Can people communicate with the dead? Who are the Jinn?
55:39 Then (on) that Day neither man nor jinn (jannun) will be asked about his sin.
(The English word “genius” is similar to the Arabic one “jinn”, but “genius” is referred as “Roman mythology” and even the so-called “Islamic mythology”, by some English dictionaries, as if a “jinn” were an imaginary character, while there is no such thing as “Islamic mythology”, but the jinn is a real creature. So, the word “genius” is not the same as “jinn”, because “genius” in English degenerated into another meaning. The root of the word “jinn” is “Jiim-Nun-Nun”, and it means “veiled / concealed / covered / hid / invisible, etc. And, for example, the “jinn” could be behind those many cases of people possessed by “the devil”, or he could be the one who answers when people invoke the dead (It is forbidden invoking other than God in Islam))(Allah knows best)
19:98 And how many a generation We destroyed before them? Can you perceive anyone of them or hear a sound from them?
(According to Verses 19:98 and 23:100, people cannot communicate with the dead)(Allah knows best)
23:100 That I may do righteous (deeds) in what I left behind." No, indeed, it is a word that he speaks, and before them is a barrier until the Day they are resurrected.
55:31 We will attend to you, O you two weights
(“Jinn” is compared to “dark matter”. Astronomers have confirmed the existence of dark matter. Dark matter is an invisible, essentially collisionless component of matter; the gravitational effect of all that matter holds together galaxies and galaxy clusters (not the regular matter that forms stars and planets). Simply put: we cannot see dark matter nor collide with it but we can detect its gravity)(It is interpreted that Verses 81:15-16 refer to celestial bodies that are invisible, that move, that sweep. Dark matter is invisible, moves and sweeps our hydrogen)(See: “miracles-of-quran(dot)com”; “Dark Matter, Dark Energy: The Dark Side of the Universe” by Professor Sean Carroll from California Institute of Technology; “Dark Matter: What role does it play?” By Carolyn Collins Petersen)(In regard to the Jinn, it is interpreted that the two classes (55:31)(literally “two weights”) are man and jinn; we cannot see nor collide with Jinn but they have weight. The Jinn have weight means that we can detect their gravity and they can detect our gravity. “Jinn” means “hidden / invisible”)(Source: “miracles-of-quran(dot)com”)(Allah knows best)
81:15 But nay, I swear by those that retreat, 81:16 Those that run (and) disappear,
13:31 And if there was any Qur’an by which mountains could be moved, or the earth could be cloven asunder, or the dead could be made to speak. Nay (bal), with Allah is all the command. Then do not those who believe know that if Allah had willed, surely He would have guided all of the mankind? And those who disbelieve will not cease to be struck for what they did, by a disaster, or it settles close to their homes until comes the Promise of Allah. Indeed, Allah (will) not fail in the Promise.
(Verse 13:31 says, “the dead could be made to speak”, but the context is not that you can communicate with dead, but it seems hypothetical, about a Qur’an (Recitation) by which those events might happen, but then, notice that the next sentence says “nay” (bal); the word “bal” indicates negation or rectification. The Arabic conjunction “bal” is a retraction particle, i.e., a small part of speech that retracts (disavows, rejects, contradicts, disowns) its previous statement by bringing a new or opposite one)(Allah knows best)
46:5 And who (is) more astray than (he) who calls besides Allah, (those) who will not respond to him until (the) Day (of) Resurrection, and they (are) unaware of their calls.
See also: What is the difference between Jinn, Satan and Iblis?
See also: To whom should you invoke?
See also: Where are the Jinn?
See also: Which category of creature does the Qur’an put ‘Iblees’ into? Was Iblees an Angel or a Jinn?
See also: Tribe trapped behind a wall?
See also: Is there life after death?
See also: Is shirk forgivable? (shirk = idolatry or polytheism)
See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (7) (So-called myths and legendary tales)
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