naqiran” (the speck on a date-seed) is “Nun-Qaf-Ra”, and it means “to strike, play (lute), sound, pierce, etc.”)(According to these definitions, “nakir” means vibration of a string. It is interpreted that, according to Verse 4:124, the smallest mass is the single vibration of a string. Verses 4:49 and 4:124 are describing the same smallest particle: a vibrating string)(See the article “atoms” in “miracles-of-quran(dot)com”)(Allah knows best)

51:49 And of everything We have created pairs, so that you may remember.

36:36 Glory be to the One Who created all in pairs – of what the earth grows and of themselves, and of what they do not know.

(This Verse does not necessarily mean that all things are created as male and female, but all matter is in pairs: matter and antimatter (electrons and positrons, quarks and antiquarks...))(According to the article “What’s the matter with antimatter?”, in “fnal(dot)gov”, by Abner Soffer, from Colorado State University, “we now know that every type of particle has a corresponding antimatter particle, called an anti-particle. A particle an its anti-particle are identical in almost every way – they have the same mass, for example – but they have opposite charges. Matter and antimatter are created together. We deduce that all the matter in the universe today is only about a billionth of the amount of matter that existed during the very early universe. Almost every matter particle collided with an antimatter particle in a process called annihilation, the opposite of pair production. But roughly a billionth of the matter particles survived, and it is those particles that now make the galaxies, stars, planets, and all living things on Earth, including our own bodies”)(Matter and antimatter are created in equal amounts in the universe)(Allah knows best)

28:88 And do not invoke with Allah another deity. There is no deity except Him. Everything (will be) destroyed except His Face. His is the judgment, and to Him you will be returned.

38:58 And other of its type, kinds (azwajun).

(Another interpretation is that “pairs/kinds” refers to being of the same type or equal, because Verse 38:58 uses the word “pairs” referring to one single type. Either interpretation is in accordance with science)(Allah knows best)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (8) (Others)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

See also: Is there any contradiction in the Qur'an? (0) (Index)


  1. This is extremely interesting. I was just trying to find some form of a reference from the Qur'an for Antimatter and it seems that this is definitely a start. Although, in my very humble opinion, whether or not science has spoken about 'Annihilation' as mentioned above but I respectfully disagree - In my extremely humble view, I think that as Allah Azzawajal has created matter in pairs - like both matter and antimatter have the same properties except that antimatter has a negative charge and the opposite is true for matter - Therefore, it maybe said that for every positive in the world, there exists an equal negative. For as much as we are encouraged to follow the positive inside of ourselves, there exists an equal to that with a negative self - a property of our innate self that gives us all the dark and negative thoughts - perhaps also feeds off of negative energy and amplifies the negative inside of us. Just a thought that I had. And Allah Azzawajal knows best.

    1. I wanna know is jannah an antimatter of hell ...evils of angels...does the antimatter of our bodies makes the same us in structure but of different charge

    2. A particle an its anti-particle are identical; but Paradise and Hell aren't. And evils (Jinn) were created from smokeless flame of fire (55:15), while Angels were created from light. (Allah knows best)
