Is there any difference between “Muslim” and “Believer”?
49:14 The Bedouins say, "We believe." Say, "You have not believed; but say, "We have submitted," and faith has not yet entered your hearts. But if you obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not deprive anything from your deeds. Indeed, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. 49:15 The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then do not doubt but strive with their wealth and their lives in the way of Allah. Those are the truthful (ones)."
("Muslim" is an Arabic word meaning "one who submits (to God)", while “Believer” is the one who believes in God, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day (2:285). According to Verse 49:14, a person who submits (e.g. obeys, follows the Qur’an), he might not be a believer if he does not believe in God, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, the Last Day. This implies that not all Muslims are believers)(Allah knows best)
24:47 And they say, "We have believed in Allah and in the Messenger, and we obey"; then a party of them turns away after that. And those are not believers. … 24:51 (The) only statement (of) the believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them (is) that they say, "We hear and we obey." And those (are) the successful.
(“Islam” means “Submission (to God)” (e.g. Obedience); if you do not obey God, you are not submitting. According to Verses 24:47 and 24:51, believers say “we hear and we obey”, which means that all believers are Muslims (aka submitted (to God) / obey))(Allah knows best)
4:75 And what is with you that you do not fight in the way of Allah, and (for) those who are weak among men and women and children who say, "Our Lord, take us out of this town whose people are oppressors and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper. ... 4:95 Not equal are the those among the believers who sit, except those who are disabled, and those who strive in the way of Allah with their wealth and their lives. Allah has preferred in rank those who strive with their wealth and their lives to those who sit. And to all Allah has promised the best. And Allah has preferred those who strive over those who sit, with a great reward,
(Verse 4:95 does not say that the believers who sit are disobeying, because disobedience implies disbelief, while the believers who sit are called “believers” in Verse 4:95. So, the context is in Verse 4:75, it is about those who are weak; and they ask for a protector and a helper. Those who cannot strive are in a different rank)(Allah knows best)
8:4 Those - they are the believers (in) truth. For them (are) ranks with their Lord and forgiveness and a noble provision.
2:285 The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His Angels and His Books and His Messengers. "We make no distinction between any of His Messengers." And they say, "We hear and we obey. Grant us Your forgiveness, our Lord, and to You is the destination."
10:71 And recite to them the news of Noah, when he said to his people, "O my people, if my stay and my reminding the Signs of Allah is hard on you, then I put my trust in Allah. So you resolve all your plan and your partners. Then let there not be any doubt in your plan. Then carry (it out) upon me and do not give me respite. 10:72 But if you turn away, then I have not asked you for any reward. My reward is not but on Allah, and I have been commanded to be of the Muslims."
(All Messengers are Believers and Muslims)(Allah knows best)
27:30 Indeed, it (is) from Solomon, and indeed, it (is), "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, 27:31 That do not exalt yourselves against me, but come to me in submission (as Muslims)."
3:67 Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a true Muslim, and he was not of the polytheists.
(This Verse makes distinction between Christians/Jews, and Muslims/those who submitted, so Jews and Christians are required to follow the Qur’an in order to submit to God. According to Verse 2:120, Christians and Jews follow their desires, instead of obeying God)(Allah knows best)
2:120 And the Jews and the Christians will never be pleased with you until you follow their religion. Say, "Indeed, the Guidance of Allah is the Guidance." And if you follow their desires after what has come to you of the knowledge, you will have neither any protector from Allah nor any helper.
57:27 Then We sent Our Messengers on their footsteps and We followed with Jesus, son of Mary, and We gave him the Gospel. And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy. But the monasticism they innovated - We did not prescribe it for them - only seeking the pleasure of Allah, but they did not observe it with right observance. So We gave those who believed among them their reward, but most of them are defiantly disobediently.
(Those who followed Jesus made an innovation which was not prescribed by God, despite of it, some of them were Believers (e.g. the non-trinitarians). But, once the Qur’an was revealed, they are required to follow the Qur’an. Those who deny the Verses of the Qur’an are disbelievers (84:22, 2:91, 52:33-34, 46:10, 10:95-97, 23:38-39, 40:70))(Allah knows best)
5:72 They certainly disbelieve who say, "Indeed Allah - He is the Messiah, the son of Mary." While the Messiah said, "O Children of Israel, worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord." Indeed, he who associates partners with Allah, then surely Allah has forbidden Paradise for him, and his abode will be the Fire. And there will be no helpers for the wrongdoers.
(The trinitarians are disbelievers (5:72-73))(Allah knows best)
5:73 They have certainly disbelieved, those who say, "Indeed, Allah is the third of three." And there is no god except the One God. And if they do not desist from what they are saying, a painful punishment will surely afflict those who disbelieved among them.
68:35 Then will We treat the Muslims like the criminals? 68:36 What is with you? How do you judge?
(Muslims are never criminals, because they obey God, and what God orders is good)(There are no degrees among Muslims, so Muslims are not divided into moderates or radicals/extremists, but there are only two kinds: the people who submit / Muslims, and the people who does not submit / non-Muslims. Nevertheless, Muslims (aka those who submit) must also believe, because it is not only about deeds, but also faith)(Allah knows best)
7:126 And you do not take revenge on us except because we believed in the Signs of our Lord when they came to us. Our Lord, pour upon us patience and cause us to die as Muslims." 7:127 And the chiefs of the people of Pharaoh said, "Will you leave Moses and his people so that they cause corruption in the earth and forsake you and your gods?" He said, "We will kill their sons and we will let live their women, and indeed, we are subjugators over them."
9:19 Do you make the providing of water for the pilgrims and the maintenance of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam equal to (one) who believes in Allah and the Last Day, and strives in the way of Allah? They are not equal near Allah. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.
(Those who make the providing of water, etc., equal to one who believes and strives, might or might not be called “wrongdoing people” (9:19), because the sentence begins with “and / wa” (“And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people”). The word “wa/and” indicates a new sentence, which might or might not be related to the previous one)(Allah knows best)
3:52 Then when Jesus perceived disbelief from them, he said, "Who (will be) my helpers (of) Allah." The disciples said "We (will be the) helpers (of) Allah, we believe in Allah and bear witness that we are Muslims.
("Muslim" is an Arabic word meaning "one who submits (to God)" and “Islam” is an Arabic word meaning “submission (to God)”. That’s the religion preached by Jesus and all Messengers. According to Luke 22:42, Jesus said “yet not my will, but yours be done”)(Allah knows best)
2:133 Or were you witnesses when death came to Jacob, when he said to his sons, "What will you worship after me?" They said, "We will worship your God and the God of your fathers, Abraham and Ishmael and Isaac – One God. And we are Muslims/submissive to Him."
2:62 Indeed, those who believed, and those who became Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians - who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteous deeds, so for them is their reward with their Lord; and they will have no fear, nor will they grieve.
(Those Jews and Christians who believed would have their reward. One interpretation is that the Verse refers to those Jews and Christians who believed and who did not know about the Qur’an, because according to Verses 90:19 and 29:47, those who do not believe in the Qur’an are disbelievers)(Allah knows best)
29:47 And thus We have revealed to you the Book. So those to whom We gave the Book believe in it. And among these are some who believe in it. And none reject Our Verses except the disbelievers.
90:19 But those who disbelieve in Our Verses, they are the companions of the left. 90:20 Over them (will be the) Fire closed in.
3:110 You are the best of people raised for mankind - enjoining the right and forbidding the wrong and believing in Allah. And if the People of the Book had believed, surely it would have been good for them. Among them are believers, but most of them are defiantly disobedient.
3:64 Say, "O People of the Book, come to a word that is equitable between us and you - that we worship none except Allah, nor we associate any partners with Him and that we will not take others as lords besides Allah." Then if they turn away, then say, "Bear witness that we are Muslims."
(According to the Verse, if people of the Book (Christians and Jews) worship other than God, and they associate partners with God, and they take others as lords besides God, then it would imply that they are not Muslims / Submitted, because “talking others as lords” implies that they obey other than God)(Christians and Jews differ from the true religion, so they are taking as lords: their teachers, scholars, Rabbis, Paul, etc.; so they are not obeying/submitting (to God))(According to Verse 6:121, obeying the devils is polytheism (“if you obey them, indeed, you (would) be te polytheists”). And according to Verses 30:31-32, if you differ from the religion, it implies polytheism (aka obeying people / Satan instead of obeying God))(See the links below, “How the Qur’an corrects Christianity?”, “How the Qur’an corrects Judaism?”, “Jesus vs. Paul” and “Is the Bible corrupted?”)(Allah knows best)
72:14 And that among us are Muslims and among us are unjust. And whoever submits, then those have sought the right path.
(The context of Verse 72:14 is the jinns; among the jinns there are Muslims and there are unjust (non-Muslims). The Verse does not mean or imply that there are unjust ones among Muslims, but the context is that there are unjust ones among the jinn, because Chapter 72, called “the Jinn”, speaks about their kind)(Allah knows best)
27:81 And you (can)not guide the blind (away) from their error. You cannot cause to hear except (those) who believe in Our Signs so (fa) they (are) Muslims.
(This Verse confirms that all believers are Muslims)(Allah knows best)
32:19 As for those who believe and do righteous deeds, then for them (are) Gardens (of) Refuge (as) hospitality for what they used (to) do. 32:20 But as for those who are defiantly disobedient, then their refuge is the Fire. Every time they wish to come out from it, they will be returned in it, and it will be said to them, "Taste the punishment of the Fire, which you used to deny."
(“Believer” and “defiantly disobedient” are opposing each other (32:19-20). So, a Muslim obeys, and a believer obeys as well)(Allah knows best)
See also: What is the difference between “the Jews” and “the Children of Israel” in the Qur’an?
See also: Is there any difference between a Messenger and a Prophet?
See also: Is it ok to be a Jew or Christian?
See also: Were the Prophets Jews or Christians?
See also: How the Qur’an corrects Christianity?
See also: How the Qur’an corrects Judaism?
See also: Jesus vs. Paul
See also: Is the Bible corrupted?
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