Monday, January 9, 2017

Samaritans existing in ancient Egypt?

Samaritans existing in ancient Egypt?

20:85 He said, "But indeed, We [verily] have tried your people after you, and the Samiri (l-samiriyu) has led them astray."

(According to “britannica(dot)com”, “the city (Samaria) was not founded until about 880/879 BC”. According to the article “Samaritans” in wikipedia, “historically, Samaria was the key geographical concentration of the Samaritan community. Thus, it may suggest the region of Samaria is named after the Samaritans, rather than the Samaritans being named after the region”)(Another point is that “Samaritan” in Samaritan Hebrew, according to that article in wikipedia, is derived from “guardians / keepers / watchers (of the Law / Torah)”, as opposed to Samaritans being named after the region of Samaria. And also according to the same article, the Samaritans call themselves “Shamerim”, which is derived from the ancient Hebrew term meaning “guardians / keepers / watchers (of the Torah / Law))(So, according to the source, the name “Samaritan” is older that the region “Samaria” (aka older than the year 880 BC)(it is said that Moses lived between 1391-1271 BC))(Allah knows best)

20:87 They said, "We did not break (our) promise to you by our (own) will, but we were made to carry burdens from the ornaments of the people, so we threw them, and thus threw the Samiri (l-samiriyu)."

(Another point is that, according to Wayne A. Brindle, “the sources for a history of the Samaritans are predominantly anti-Samaritan”. So, in order to know the origin and history of the Samaritans, their enemies would have never traced them back to Moses)(And Wayne A. Brindle says in his article “the origin and history of the Samaritans” that one traditional theory of Samaritan origins is “the view of the Samaritans themselves, that their movement is a perpetuation of the ancient Israelite faith as it was practiced in the pre-monarchical period at Shechem (ca. 1400-1100 BC)” (it is said that Moses lived between 1391-1271 BC); so, according to Samaritans themselves, Samaritans existed at the time of Moses, so the Qur’an is correct)(The anti-Samaritan counterclaim of Judaism says that Samaritanism is a heresy. So, the anti-Samaritan sources are not reliable sources)(John 8:48 says, “The Jews answered him, “Aren’t we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?”. So, John 8:48 proves that the Jews were against Samaritans; they call Jesus “Samaritan”; they use that word in a derogatory or pejorative way, because Jesus was Nazarene/Galilean, not Samaritan)(John 4:9 and other verses confirm that Jesus was not Samaritan: “The Samaritan woman said to him, “You are a Jews and I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?” For Jews do not associate with Samaritans”)(The Qur’an confirms that Jesus is Nazarene; the word “Christians (nasara)” in the Qur’an is literally translated as “Nazarenes” (i.e. (followers) of the Nazarene))(Allah knows best)

4:156 And for their disbelief and their saying against Mary a great slander.

(Similarly, it is said that Christians censored the Talmud because it was alleged that the Talmud contained slanderous references to Jesus and Mary. If the Talmud were the only source, people would have not known the true events. So, the Jewish sources are not reliable, and in that case, the source is to be disregarded)(And similarly, the Jews said that Jesus claimed to be God, in order to kill him, because it is shirk / idolatry, but Jesus never claimed that, though, today, Christianity is based on that fabrication)(And similarly Jews wrongly made Aaron responsible for the golden calf, and so on)(Allah knows best)

23:67 (Being) arrogant about it, conversing by night (samiran), speaking evil."

(The root of the words “samiran” (23:67) and “Samiri” (20:95) is “Siin-Miim-Waw”, in Arabic, and it means “to pass night awake in idle talk, talk nonsense by night”, so it has a very different meaning than “Samaritan” in Hebrew (Guardian / Keeper / Watcher), so, another interpretation is that they are unrelated words, so that the Qur’an might not refer to Samaritans. Similarly, it is very common in the Bible to find different characters sharing the same name, (e.g. Adna who took foreign wives vs. Adna the priest; Gemariah son of Shaphan vs. Gemariah son of Hilkiah; Hananiah son of Zerubbabel vs. Hananiah son of Azoor, etc.)(Allah knows best)

20:95 He said, "Then what is your case, O Samiri (yasamiriyyu)?"

(Another point, according to the article “The Paleo-Hebrew (Middle) Alphabet – Old Hebrew and the Samaritan Alphabet”, by Jeff A. Benner, “The Samaritans are, according to themselves, the descendants of the Northern Tribes of Israel that were not sent into Assyrian captivity, and have continuously resided in the land of Israel. The Torah Scroll of the Samaritans use an alphabet that is very different from the one used on Jewish Torah Scrolls. According to the Samaritans themselves and Hebrew scholars, this alphabet is the original “Old Hebrew” alphabet, also called “Paleo-Hebrew.”. “Prior to the Babylonian captivity, the Jews used an alphabet very similar to what is found in the Torah scrolls of the Samaritans.”. This point proves that the Samaritans might not invent everything they said about themselves, but the Jews are the ones who distorted some matters)(Allah knows best)

4:46 Among the Jews are those who distort words from their places and they say, "We hear and disobey" and "Hear but be not heard” and "Raina", twisting their tongues and defaming the religion. And if they had said, "We hear and obey" and "Hear and look at us”, it would surely have been better for them and more suitable. [And] but Allah cursed them for their disbelief, so they believe not, except for a few.

An alternative response:

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (5) (History)

See also: Is the Qur'an scientifically correct? (0) (Index)

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